
Our Baby’s Bathtub is Toxic | Johnson’s Baby Shampoo

Johnson & Johnson's Baby Shampoo

When you bring a baby into this world you buy so many things and take so many precautions to give them the best start at life.

But what if you found out that one of the most innocent products that you have purchased could potentially be putting your baby at risk for cancer?

I’m a mother of two and both of my babies have used Johnson’s Baby Shampoo and Baby Lotion, these products have made a presence in our home for the last 4 years.

As a hair stylist I know these products are horrible for your hair, but how can you resist the sweet baby smell that your little one has after a bath with Johnson’s shampoo and lotion?

I gave my little girl a bath this evening and used Johnson’s Lavender Shampoo and lathered her down in Johnson’s Baby Lotion.. this is my favorite time of day. The smells are so comforting and breathe taking that you just smell your baby’s hair and smile.

After bath, I put her to bed and got online for a bit to check out some comments on my blog. One struck me hard and got me to thinking, enough thinking that I wanted to mention it to you all.

An article was shared with me from the CBSNews website about two chemicals that are present in the Johnson & Johnson’s baby shampoo that could be considered harmful to your baby.

The coalition of health and environmental group is urging consumers to boycott Johnson & Johnson’s baby products until the company removes two cancer causing chemicals, dioxane & quaternium-15, from their Baby Shampoo.

The chemical quaternium-15 is a preservative that kills bacteria by releasing formaldehyde, which is used as a disinfectant and embalming fluid, and was declared a known human carcinogen this past June by the U.S. National Toxicology Program.

The second chemical, dioxane, is considered a likely carcinogen. Dioxane is a byproduct of a process for making chemicals more gentler on the skin.

These two chemicals are found in Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Shampoo, Oatmeal Baby Wash, Moisture Care Baby Wash and Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Creamy Wash.

Sure enough, I went to check out the bottle of what I just used on my baby Andrea and did not see the Dioxane ingredient. Further down on the list I did find quaternium-15.

Since the report, Johnson and Johnson has released a new baby shampoo called Johnson’s Naturals which does not contain either of these ingredients. However, the original Baby Shampoo has not been reformulated to remove these ingredients.

If Johnson and Johnson’s can obviously make a formula of Baby Shampoo that does not contain either ingredient then why can’t they reformulate the original shampoo to help keep our babies safe?

So many friends and family of mine have been effected by cancer, this disturbs me that both of my babies have been put at risk by a company that we have all looked up to for advice on raising our children.

These ingredients are banned from so many countries, and many countries sell Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Shampoo without these ingredients.. Just because they are allowed here in the U.S. doesn’t mean they should be used.

– So saddened


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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

26 thoughts on “Our Baby’s Bathtub is Toxic | Johnson’s Baby Shampoo

  • Wow I didn’t know this. How scary! Thank you for the information so that I can make sure to buy safer products to wash my baby in.

  • When I learned this I was so upset! You think Johnson’s is so safe because of it’s reputation. I have been using Burt’s Bees Baby Bee. I hope it is ok!

  • How did these products even get past higher officials!?

  • Oh my goodness. I had no clue that these chemicals were in my child’s hygiene products! I am extremely appalled that Johnson&Johnson (a family company) would allow this product to contain suck harmful ingredient! They should be ashamed that they are paving the cancer pathway and using our children to do so. How dare them!
    Thank you so much for this review and information.
    It brings light to my eyes that even ‘trusted products’ are not so trusted after all.

  • WOW! Our son is in the bath right now and this is shocking! We use Johnson’s Baby Shampoo daily on our boys!

  • Thanks for posting this! I never would have thought about bad chemicals being in bath products!

  • Wow I did not know this. I will will be calling my daughters right now. I have 8 granddaughters that use Johnson and Johnson. you are right it is not only sad but makes you angry. You are saturating your child in a cancer linked formula and don’t even know it. Thanks for posting this. I am very grateful.

  • Wow… I have a 3 year old who is (was, now) still using the Shampoo. I agree with you that if they can make a formula that doesn’t contain these ingredients then why can’t they reformulate to original to not include these ingredients! Thank you for the informative post. I did not know about this!

  • These particular ingredients are EVERYWHERE in our bath/body/household products. Buy certified organic products to avoid them. Did you know that there are over 28,000 chemicals allowed in our USA products that are not allowed in the EU????? Our FDA is owned by these companies and refused to ban the chemicals being used. When our FDA updated the way they test and permit chemical usage, they grandfathered in over 27,000 chemicals that did not have to meet the new standards!

  • I used these products on my daughter.

    She died of cancer.

    Excuse me while I go puke.

  • of all the manufacturers I would never have thought it would have been johnsons!

  • I’m glad to read this post. Great information to learn.

  • OMG I did not know this! How could J&J have any reason for continuing to use these in their products. That’s just irresponsible.

  • Ohmygoodness. Thanks for this info.

  • That is sad – and scary- I bought the new line to try out, but I will definitely be reading the ingredients on all my son’s products more carefully!

  • It’s awful and sad. I’m so disheartened lately with the lack of compassion around us. Why don’t they make safer products? :(

  • I found out about this late last year, I’ve been using Johnsons natural products ever since! Very scary.

  • Thanks for the information! I try to go with natural shampoos and conditioners whenever my budget allows. I really enjoy the bath and body products by Shea Moisture – they have a great baby line – available at Target. It costs a lot more but it’s also so much better on your skin!

  • amazing what the FDA allows all these crazy chemicalsknown to be cancer causing,but they won’t legalize weed for those with cancer.They feel those who already got the cancer from all these horrendous chemicals they allow ,should just take another chemical made by a pharmacuetical company,when its very well known that weed helps most with more symptoms of chemotherapy ,than anything else.personsally i like to go witj what god gave us to use .not this toxic crap that greedy men made.I am so pissed to find out i have been washing my kids in formaldahyde “a family company” my ass

  • Wow! I had no idea just this morning I bathed my 18 mo. Old with baby Johnson I’m off to the store later to find something safer thank you for sharing!

  • Thank you for having the courage to speak out about this issue.

  • Thanks so much for this post. I had no idea about this problem. My daughter is pregnant so I will be telling her about this. You always have great information on your page.

  • Oh my goodness! I had no idea that their products contained that stuff! I have used their products on babies so many times!

  • Thank you for posting about this very important subject. People really should know more about the ingredients in the products they buy. & I agree, if they can produce it in other countries without those ingredients then it shouldn’t be a problem for them to do the same in the US.

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