Nut Free and Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Muffins

My kids adore a good nut free chocolate chip muffins recipe. Who am I kidding? My whole family does! 

I like my recipes to be easy, throw everything in a bowl and into the oven kind of recipe. This recipe for gluten free and nut free chocolate chip muffins is not only easy, it’s made with common ingredients that are found in almost every kitchen. My son and I wanted some of these chocolate chip muffins for breakfast, it was great to open the pantry and have everything we needed.

My family has a weakness for chocolate, like the nut free chocolate chip granola bars we posted about, anything with chocolate is easily accepted in our house. 

I’ve been teaching Andrew a lot about cooking, how cooking things from ingredients and not from a package can greatly reduce the risk of a nut allergic reaction. He gets involved now, loves to mix the bowl up, learning to crack the eggs and of course he is an awesome taste tester! Today was no different, this was a taste of his chocolate chip cravings :)

Nut Free and Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Muffins

For this recipe, we used Hershey’s Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips. The ones we used were nut free, but please be sure to read your labels to ensure that they do not contain nuts! Every packaging is different and every product is different. There are several nut free options of chocolate chips available at your average grocery store.

These are best served the same day and warm from the oven, they should keep okay in an air tight container and warmed in the microwave next day.

This is one of our favorite recipes that was adapted from Enjoy! :)


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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

11 thoughts on “Nut Free and Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Muffins

  • Pingback: What I would Do If There Wasn’t a Peanut Allergy

  • Hi Michelle! It’s a small world :) I’m so glad you found me, and that you are doing well. Thanks for following!

  • Hi Amanda! I was looking around for a gluten free chocolate muffin recipe and came across your face and your blog. I was excited to see it was really you! I have not seen you since cosmology school. I am glad to see you and your family are doing well and will continue to follow your blog :-)

  • We are about to go gluten free for my daughter – thanks for the recipe

  • Thanks for this alternative. They look great too.

  • These look so yummy! I am bookmarking this to try out with my kids this weekend :)

  • I cook a lot from scratch as well, because I love it and because my son needs a gluten free diet. I love how many bloggers and foodies are doing gluten free recipes and posts because I get to try out so many of them at home! There are so many things I will not eat any more in the processed form.

  • Sounds like a great recipe! They look so tasty. I was going to make banana muffins but my husband ate the bananas I was going to use. Maybe I will make these instead. :)

  • Those look delish and thanks for the reminder about reading the labels. It surprises me the ingredients I see sometimes.

  • It is so important to make nut free foods now-a-days. With so many allergies, you have to be careful. I’ve learned the hard way. About 5 years ago I developed somewhat of an allergy to peanuts. Not the deathly type of allergy but if I have any form of peanut I get a terrible migraine. So now I now what it is like to be scared of hidden nuts in food.

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