
Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Size 4 and 5 at Target!

pampers swaddlers diapers

Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Size 4 and 5 are now available at Target!

Parenting is a balancing act, there’s no denying it. A mom’s list of things to do is never ending and there is hardly ever enough time in a day to do them.

Audrey McClelland, found of MomGenerations.com, has teamed up with P&G to offer her tips and tricks to get things running smoothly.

One of Audrey’s secrets: Stick with What Works

“Swaddlers is a diaper I’ve always loved, and I’m thrilled that it is now available at Target in bigger sizes,” Audrey said. “Now moms can keep their little ones in Swaddlers throughout all of their diaper-wearing years.”

pampers swaddlers diapers

I have two children of my own and one of the most memorable products used during babyhood was the Pampers Swaddlers diapers. This is the diaper that was given to us in the hospital and it was great for a new mom. There is no denying a blue stripe, it really took the guess work out of diaper changing.

Both of my children had sensitive skin and couldn’t leave a wet diaper on for very long, without developing a rash that is. Pampers Swaddlers were great because of the distinctive yellow stripe that is down the front of the diaper, when baby is dry then the strip remains yellow and when the stripe turned blue it meant baby was wet.

pampers swaddlers diapers

Pampers Swaddlers just worked for us, they never leaked and were perfect for their sensitive skin. The sad day came when my babies grew into size 4 diapers. At the time, Pampers Swaddlers only went up to size 3. When you find something that works, it’s nerve wracking to try a new diaper in hopes that it will perform just as well.

Andrea is in a size 4 now and I have yet to find a diaper that worked as well as the Swaddlers did.

When we heard that Pampers Swaddlers were available at Target in sizes 4 and 5 I was so ecstatic! Just in time for our next diaper purchase, we have stocked back up with Pampers Swaddlers. It’s great that my little one can now wear Swaddlers up until she is potty trained and take one less thing off of my mind.

pampers swaddlers diapers


One Mommy of Two Little Monkeys reader is going to win a Prize Pack that includes the following

– $10 Target Gift Card

– The First Years Deluxe Fold & Go Diapering Kit

– Pampers Wipes (64 count)

pampers swaddlers diapers

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway Rules: Contest will end at 11:01pm CST on February 26th, 2012

US Only please. 18 + . No purchase necessary to win.

Please leave your email address along with your comment if it is not located within your profile. Your email address will only be used to notify you if you won the giveaway. I will notify the winner via email and on my blog of their winnings and they will have 48 hours to respond.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  The above mentioned product was received for free in hopes that I would mention it on Mommy of Two Little Monkeys. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own. Your experience with the product may differ from mine. For more information read my disclosure policy.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

83 thoughts on “Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Size 4 and 5 at Target!

  • I am excited that they offer the Swaddlers in a larger size!

  • I think it’s awesome that they come in larger sizes now!

  • Love that they make bigger sizes…yay!

  • I think it’s a great idea to offer them in larger sizes – I love the option

  • Love pampers little swaddlers in the newborn sizes. I think its great they are offering bigger sizes now too.

  • I love it! I can’t believe they didn’t do this sooner!

  • That is a great idea, I really liked the newborn size.

  • it’s a great idea for pampers to do this!

  • love the bigger sizes my son has twins and one is growing faster than the other so this new size is awesome.

  • I love them so I think that’s great!

  • I think its great because Pampers are the highest quality diapers out there. Thanks for the chance.

  • great for road trips and diaper rashes

  • Great! I remembered them being so soft.

  • Great idea!

  • I think its great :) They should have had this done sooner!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  • I wonder why they didn’t do it sooner!

  • We like using Pampers Swaddlers, so I think it is great they are offering it so he can stay with them as he grows!

  • I’ve always used them for babies, so I’d love them for toddlers.

  • I think this is great. I’ve used these in the past when my daughter was smaller but after that, I was disappointed they didn’t offer it in bigger sizes.

  • I think that is great for bigger babies.

  • Great idea! Some of these kids are big!

  • we love pampers so im excited they have the bigger sizes at target now!

