
Pink Ribbon Promise Wreath from Sharis Berries Brings Hope and Joy

pink flower wreath

Earlier this year, one of our dearest family friends was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

When things like this happen to someone you love, you can’t help but feel like you need to do something. Something to help them, or their family. We have sent gift cards to help with grocery shopping, sent sympathy cards, even got her some pretty pajamas to wear during recovery of a double mastectomy.

But still, there is something more I needed to do. But I wasn’t sure what.

Cari is not only our family friend, she is the speech therapist of my two young children. She provides an invaluable service to my children and she really is an angel in disguise.

breast cancer wreath

October was Breast Cancer Awareness month, a month of doing what we can to help raise money for Breast Cancer research and showing our support to those who are effected.

I visited Shari’s Berries’ website in search of something sweet to send her during the month of October. Flowers, chocolate covered berries, or even a gift basket. There were so many great options to choose from and I just couldn’t decide.

Then I found it..

An entire section dedicated to “Pink Ribbon Sweets”. Cookies, flowers and berries that were all decorated in some way to show support for Breast Cancer.

I selected the Pink Ribbon Promise Wreath to help bring joy to Cari’s home. To give her a constant reminder that she is not in this fight alone.

This beautiful wreath was wrapped in a lush collection of pink fairy roses, peonies, pepper berries set to hydrangeas, and bay laurel.

preserved flower wreath

The real difference came when I saw that Sheri’s Berries would donate 10% of the purchase of a Pink Ribbon Promise Wreath to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure to help fund breast cancer research.

The Pink Ribbon Promise Wreath is made with preserved flowers, was shipped so delicately in a special box with ties, and was the perfect way to make Cari’s day.


Disclosure of Material Connection:  The above mentioned product was received for free in hopes that I would mention it on Mommy of Two Little Monkeys. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own. Your experience with the product may differ from mine. For more information read my disclosure policy.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

10 thoughts on “Pink Ribbon Promise Wreath from Sharis Berries Brings Hope and Joy

  • I was wondering if you might be able to donate a wreath to my family for our new habitat for humanity home ? I would love to hang one on my front door . Thank you .
    Tammy Storey 342 North Center Ave Panama City , Fl 32401

  • How much are these and how can I purchase one? Many thanks!

  • Pingback: After Christmas Decorations | Decorating for Winter - Mommy of Two Little Monkeys

  • This is a beautiful wreath. What a great way to show someone you are there for them during their battle. It is one of the best gift ideas I have ever heard of. thanks for the post!

  • What a beautiful wreath! I’m a breast cancer survivor of 13 years. I’d love to have this on my front door!

  • I know Breast Cancer Awareness month is over, but I still think the wreath is gorgeous! I didn’t know Shari’s Berries had wreaths. I will check out there site and look for potential Valentine’s gifts to send to friends and family members!

  • This is absolutely gorgeous, I couldnt find it on the site though

  • That’s a beautiful wreath and you are awesome for doing all that for her! Cancer is a horrible disease and affects so many women but we are strong and wlih support of people like yourself i’m sure she’ll be better soon!

  • That is beyond gorgeous! How incredibly sweet of you to gift that to her. I would have been overwhelmed to receive something like that. Who knew you could find gifts like THAT at a berry shop! Thanks for sharing!

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