
New Baby Etiquette to Prevent Spread of RSV

Andrea Sept 2 2010 (31)

My precious baby girl was born 3 1/2 weeks early, still feels like yesterday when I received the news that it was time for a C Section. My husband and I rushed home to finish preparing what we could before delivery.

Nothing was set up, the bassinet, the swing, we were totally unprepared to bring home a new baby.

Little did I know that preparing for a new baby goes beyond just setting up their new room.

RSV Infographic

Preparing for a new baby that is premature or was born with complications brings a new level of preparedness.

RSV. Respiratory Syncytial Virus

RSV is one of the biggest threats to infants and being extremely common, almost 100% of children will contract RSV by their second birthday.

Premature babies are the most susceptible to RSV and because of their under developed lungs, symptoms can be more severe than a child who is older.

Serious RSV infections are the leading cause of infant hospitalization, responsible for more than 125,000 hospitalizations and up to 500 infant deaths each year.

Symptoms of RSV include persistent coughing, wheezing, rapid, difficult, or gasping breaths; blue color on the lips, mouth, or under the fingernails; high fever; extreme fatigue; and difficulty feeding.

Because RSV can result in a serious infection, parents of new babies need to be cautious about exposing infants to visitors. If the new parents aren’t ready for visitors, remember that their concerns are valid and don’t be offended.

Toddler Meeting Baby

Here are some great tips to keep in mind when a loved one has a new baby:

  • Call before you visit. New parents need time to set up a routine and bond. By giving them the time to do so before you visit, you are respecting the new family
  • Posting a visit if you feel that you may be getting sick, have recently been ill or exposed to illness.
  • Remember that parents know best. If you feel they are being overprotective, just consider that only they know what’s best for the health of their new baby
  • Offer to do something to ease their responsibilities as they spend time as a new family, such as cooking, laundry or even dishes.

If you will be scheduling a visit with a new baby:

  • Wash your hands frequently. Both when entering the home and prior to holding the new baby.
  • Leave toddlers at home, especially during the winter months. Young children, especially if they attend day care or preschool, often carry germs and viruses, like RSV, that are easily spread.

For more information about RSV please visit : www.rsvprotection.com

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of MedImmune and received promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

19 thoughts on “New Baby Etiquette to Prevent Spread of RSV

  • Great tips and ideas! I will share this with others that don’t have kids yet, and don’t quite know the proper way to do things

  • I’m sorry, I wrote that he was 3 months old. He was 3 1/2 weeks old!!

  • My little boy (after having several visitors) contracted RSV when he was 3 months old. We were devastated when the Dr. told us we would have to be transported to Children’s hospital by ambulance as we had never heard of RSV before this. We were in the hospital with him for 5 days and I personally have never been so scared in my life. He is now 15 months old and is doing great. If and when we have another child we will not be having any visitors especially in the winter months. Sounds cruel but we almost lost our baby boy. We are so thankful to God and family/friends who prayed for him and his recovery from this terrible virus.

  • I think it is fantastic that a few bloggers are taking on the topic of RSV. PR people know Bloggers are getting out the word so now it is time for the Govt sector to step up. My son was hospitalized at 6 months with RSV. I had never heard of it and still when I bring it up some moms look at me like huh? It is very important and I congratulate whomever selected bloggers to pass this info on.
    Gladys P

  • My daughter had rsv @ 3 mos old, caught it from a family members child who was sick and we didn;t know at the time. Didn’t know that rsv and bronchitis are the same things now.

  • Great tips! I wish I would have done more of these tips before my little one got RSV last year :(

  • Our grandson was born 3 months early late last fall and is so fragile still. The NICU prepared us all for not just visits there, but how to prepare for visits at home. Washing hands it the SINGLE biggest protection you can give a newborn or ANYONE really. What amazes me really is the amount of people you dont even KNOW and will reach out to touch your baby or allow their toddlers to do so. Arrrggh. so scary when you have a little one so immunocompromised. When I was a new mom many years ago I was quite neurotic about hand washing and touching the baby, and after 5 more kids got pretty relaxed. Being a mom before doesnt give you an edge at all, because each baby and situation is different and more “bugs” keep coming into our lives. I had to learn about RSV and other “bugs” that could really be fatal even. Thanks for such a great piece on ettiquette. It seems so common sense but many people do not know about RSV or other viruses…they simply are excited to hold the babies. This would be great to laminate and hang right at your entrance for people to read.

  • Congratulations on your upcoming arrival! Some people won\’t understand but thankfully many do understand. Good for you to take those precautions to keep your newborn safe and healthy :)

  • Not sure how I missed this post. Great tips!! With a new baby on the way it does worry me so it’s great to have practical ways to prevent it.

  • I was extremely over-protective of my daughter, still am truth be told, as she was born 9 weeks early, 24 years ago. I don’t think any parents can be too protective when babies are little, especially the ones born early. I am now expecting my second child, after 24 years and I know that I will be just as protective and don’t really care who likes it.

  • We had a premature baby and we were very overprotective about taking him in public and letting people hold him. I know they warned us about RSV in the hospital and I was so glad we listened. Premature babies are so fragile anyway, it is nice to see the word is getting out there for all babies!

  • I know all my kids had colds before they turned two. I didn’t know it was RSV. Wow! Lucky they all had mild forms of it.

  • these are great tips, I have a 3 month old so thanks for the info!

  • Ok not “from” but “because” of seriously clueless people.

  • It’s awful how many new babies can get RSV from seriously clueless people… Glad this new etiquette is going around. I need to share it on my FB page / twitter etc.

  • My niece was born premature and she had RSV. This is great information. Thank you for sharing!

  • so important-thx for sharing! i also love that you included info for well-meaning loved ones who want to visit; they often need reminders but new parents may feel awkward about setting limits.

    annae07 at aol dot com

  • This is such important information to share. More people need to be aware to protect our precious little ones!

  • I knew I was over protective at the hospital with my little ones for a good reason! Great tips

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