  • We like the Pam­pers swad­dlers for new­borns best. I still like Pam­pers for my tod­dler and would love to try swad­dlers for her in size 4. She uses the Pam­pers baby dry now and we love them.
    Thanks for the chance!

  • I’m glad. Pampers Swaddlers were all that we used until we had to go with other options because of size availability.

  • I think this is a great idea, Swaddlers would give a tighter fit than Easy-Ups at night!

  • I think it’s great! My family loves these diapers!

  • With a grandchild that is not yet potty trained for night time I think this is wonderful!

  • These were our favorite diapers when our babies were tiny, so I’m thrilled they now make them larger!

  • When my 1st son was tiny, I wished they went up into the bigger sizes! I think a lot of moms will be thrilled!

  • Thrilled. My son is growing out of 3s and we love Pampers.

  • I like the idea but honestly we mostly use store brands.

  • There is a need, and those who need the larger sizes are thrilled

  • Glad they are doing this!

  • I love it, swaddlers are my favorite diapers! My daughter is in size 4’s now so this is wonderful!

  • I am glad because they are so comfortable

  • love it because they move and still love to be swaddled

  • I think it is awesome since I loved then when my son was littler

  • I am thrilled they are now offered in bigger sizes since they have always been my go to diaper.

  • I think it’s great!

  • I absolutely LOVE that the swaddlers are being offered in bigger sizes now, they are my favorite diapers!

  • I think its awesome! I liked them best and now to know that I can get them makes me happy!

  • I think it is a wonderful idea they have them in larger sizes. My last baby was 10 lb 13 oz and he kept up with being bigger than most babies his age. These would have been wonderful!!

  • This is awesome! Thank you so much! Sacha Schroeder sschroeder at windstream dot net.

  • I love it! I am glad they offer bigger sizes so parents don’t have to find another diaper, or style they like as their child gets older.

  • LOVE it! They were my go-to diapers with my son and I was sad when he outgrew them. I didn’t even mind the extra cost, that’s how much I loved them!

  • I think it’s great! They are so soft and my grandson’s skin is still sensitive even though he’s older now.

  • I think it’s great. Now they have sizes for my grandsons.

  • i think its a great idea!

  • I love pampers and 4 and 5 is what I am using right now

  • I think it’s wonderful…I love the soft feel of swaddlers!

  • more size selections is a great idea!

  • think they are a good idea for any size
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  • My grandson could use the bigger sizes.
    Thanks for the contest.

  • I love it! When I used disposables on my dd, Pampers swaddlers were some of my favorite and I was bummed when she moved into the bigger sizes and they weren’t so soft anymore!

  • love more size selections

  • i think it’s great. i already love the smaller sizes

  • awesome as we are working toward being dry during the day but nighttime means diapers and swaddlers were my favs when my son was a little smaller…Go Pampers!

  • Awesome! I would love to win! :)

  • These were the only diapers my sons skin would tolerate without gwtting a rash when he was born.. im glad they are bringing it back!

  • Love more size selections!

  • I haven’t used them, but if they’re good diapers than why not.

  • yay, that’s awesome

  • How exciting! My 9 month old wears a size 4 – so this is great news for our future!

  • Would love to try them!

  • I love Pampers! They are the best diapers out there!

  • It is great! Always been wishing they were in bigger sizes

  • I think it is great and plan to try them!

  • They’re great diapers, so being able to stay with the same brand and style as your child grows is a plus!
    Beth Ann Erwin facebook/rafflecopter

  • I think it’s great.. I’vs always loved swaddlers!

  • better selection is always a good thing

  • Really great idea

  • Love that they wilkl be in bigger sizes. It’s nice to not have to find another diaper.

  • I think it’s great! I loved the swaddlers in the smaller sizes.

  • I think it is great

  • I was always bummed when they outgrew Swaddlers sizing,so glad they offer more sizes, i will have to switch back.

  • I think it is great! I am also a big fan of the stripe that turns blue. I also like to buy Pampers because they frequently issue coupons to make them more affordable. :)

  • I appreciate that they come in larger sizes now because my daughter wears a size 5/6 diaper.

  • Pampers are my favorite! That is great that they are offering Swaddlers in bigger sizes now!

  • Not having to find a new brand!

  • Awesome!

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