
Why We Love Nexcare Bandages (And You Should, Too!)

This post is brought to you by Nexcare Bandages. All thoughts are my own.

When you think of parenting, what pops in mind first? Sleepless nights? Countless hours slaving away in the kitchen? Or playing the role of a nurse at the drop of a dime? I’m thinking the third. Seems like no matter what you do, owies are bound to be an inevitable part of parenting.  Summer is the worst time of year for this. The increase of sun and outdoor play making children crazy, hyper, clumsy little beings (even more so than usual). My little monkeys are always scraping a knee or an elbow and coming to me for a quick pit stop repair.

Why We Love Nexcare Bandages (And You Should, Too!)

It’s ironic that as the rate of  “ouchies” increases during the summer, so does the level of difficulty it takes to bandage those owies! With the kids swimming, sweating, and running through the sprinklers all summer, regular bandages are usually quickly shed somewhere in the yard (or pool…eww). That’s why I turn to Nexcare!

Why We Love Nexcare Bandages (And You Should, Too!)

Nexcare Bandages stay on because of the 360-degree seal that provides a protective barrier. This barrier keeps out not only water, but dirt and germs as well! This allows your children to jump right back into play after being bandaged, without you having to worry about dirt and other germs making their way to your child’s scrap or cut. It’s no wonder 3M products have been trusted by doctors and nurses alike for over 60 years!

Why We Love Nexcare Bandages (And You Should, Too!)

Seeing is believing! Check out this video of an over the top situation by Nexcare Nana to see how tough Nexcare bandages really are! Nana get’s down in dirty in some…interesting… scenarios to showcase the full power of Nexcare!


Tough-as-Nana Sweepstakes!

While you’re there, be sure to nominate someone special in your life that is daring and tough as Nexcare Nana in the Tough-as-Nana Sweepstake! They’ll be entered for a chance to win one of three trips including swimming with sharks, skydiving, or a race car driving experience!

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

20 thoughts on “Why We Love Nexcare Bandages (And You Should, Too!)

  • Nexcare are perfect for the summertime pool season. With three kids, somebody is wearing a bandage, and with daily swim practice I have to use something that can stand up to getting wet.

  • I prefer these, but my son wants characters on his bandages. I love how well these seal.

  • Those look like they work great. I will have to grab some the next time I’m out. I’m sure they will be needed sooner than later.

  • This is so funny because I just had a conversation with hubby because he went to the store and brought home some other brand and I made him go back. I love Nexcare!

  • I love nexcare band aids! they seem to last the longest on my kids owies.

  • These are great bandages! I’m beginning to think my one little needs a bubble this summer!

  • Summer fun can sometimes lead to bumps and scratches. Nexcare is great because they are waterproof too for those times at the pool.

  • OH my gosh! I have been buying Nexcare Tattoo bandages forever and suddenly couldn’t find them anymore. I’m so glad they are now making these because they’re the ONLY bandages that actually stay on! And they stay on through ANYTHING!

  • You are so right about the injuries in the summer. Nexcare products are always a got to for me as well.

  • I love these bandages too and find a difference if i do not use them.

  • I always get concerned when I put a band-aid on one of my kids and the sides are open to the dirt and germs that are all around. This is a logical solution.

  • These are the best, especially for all the time we spend in water during the summer!

  • Love that they keep everything out and don’t fall off in all that summer play! I am heading out to stock up for the summer, for sure!

  • AW, I am sorry that your son got a scrape! But he looks super happy with his bandage on!

  • We love these band-aids they are the best and stay on.

  • Our boo boo basket is full of Nexcare bandages. They work best when it comes to being flexible and not too painful to remove.

  • Nexcare bandages are great! They are one of the few “waterproof” bandages that are actually waterproof.

  • We used to operate on a “No Blood, No Bandage” philosophy as kids loved wearing them as a badge of courage. Yet when you need a good bandage, Nexcare sure seems to fill the bill.

  • We are at the beach all summer long and these sound like they are just what we need!!

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