
Official Movie Trailer Release from Delivery Man – Starring Vince Vaughn


What does it mean to be family?

Families come in all shapes and sizes, single parents, adopted children, same sex marriages and the list goes on. No matter how big or how small a family is, it’s still a family. I came from a single parent family, one sister, eventually found out to have a half brother and now I’m making memories with my own family.

Delivery Man, is a heartwarming comedy that connects with every family, no matter how functional or conventional it is.

In the film, Vince Vaughn plays an affable underachiever looking for his purpose in life, when he finds out he’s fathered 533 children through anonymous donations to a fertility clinic 20 years ago. Now he must decide whether or not to come forward when 142 of them want to meet their biological father.


Today is the debut of the Delivery Man official trailer and it’s coming to you directly from my blog, and the blogs of 532 other bloggers. Because even as bloggers, our community is a family. We all work together to offer each other support, through life events, blog events and even through a deep personal level. I’ve met many bloggers who have become apart of my family, this is a big reason why blogging has become a big part of my life.

Delivery Man is such a heartwarming comedy, I hope that you enjoy this trailer debut!

Be sure to check out the movie on November 22nd.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

12 thoughts on “Official Movie Trailer Release from Delivery Man – Starring Vince Vaughn

  • Some fairly young children are aware that their birth was possible only thru IVF or donor sperm/egg. Read your review and it just struck me how many friends and fellow workers I know have had to deal with fertility issues. I can’t get away from the idea that this plot is a cheap joke at the expense of children who are struggling with identity issues. Lots of things are funny as long as they don’t touch our particular lives.

  • looks hilarious

  • Looks like it will be a great movie to see!

  • Vince Vaugh in soooo funny. Love all his movies. Definitely a must see!

  • Wow! Can’t imagine finding out you are the father of 533 children. I would like to see this movie. Thanks for sharing.

  • This movie looks hilarious! Can’t wait to go on a date night with the husband. I love Vince Vaughn… My aunt actually got to shake his hand once, SO jealous!

  • This looks like a cute comedy that both myself and my husband would enjoy.

  • I have never heard of this movie but After watchign the preview on it I really want to see it, I had the biggest smile on my face just watching it

  • I’m not a huge Vince Vaughn fan, but this movie looks really cute. Maybe by November, my husband I will be ready for a date night (just had a new baby) and can go see this movie.

  • i can’t WAIT to see this movie!!

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