
Helping Baby Sleep Better with the Munchkin Lulla-Vibe Vibrating Mattress Pad

“Mama! She’s crying!”
“I know, buddy, I’m right here.”

There is one of me and two of them. As the wife of a law enforcement officer, I sometimes get to do the bedtime routine by myself. Tonight was one of those nights. I was doing some version of the Insanity work out going from M’s crib to B’s bed.  I couldn’t read Mr. Brown Can Moo to “B” and console my daughter at the same time. It was late and we were all tired.

Thankfully, Munchkin sent us the new Lulla-Vibe™ vibrating mattress pad and I couldn’t wait to try it out.

Lulla-Vibe™ vibrating mattress pad

I look into M’s bed to find where her pacifier had fallen out of her mouth and saw the Lulla-Vibe™ vibrating mattress pad by Munchkin on the shelf nearby.

Thinking of how well “M” sleeps in the car I decided to give it a try.

The Lulla-Vibe™ vibrating mattress pad Features:

  • Vibrations help baby to fall asleep – perfect for bedtime, naptime, or to calm a fussy baby
  • Power button only turns on when held for 3 seconds to prevent unintentional activation
  • Two vibration speeds and a gradual shut off helps baby stay asleep
  • Two vibration speeds let Mom customize for baby
  • Soft neoprene cover is durable and easy to clean

Lulla-Vibe™ vibrating mattress pad

Oh, I was so thankful it included the 4 AA batteries needed to get it going. I only had to quick search for where my dear husband had left the Phillips screwdriver and 2 minutes later I had the batteries popped in and turned it on. This ping-pong paddle-shaped device was just enough like the vibrations from the car to give me some time with Mr Brown and B. I slipped it between her mattress and the bottom of the bed, popped the pacifier in and watched her eyes become drowsy and peaceful.

I dashed back to B’s bedside for a little “Dibble dibble dop dop” some “Hippopotamus chewing gum” and a kiss good night.

Score 1 for Team Mom. Thanks, Munchkin!


*Munchkin sent the Lulla-Vibe™ vibrating mattress pad for our review. All thoughts are my own.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

36 thoughts on “Helping Baby Sleep Better with the Munchkin Lulla-Vibe Vibrating Mattress Pad

  • Very useful and genuine review. Will it work for 6 month old?

  • When I first saw this I didn’t think it was such a good idea but now that my baby was born I would of loved it as a baby shower gift and regret not putting it on my registry!

  • How cool! I didn’t know they made these!

  • Cool tool! I’m sure babies would sleep better at night with this!

  • This is a good idea for new moms that have trouble getting their little ones to sleep at night. I dont remember anything like this when my kids where infants. Sounds soothing for them which should put them to sleep

  • What a great idea. I wish I had one of these when my son was a baby.

  • wow I never heard of this – awesome idea

  • What a great idea! I wish they had all this new stuff years ago but at least my grandkids can enjoy it.

  • What a smart idea! Where was this when one of my kids used a crib?

  • Now this is a gadget that would get the attention of a huge number of parents who have suffered thru trying to get the baby asleep. I can remember pushing the one in a stroller, around the house till he drifted off to sleep

  • I need one of these if I have another baby!

  • I think this is a wonderful idea!

  • My little one would love the vibration and that would give me a break on the rocking.

  • This would be perfect for my daughter who is 6 months pregnant and due in August.

  • sounds great for many….my children didn’t like the vibrating sensation

  • This would be so great for us right now! I’m definitely going to be looking in to getting one! Thanks so much for the post!

  • That is great, wish I had something like this when my daughter was younger. Would have come in handy!

  • My son would have loved this as a baby!

  • I would have given anything many nights to have had something like this…both with my kids and grandchildren.

  • wow, there is something new, very interesting. I will pass this info on to my daughter who is pregnant!

  • I wish they would have had this 25 years ago when I had my little ones! Sounds like it may work.

  • Interesting… my oldest would have loved that product. I used to stand by his crib and gently shake it. LOL… that sure wore out the crib faster than it should have

  • Wish I had this when mine were that little.

  • I’ve never heard of something like this- looks great for babies who like a little vibration to fall asleep. I know my daughter used to fall asleep really easily in the car when she was very little… I’m guessing this would have worked just as well.

  • Very interesting. Wonder if babies would like it.

  • I like products that use batteries, come with batteries.

  • Very interesting idea. We jump through some crazy hoops to get our newborns to sleep, don’t we? I used to have to warm up my daughter’s bed with a heating pad before I put her in the bed for the night. (Don’t worry; I removed the pad before I put her in the crib!)

  • Do they make an adult version? LOL! What an interesting idea.

  • This is awesome! Babies with a bit of colic so enjoy the car or setting their carriers on the dryer for the vibration. What a neater option.

  • This would be helpful for my sister-in-law. She is due soon and I am sure she would appreciate any sleep-time help!

  • AHHH!! I’ve been wanting one of these so badly! I thinks its a FANTASTIC idea and the affordable price is a blessing :)

  • How awesome is that and it includes batteries?! This is definitely something I could have used a while ago with my little ones being 23 months apart.

  • This would have been great for my now almost-4-year-old who was super colicy.

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