
Make It Happen with Motrin and Meet Jennie Garth – Twitter Party Today!




Mother’s Day has come and gone, but the task of being a superwoman still continues all year round. With the summer quickly approaching, many of us will find ourselves at home with children (or more children), increasing the ever-constant demand.

The demand to keep order.

The demand to promote health.

The demand to referee altercations and mediate disagreements.

The demand…. To make it happen!

For us unstoppable women, the weekdays are jam packed with even more responsibility than ever. This causes us to use the weekends as two short days to pack in the entire rest of our lives! This includes projects around the home, fashion ventures, and (as with every other day) making sure the whole family’s happy!

Make It Happen with Motrin and Meet Jennie Garth - Twitter Party Today!

Meet Jennie Garth!

The Makers of Motrin have decided to go out of their way to celebrate Monday’s as a day of triumph, and you’re invited! Simply visit the Motrin Facebook page on Mondays and share how you “Make It Happen” on the weekends, when it comes to home, fitness, fashion, and family!

You’ll also have the chance to win a one-on-one session with actress Jennie Garth!

Contest Rules : goo.gl/U1fj0E

Be sure to share your “Make It Happen” moment on Instagram as well, with the hash tag #MakeItHappen.

Tips to Stay Pain Free

Don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process though! The Motrin Make It happen weekend is designed to give women the tools and tips they’ll need to power through their weekends and help them stay pain-free in the process!

Check out these tips form Celebrity Trainer Ashley Borden, to help you do just that!

  • The “I’m cleaning under the couch on my hands and knees” back stretch: You know that great stretch when you arch and round your spine to really stretch those back muscles? Multi-task and peek under the couch for that missing remote while you’re at it. Alternate arching and rounding your spine, 5x each way.
  • The “I’ve been avoiding it but it’s finally time to tackle the yardwork” shoulder stretch: While standing tall, interlace your hands behind your back. Try to reach down toward the floor and straighten your arms as much as you can. Raise your chest high and keep your eyes on the horizon. You will feel a big shoulder harness stretch around the both shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds. Ready! Set! Dust!
  • The “I will paint this room by myself in one afternoon” triceps stretch: Start by putting your arms up over your head and bend your right arm so that your forearm hangs down. With your left hand grab your right elbow and pull it toward your head. Lean to the left and really open up that rib cage. Hold stretch. Switch sides and repeat with opposite arm. Do three rounds on each side. Then grab that paint roller and get moving!
  • The “I can look for dust bunnies while I do strengthen my core” plank: Lying on the floor, get into plank position supporting your body with your forearms and your tip toes, keeping your back and legs fully extended and straight. Hold this position for 30 seconds while you survey the floor for dust bunnies. Do five sets.
  • The “I can pick up the toys while toning my legs and tush” squat: Survey that playroom floor and see what needs tidying. Stand with knees shoulder width apart and drop into a squat. Be mindful of your position and ensure your knees don’t extend over your toes. At the bottom of the squat, pick something up and put it where it belongs. Repeat until the playroom is clean. 

I love these tips! What tips do you have to #MakeItHappen over the weekend? Share in the comments below!

Remember to talk to your doctor before starting or changing any exercise routine and always use product as directed.

Make It Happen with Motrin and Meet Jennie Garth - Twitter Party Today!

Twitter Party Today!!

Don’t forget to join us on Twitter on May 13th  from 2-3pm EST with celebrity Jennie Garth and May 29th from 2-3pm EST with celebrity trainer Ashley Borden.

Can’t Make Today?

Join us for a second Twitter Party on May 29 with celebrity trainer, Ashley Borden from 2 – 3PM EST.

Just visit here to RSVP for either Twitter Party

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

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