
Power Wheels Cars | Red Mustang | Fourth Birthday Celebration!

My oldest little monkey is getting ready to turn four years old, since his birthday lands over Thanksgiving weekend we decided to have a little family birthday celebration with him today…

Keep reading you will see why we chose today…

Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake

His request was for a Mickey Mouse Birthday cake, however we had a hard time making this happen. Andrew is my monkey with the peanut allergy and every cake we found in the grocery store bakery had labels indicating that they were manufactured in a plant with peanuts and tree nuts.

It was time to improvise!

I went through the frozen aisle and came across a frozen birthday cake by Pepperidge Farms, checked the label and no peanuts! WOOHOO

Trotted myself down the baking aisle of the grocery store and came across these cute little Wilton Mickey Mouse Icing Decorations. We decorated the cake up as we could with the little Mickey Mouse heads, I think it turned out cute!

Happy Kiddos Eating Cake

Andrew has a HUGE love for cars and every time we go into Toys R Us he will take us to the Power Wheels aisle so he can sit in the cars. The Power Wheels Ford Mustang was on his wish list, “It looks just like uncle Daniel’s car” he says…

Power Wheels Red Mustang

Andrew is our first born and our babies have us wrapped around their little fingers.

We got him “Uncle Daniel’s” car and since the weather turns down hill so quickly we decided to do our celebration today. How awful would it be to wait for the Birthday day and have to look at your Power Wheels sitting in the garage until Spring?

We had a great day and Andrew had a wonderful fourth birthday celebration… our thoughts on the Power Wheels Mustang? So worth the money! Easy to put together, perfect size for our four and one year old to ride together and it’s a blast to watch them drive around Smile


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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

29 thoughts on “Power Wheels Cars | Red Mustang | Fourth Birthday Celebration!

  • Nice ride! looks like he really enjoy his new ride, :)

  • When I was a kid I wanted the first electric powered Ford Thunderbird. Think yours is a lot more affordable.

  • I’m so glad he got to enjoy his car before the cold weather came! The cake turned out great.

  • The cake turned out really cute! It must be hard having to deal with an allergy like that. I’m so lucky I don’t have any(that I know of). It seems like a ton of products say they’re manufactured in a facility that also has peanuts.:/

  • Happy Birthday! It looks like you guys made lots of fun memories! They grow up way to fast! I can’t believe my little guy will be 4 this summer. Makes me miss the little baby sometimes

  • I wish we had those power wheels when I was a kid. I would have loved them! I’m always jealous of what great toys kids get to play with these days.

  • Thank you Stacy!! SO cool to hear that, I really hope he remembers this gift!

  • Congrats on your boy’s 4th birthday! When I turned 5 my parents got me a pink barbie corvette (power wheels), and to this day it is still my most memorable gift. :)

  • those are 2 lucky little boys

  • aww how cute & love their ride

  • cute pictures! i cant wait to move to florida i currently live in ny and hate to buy outdoor toys for christmas because they cannot use them

  • Just freakin’ adorable! Happy birthday!

  • That is one sweet ride!

  • I love powerwheels! my son and my nieces have all had them and they all love them!!! they are easy to put together and yet so much fun for the kids and makes them want to get outside more. Happy Birthday Monkey!

  • AWWWWWWWWW!!!! Way too cute! Happy birthday Andrew!!!!

  • I love this post! My little boy is turning 4 in Feb and I was so debating on getting him a powerwheels car! I think you’ve just convinced me Amanda now I just need to convince my hubby!!
    Thanks for posting this! <3

  • Aww they’re so cute! Sounds like he had a great party!

  • Too cool! I wanted Power Wheels when I was a kid, but never got one – guess what my son’s getting when he’s old enough?

  • How cute, my daughter’s bday is on Thanksgiving this year.

  • They are so cute in Andrew’s little car! Love it! I love the story too, makes perfect sense!

  • What a nice story and birthday you threw for Andrew. I’m sure he will remember it for years to come. I am so blue that my babies are 29 and 21. The time goes by so quickly that yes they deserve to be wrapped around our fingers. Hold on tight.

  • Happy Birthday to Andrew! You done a great job on his B-day cake. When i 1st looked it at it looked to be a store bought cake,so job well done!

  • My son is definitely getting one of these when he’s Andrew’s age! I wanted one all the time when I was little. Such an awesome gift for your little guy, Amanda!

  • Happy 4th Birthday, Andrew! What a cutie! Hope the weather holds out a little longer so he can enjoy “Uncle Daniel’s” car a little longer.

  • Happy Birthday. I am glad you were able to make the cake happen. He looks like he loves it.

  • Meant birthday cake. Sorry my 1 and 2 year old are helping me on the computer during the day so my typing skills leave a lot to be desired.

  • So sweet. And the Birthday did come out looking very cute. Wow Peanut Allergy is so hard to work around.

  • how sweet i bet the had a ball .

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