
Philips Android GoGear Connect 3 MP3 Player | Review


Philips GoGear Connect 3 MP4 Player

The New Year brings new resolutions and one of mine was to become a healthier me in 2012. I’ve got my double stroller, my walking shoes and started looking around at my choices for an MP3 player for entertainment during walks.

The Philips GoGear Connect 3 is a MP3 player that runs on an Android operating device. Philips offered an opportunity to review this MP3 player and I’m excited to tell you what I liked and didn’t like about it.

My first impression of the GoGear Connect 3 was when I grabbed the device from it’s box. The size is very comparable to a smart phone, though not quite as thick or as heavy. I felt like this MP3 player felt very nice in my hands with a screen size that was adequate enough to not only browse the web, but was big enough to do things like watch videos and browse pictures.

Philips GoGear Connect 3 MP4 PlayerI started watching a few of the included movies, though the screen appears to be small, the video looked really good with the HD video. The controls and screen sensitivity worked really well and the sound was awesome for an MP3 player. What was even better is the built in speakers so you can share the music and videos with your friends around you.

Quickly I jumped into the market place and started to browse the thousands of apps and games that were available. The GoGear Connect 3 started up really fast and the apps were very responsive as well. Upon starting up, the connect walked me though the setup to connect to different things like the Google services and our available Wi Fi connection. Instantly I was connected to the internet by use of the Wi Fi service and the internet connection from our home.

Philips Songbird is an easy to use computer application that comes with the GoGear Connect 3. When installed you can easily “discover” songs that are already on your computer and sync them seamlessly with the GoGear player.

Overall I had a very good experience using the GoGear Connect 3. The only thing that I would change is the position of the buttons. The power button is located at the bottom right hand side so when holding the GoGear player in your hand it becomes very easy to accidently hit that button. Also, the headphone jack is located on the bottom of the player so if I was to place the GoGear player down on lets say the elliptical, you would either have to lay the player on it’s side or upside down so the headphone cord does not interfere.

Though these are things to mention they would not effect my overall opinion. This is a great MP3 player that adds all of the bells and whistles with the Android OS, videos, pictures and more with half the cost of other equivalent players out there.

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The Philips Android GoGear Connect 3 MP3 Player can be purchased
from Amazon for $129.99


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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

4 thoughts on “Philips Android GoGear Connect 3 MP3 Player | Review

  • That is a very sweet device- thanks so much for the review!

  • This is a great review. I didn’t even realize all the things it could do until I read your review. Thanks for all the great information. It looks like an awesome devices.

  • This is what I’m triply excited about…this part of the prize is very cool!

  • I would love to win this

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