
A Magical Mommy & Daughter Day with my “MinnieMe”

This post brought to you by Disney Junior. The content and opinions expressed below are that of Mommity.

Our house is split 50/50 between the guys and girls. We love enjoying our family time together, of course, but sometimes it’s nice to have a little one on one time with my daughter while my son and husband enjoy their guy time. We love doing things together, but our kids don’t share the same interest, and neither do my husband and I. My daughter isn’t into baseball or the scientific experiments that my husband and son both enjoy so much. On the other end of the spectrum, my son can’t stand playing dress up or creating a fun world with the dolls like my daughter loves to do. Luckily for her, I don’t mind those types of things one bit!

That’s why every once in awhile we have our own mommy/daughter day where it’s just us having a ball caught up in our own little world. Like anything else, mommy daughter time is funniest when we invite a few of our favorite friends! Our most recent guest to mommy/daughter day is one of my daughter’s favorites… Minnie Mouse! DSC_1263 To kick it off, we headed to Walmart to purchase a few Disney Jr. Minnie Mouse items to make this day fun! The first thing we did was purchase something to spruce up her bedroom and help her to feel like the princess she is! She picked out the Disney Minnie Mouse Dot are the New Black Twin/Full Bedding.

This turned out to be a win win for the both of us. She immediately fell in love with the beautiful design and bright vibrant colors. I was mostly excited that the affordable price allowed us to pick up even more fun Disney things! DSC_1269 What I love most about Disney is the magic behind the brand. It’s crazy that even after all these years, they are still able to bring that magic into the life of a little girl, just like they did when I was a little girl. When I see my daughter’s eyes light up with excitement over her favorite Disney characters, I see myself as a little girl! She’s truly my “MinnieMe”. These moments give us an awesome connection that I pray will carry over well into her teenage and adult years. For now, however, It’s such a nice and well needed break from adulting to get to see the Disney magic through the eyes of a toddler!

Since summer is right around the corner, we made sure to grab a Disney Minnie Mouse Bows and Dots Beach Towel that she’s eager to show off around the pool this summer. DSC_1275 Last but not least, no mommy/daughter day is complete without a little dress up.  We grabbed a Minnie Mouse Toddler Girl 2-Fer DressMinnie Mouse dress that is just perfect for this! I love that we were able to include the shopping into our mommy/daughter date, and make it a completely magical day from beginning to end! DSC_1272 After hours and hours of playing dress up and other pretend games, she used her Minnie Mouse towel to dry off after bath time, and threw on fresh jammies to climb into bed on her new comforter and sheets. The moment when she told me that it had been the “best day ever” … well, that was the magical moment for me! DSC_1276-1 What’s your idea of a fun mommy/daughter day? Drop a comment below!

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

11 thoughts on “A Magical Mommy & Daughter Day with my “MinnieMe”

  • Mini Mouse stuff is so cute. Your daughter looks like she had a great time.

  • Aww, too cute! I love Minnie so I can see why your daughter would love Minnie so much. What little kid doesn’t? Minnie is the best!

  • It is always nice when we can give our children items that showcase their favorite characters.

  • Your daughter is adorable and she looks so much like you! My daughters and I love going to the park to play, or just being outside playing. Some great mommy daughter days for us would be going to the zoo. They love the zoo!

  • Gotta love Minnie Mouse! I don’t she gets enough credit – Mickey hogs it all!

  • These are great finds. I love the bead spread. My Daughter would love it.

  • She is so adorable! My six year old loves Minnie Mouse too and would love a comforter and dress like these.

  • This is simply adorable! What a fun Mommy and me time and I honestly love Minnie too!

  • I’ve been wanting to have a mommy/daughter day forever! What an adorable minnie mouse comforter and outfit!

  • I am definitely outnumbered in our house 3 to 1. There are no girl days here. I tend to go to friends houses and let my boys play with theirs while I take off with their daughters for some girl time! It gives my friends a small break and gives me a chance to spoil their daughters a bit. Most of them are into the princesses, I will have to see if I can get them into Minnie Mouse, she was always a favorite of mine growing up – her and Daisy.

  • My girls will usually want to go to the mall or the zoo, but they will have to get some sort of ice cream. I am also a big fan of Minnie Mouse!

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