
Why Playing with a Purpose is Important

What do you remember most from your childhood? Chances are, playing is pretty high up on your list. Playing is such an important part of a child’s life! Not only does it keep them active, it allows them to learn the social skills they’ll need later in life as well. 10 minutes of play actually improves children’s performance throughout the day. It’s even been proven that play enhances the progress of early development by 34%. Yes, I think it’s safe to say that play is very, very, important.

Why Playing with a Purpose is Important

The Problem

The sad thing is, 15.5 million U.S. children live in poverty, with many of these children-lacking playtime in their daily lives. I find this to be very disturbing, and my friends at Toys”R”Us do as well. They’ve actually partnered with Save the Children (a nonprofit organization that is committed to ensuring all U.S. children a healthy start), in order to create the brand new PLAY WITH PURPOSE fundraising and awareness campaign. FP_TOYSRUS The Solution

The key initiative of the PLAY WITH PURPOSE campaign is to provide children in impoverished regions of the country with opportunities and the resources needed to integrate purposeful play into their everyday lives.

What can you do to help?

From February 17 – April 17, customers can make cash donations at any Toys“R”Us or Babies“R”Us store, or online at Toysrus.com/PlayWithPurpose, to help bring learning through play to kids in need.

Learn More

Watch the video below to learn more about Save the Children campaign. Be sure to share the video with your friends on social media as well. You can use the hashtag #SaveTheChildren and tag @ToysRus.

You can also visit http://toysrus.com/PlayWithPurpose to learn more about Save the Children, and to make donations. All donations made will support Save the Children’s early childhood development programs, which help children in some of America’s most underprivileged areas survive.

This post is sponsored by Toys’R’Us. All thoughts are my own.

Why do you feel like play is so important to children? Share in the comments below!

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

17 thoughts on “Why Playing with a Purpose is Important

  • It is so important for kids to play. This is a fantastic program. I will have to share this with my friends.

  • I LOVE this campaign. Playing is so essential for a child’s development.

  • This is my first time to heard this, and I’m so glad of that.

  • Kids need to play because that’s how they learn about the world around them! They’re always exploring how the world works!

  • Play is vital to kids! It makes me sad to think that some kids are simply not able to have that basic pleasure.

  • I take for granted all of the toys my children are blessed with. This is a great reminder for me that play is so important, and I need to do more to help others.

  • When kids play the possibilities are endless. They can learn so much through play. It’s great that Toys”R”Us is doing this.

  • I love this!!! It is so easy for kids to get distracted by electronics, getting out to play is so important to a kids development!

  • Play is so important for kids for learning!! I love that Toys R Us is sponsoring this.

  • I think play stimulates a child’s mind. It helps them be creative and have different experiences. It’s a really great campaign!

  • What a great opportunity to give back to the community. I’m sharing your post.

  • Play is so important! It’s how little ones learn to problem solve, think critically, socialize, and so much more. I need to pick up a birthday present, so I’ll be looking to donate while I’m at Toys R Us.

  • What a great campaign! Anything that helps give our children a leg up I am all for!

  • I think that playing is super-important for kids because it leads to imagination and helping the child develop in every area. It makes me sad that there are kids that don’t get such an opportunity. Thanks for Toys R Us for making it possible for them

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