
Natural Childrens Products to Relieve Cold & Flu Symptoms


My poor little girl, she’s always the first in our house to get the runny eyes, cough, snotty nose, chapped cheeks and the whole cold shebang. For the last week we have been helping Andrea through this mess, knowing that it will quickly pass onto her brother and everyone else in the house. 

Since my children were babies, we have leaned on Little Remedies products to help with cold and flu symptoms. I’m one of those moms who doesn’t like to take medicine, my head will be pounding, body curled up in bed before I break down to take something. But I don’t do that to my children, they need to get better! Instead, I’m very careful about the medicine that I choose to give them.

Little Remedies Products to Relieve Cold & Flu Symptoms Naturally

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If you aren’t familiar with Little Remedies, it’s a line of products made to relieve fevers and cold and flu symptoms in children and infants (ages 0-11). Made by a father who was tired of searching for a product to give his kids that was effective and made with ingredients he could feel good about. Little Remedies is made with the fewest ingredients possible.

  • no artificial flavors
  • no artificial colors
  • no alcohol

Little Remedies Products to Relieve Cold & Flu Symptoms Naturally

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As a baby, my favorite Little Remedies product was Gripe Water. Every evening, Andrew would have what we called a 4pm meltdown. Gripe Water was instant relief and worked so much better than gas drops! Not that gas drops don’t work for some kids :)

We’ve grown up with Little Remedies and love how they have something for every stage of their childhood. 

We received some samples of Little Remedies for the upcoming cold and flu season, maybe it was jinx because they came right in time! We’ve been using the honey cough syrup for Andrea’s cough and the saline spray for her nose. Both of them have been the perfect combination to help relieve her symptoms.

Some other Little Remedies products that were not sent, but I feel should be in everyone’s winter stash:

  • Gripe Water – Gripe Water – Gripe Water :) AMAZING Stuff!
  • Infant Fever/Pain Reliever
  • Multi Symptom Cold + Fever

I always shop at the beginning of winter and fill up my cold and flu arsenal. You know these kids get sick at 1am in the morning, right? Every year, these Little Remedies products have been my go-to and never fail. 

What are some of your cold and flu season precautions?

For more Little Remedies product information and special offers, visit them on the web!

Little Remedies website: http://www.littleremedies.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LittleRemedies
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LittleRemedies


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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

25 thoughts on “Natural Childrens Products to Relieve Cold & Flu Symptoms

  • loving those more natural choices. I’ve been using Little Remedies for years

  • Little Remedies was the only thing I gave my son when he was younger. I don’t give my son medications unless absolutely necessary.

  • We love Little Remedies! It is great having these products on hand for the sickies. We also have cough drops, chicken soup and plenty of kleenex.

  • we wash our hands a lot. We also try to pump up the vit c if we feel something coming on.

  • We always keep hand sanitizer close by! Washing hands is so important during the season!

  • I love that this was created by a dad that wanted to make sure that he was giving his kids the best medicine with great ingredients. My kids are older now but I still remind them how important it is to wash hands frequently during cold season.

  • I love hearing recommendations for kid medicines that work! Thank you for the intro to Little Remedies.

  • I’m so glad to hear you found something that works for your little girl. Putting this on my must have list so I’m prepared for the upcoming cold season.

  • No kiddos in my house, but I work in a hospital. #1- get a flu shot! #2- wash my hands all the time. #3- stay healthy by eating healthy and hitting the gym. #4- PRAY- last year I got a nasty case of the flu despite having all of the above. It was horrible.

  • I fill up when they are on sale at the beginning of flu season too. Just in case. There is nothing worse than having to drag a sick kiddo out.

  • I love Little Remedies products. I like to know what is in the medicine I give to my kids!

  • Love this stuff. We keep it on hand all cold season long.

  • We use Little Remedies too. It seems to be the only brand that my girls will swallow without complaining about the flavor!

  • We used Little Remedies when my daughter was little. It was really great to not have to worry about chemicals and hidden ingredients.

  • Thanks for sharing these wonderful products! I’d much rather use all natural products that something filled with chemicals and man made substances.

  • These are great to have on hand for sure. I hate cold and flu season. With a passion. UGH I am sick, been sick all week. Now the kdis are starting to get it :(

  • I love Natural Remedies medications for the kids. Especially the Cold and Fever!

  • Kiddo has her own little storage container in the bathroom complete with all her children’s meds. We even have some Little Remedies.

  • So nice to know there are natural options! I’m hoping for an easy cold and flu season.

  • My daughter is sick with a cold and ear infection right now. I need to pick up some of this! I love that it has no artificial flavors or colors.

  • I fear the cold and flu season because often times comes throw up.. unexpected at that. We avoid the play areas like Mcdonalds and hope that helps.

  • They sound like really great products. I like that they have no artificial colors or flavors and they are alcohol free.

  • I like that it has no artificial colors or flavors and is alcohol free. Things like that really help a Mom or Dad decide on what product to give their children.

  • I have been using Little Remedies for years. I love how gentle they are!

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