
Potty Training Tips: How To Teach Your Little Boy To Pee Standing Up

Potty training a boy is one of the most eventful things I have ever been through…

Cheerios In The Potty

My son is 3, almost 4, and he has been potty trained for about 3-4 months now.

Just recently we have experienced a few times where we were out and about, we heard those five little words “Mommy I have to pee”… of course there is no potty in sight and my mind is racing because I REALLY don’t want to clean up pee from a car seat.

My husband gave my son the opportunity to pee standing up, next to the car, of course you can imagine my son now has a fascination with peeing next to the car. When are we are out shopping I have heard him say “I need to pee on the car Mommy”. Lovely right?

Here is my problem, my son now loves to pee standing up but he has NO control! Can you imagine the result of this? …. Wet pants, wet underwear etc..

So here is the reason for the picture are you seeing.. colored cheerios! My son now loves to pee on cheerios.. but still has no control. So the peeing on cheerios is now being done while sitting down.

Here are some tips that were shared with me on how to teach your boy to pee standing up:

– Watch Daddy! All boys want to be like Daddy
– The biggest tip was Cheerios.. apparently boys love to pee on them?!
– Make sure nothing is there to make them laugh! When their head turns so does their aim
– Decorate toilet paper squares and let the boy toss them in the toilet for a target
– Let it come on their own time, just one day they will “know how” to pee standing up
– Have him sit on the toilet backwards
– Make sure they have a nice step stool to stand on, they need confidence!
– Have them stand on their step stool, lean forward with their hands on the tank

Little LoosterWell we have tried the cheerios and we have the step stool. Here in our house we use the Little Looster Step Stool.. have you seen these? They are awesome! The Little Looster wraps all the way around your toilet so your little one can have a larger area to stand, turn around and feel confident that they won’t fall.

I guess for now we will continue to sit down and only pee outside when standing up.. my walls will thank me Smile

Ahhh the joys of teaching a boy to potty!



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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

3 thoughts on “Potty Training Tips: How To Teach Your Little Boy To Pee Standing Up

  • This helps me more than you know! I’ve potty trained my two girls and that was a piece of cake. After reading this, I’m freaking out about having to potty train my boy when the time comes. Thanks for these tips. I printed them out! :)

  • Oh my goodness, I can just picture how mortified you must’ve been the first time he asked to pee on the car! When my little man gets to this stage I will be coming to you for advice!

  • Good for your little boy! My son will be 4 in a few months and has NO interest in potty training..every time we try it ends up being a fight. In fact, his little sister potty trained this week! I’ll have to look into that stool, the one we have is a bit narrow and can slip a bit.

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