
5 Tried and True Potty Training Tips from Moms

5 Tried and True Potty Training Tips from Moms

This past weekend was one for the record books. While we get the chance to do fun things often, this time it was for an even greater purpose… potty training! Potty training is a milestone for both parents and children alike, and the potty training party we had this weekend helped to make it even more memorable!

5 Tried and True Potty Training Tips from Moms

We laughed, played, and learned a whole lot about what makes potty training successful! The coolest thing about this party was that us moms got the chance to share a few tips and tricks to make the whole process as smooth as possible. Here are a few you’ll want to use for your potty training adventure!

Our potty training party was in partnership with Pampers. All thoughts are my own.

5 Tried and True Potty Training Tips from Moms

5 Tried and True Potty Training Tips from Moms

Enlist Help

Toddlers look up to their big sisters, cousins, and friends a lot and love to emulate everything they do. If you can get an older sibling, friend, or family member to help get them excited about taking the potty training step into being a big girl or boy, they’ll be even more excited than when mommy or daddy tells them about it!

5 Tried and True Potty Training Tips from Moms

5 Tried and True Potty Training Tips from Moms

Pay Attention to The Readiness Signs

We had plenty of potty dances going on throughout the party. Hopping from foot to foot when they have to go is an excellent sign that your child understands when it’s time to hit the body! Other signs of readiness include your child showing signs of discomfort in soiled diapers, and beginning to change their clothes all by themselves.

5 Tried and True Potty Training Tips from Moms

5 Tried and True Potty Training Tips from Moms

Practice Makes Perfect

Introducing the potty chair can make some kids nervous. Don’t worry, they’ll warm up to it soon. Make sitting on the potty fun, and allow them to play on it and get familiar with it so they’ll feel more comfortable when it’s time to go.

5 Tried and True Potty Training Tips from Moms

Toss The Diapers

Once you decide to embark on the journey of potty training, the diapers must go! Make a bit production of tossing the diapers out, and bringing in the Pampers Easy Ups! Pampers Easy Ups feel more like big kids undies, and allow your toddler to pull them up and down like regular undies… while still providing you with a level of protection against accidents during this transitional stage.

5 Tried and True Potty Training Tips from Moms

Celebrate Success

I know it can be stressful, but this is an exciting time! Help your toddler celebrate each and every potty success and make a huge deal about each one! Not only will they feel good about it, you will too! Before you know it, they’ll be going to the potty like a pro!

5 Tried and True Potty Training Tips from Moms

Do you have your own tips for potty training success? Drop a comment below!

Visit the Pampers Website for more potty training tips!

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

21 thoughts on “5 Tried and True Potty Training Tips from Moms

  • Ah yes, the potty training days, I remember those days! love the advice you gave to new-comers in this phase of life.

  • We enlisted help from our preschool and it really helped! They we’re awesome at supporting our efforts when both were away from home and helped with positive incentives for doing well.

  • These are great tips! Potty training seems so hard, and I’ve watched so many friends go through it. Not looking forward to that when I have kids. haha

  • I never threw a potty party for my kids. I just waited until they are ready. Usually when they could tell me that they needed to be changed. My youngest I ended up having to let him run around naked for a few days. It worked like a charm.

  • This is a great post for potty training moms! I will be sure and share this with my mommy friends!

  • These are really useful potty training tips. I love your potty and am sure the grand kids would as well. When Abby starts squirming, I head her to her potty.

  • How cute is this little potty training party! Love the gift bags had easy ups. Looks like fun. We are past potty training, but I wish we would have had a party like this

  • These are great tips!! Love the idea of a potty training party, I know my son loved when he found other kids that were potty training as well.

  • Such great tips! I am going to share this with my dear friend. She is currently training her little kiddo. :)

  • I think these are all some great tips. The thing that worked great for both of my daughters, was to put them right in undies. They had accidents of course, but they learned really quick after that.

  • That looks like a very fun party! These tips are all great and pretty much what I used. The number one was not pushing it, they will go when they are ready.

  • I am so glad that I don’t have to do the whole potty thing anymore. If I did though, these tips would come in handy!

  • It’s been four years since I last potty trained. Now we’re starting all over with baby number 2. I didnt miss potty training lol

  • So glad that i don’t have to potty training my daughter anymore! I am pretty much done, :) It was pretty frustrating

  • I’m glad I am way past this stage. Potty training can be tough and we moms must think of ways to make it easy for our kiddos.

  • I have never potty trained a kid before but these sound like great tips for those dealing with this stage in parenthood!

  • I remember my oldest loved getting rewarded for using the potty. My other 2 potty trained quickly because of the oldest.

  • Thankfully, I am done with this stage of child rearing. It was challenging! We do have to think of ways to encourage children to use the potty.

  • This is a great post for any parent just moving into the potty training phase. Potty training is either a walk in the park or super frustrating.

  • These are a lot of fun tips that kids will love when they are first learning about how to use the potty.

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