
Making Diaper Changes Successful with a Little Mover

“I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Huggies. I received product samples to facilitate my review and to thank me for my participation. All opinions are my own.”

My little man is like most boys and can’t be bothered to be still for diaper changes. At 21 months, he is all over the place, cries when I lay him down for a diaper change and usually ends up kicking me in the process.

I’m usually a cloth diapering momma, but lately with my big pregnant belly and two kids in diapers I’m losing my energy to keep up with it. We’ve been using disposable diapers for a few months now and have had some challenges in the process. I have been experiencing more leaks, blow outs (eww!) and struggling to find a diaper with a good fit. Now that he is FINALLY sleeping through the night, my little man frequently wakes up soaked. I traded in the chores of cleaning and stuffing cloth diapers, to find new chores of changing linens and more baths. 

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Huggies sent us some of their Little Movers Slip-On Diapers to try. They feature stretchy sides for a great fit, quick-absorbing layers and a long-lasting core to lock in wetness and make baby feel dry, stopping guards around the legs and waist to minimize leaks, and side tabs for easy removal and disposal.

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My little man loved that he could stand up to put on his diaper instead of laying down. We have had no tears and my belly has avoided kicks (from the outside at least). The fit looks great! It’s high enough on the bum to keep the poo in and not up the back, and doesn’t do that annoying thing where the tabs don’t hold the sides in and the front slides down. The overall fit is basically perfect and surprisingly trim. I really like the stretchy sides and he seems very comfortable in them.

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I was worried that maybe the side tabs would come open during his play, but even without wearing pants he climbed, rolled and all his usual antics and the diaper stayed secure. The side tabs are great too because you can open the sides to take it off instead of sliding it down the legs and there are little tabs just like a regular diaper so you can secure it closed and the mess is contained for the garbage can.

It passed the naptime test with flying colors but I wasn’t sure about bedtime. I put him to bed with a fresh diaper as always and woke up to a dry happy baby. High five to Huggies for saving me a load of linens today. We also haven’t experienced any blow outs to date.

I can see the Huggies Little Mover Slip-on Diapers being a real convenience while out and about. I prefer not to use most baby changing stations while out in public so I usually change him in the car. He’s too big to fit on the seat now so it’s generally an awkward experience for us both. Having him just stand and slip his legs in will be so much easier.

If you have a wiggly mover that can’t be bothered with diaper changes I highly recommend this diaper to you. If you are also having a hard time getting a good fit because of chunky legs or skinny legs this would probably be a great one for you too.  

Please visit http://huggies.com/firstfit and you’ll find a $1 off coupon. If you share the link with three friends they’ll give you a $1.50 off coupon.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

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