
When to Start Making Long Term Care Decisions

Making plans for long term care isn’t an easy topic to talk about. I just turned over another birthday, and with age, things like life insurance, long term care, and wills are becoming a topical conversation in my home. We don’t want to put financial burden on our children as we get older and we don’t want them to stress over preventable situations, so making plans now just seems like the right thing to do.

Isn’t it our responsibility as parents to make sure our future is taken care of?

Neither of my parents are in nursing homes, though they are moving into their retirement years.  While they are a long ways away from a nursing home, I know they are preparing for their long term care.

My husband and I have life insurance, but haven’t considered when we would need long term insurance. To be honest, it hasn’t crossed our minds at all.

I came across this article from wife.org about long term care insurance and it gave some great recommendations on who should get long term insurance and when.

What I didn’t realize at the time, is that medicare does not cover long term care for most medical situations. And the guidelines for medicaid are for the elderly and very poor.

Women, especially, bear the brunt of these care costs. Because women live longer than men, they require lengthier care as they age, and because women often assume responsibility for their family’s health and welfare, the task of caring for elderly parents, an ill spouse, or disabled brothers and sisters usually falls to us. With long-term care insurance, you can get the assistance you need and your loved ones deserve.

Genworth Financial offers the tools and resources needed to make long term health care decisions. While my philosophy is “Better to be safe than sorry”, it’s great that there is assistance available to help with long term care planning.

Have you started to make long term financial plans for you and your family?


This post is supported by Genworth Financial. All opinions are my own.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

7 thoughts on “When to Start Making Long Term Care Decisions

  • I hopefully don’t have to worry about that for many years to come! However it is something to plan and Im glad I read this

  • No I had never really thought about it besides the benefits and life insurance my hubby has through his job but I guess its time to start checking into it

  • I’ve thought about life insurance for myself to protect my children, but have not thought of long term care at all.

    Very good information to have.

  • Planning for this type of situation is so difficult and expensive. It’s not something anyone wants to do but sometimes it is necessary. We recently had to do this for great grandma and it was tough!

  • Thats something I’ve never thought of! Kinda scary!

  • Although I am only 34, when I was diagnosed with cancer had to think about my future as well as my sons future and although I don’t have any life insurance I started some as well as got a will, and made arrangements in the event of my death.
    It’s so scary to think about but even more scary to learn the things that could happen if you don’t have your ducks in a row.
    Thanks for the informational post!

  • Wow, I had no clue that Medicaid didn’t cover some things… thanks for the post

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