
Protect Your Children from Cyber Bullying with SociallyKnow

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Last week I told you a little bit about the company SociallyKnow and the tools that they provide parents to protect their teens from potentially dangerous events that could happen on Facebook.

I signed up for a free 30 day trial of SociallyKnow to see how it all worked.

Did you know that Facebook will allow your children to post photos, status updates and even have private chats without you ever even knowing? The privacy settings in Facebook will now allow you to exclude anyone you want from your friends list and prevent them from seeing anything you don’t want them to see.

While I don’t believe in spying on my children and have no intentions on doing that, I do worry about things that happen on Facebook that could have a potentially harmful outcome.

SociallyKnow will help you with knowing what you need to know, this isn’t a way to spy on your children, this is a way to stay notified when a potential situation may need to be addressed.

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After setting up your profile and connecting the Facebook account that you would like to monitor, SociallyKnow will allow you to customize the notifications that you would like to receive.

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Once you set up your notifications and create your “friends watch list”, SociallyKnow will notify you via email or text every time your child:

– Adds a new friend
– Uploads a new photo or is tagged in a photo
– “Checks in” at a location with their cell phone
– Is contacted by someone who is not a friend
– Receives messages that are sexually oriented, bullying or suicidal


So you are probably thinking that you have nothing to worry about, you have a good kid and nothing bad will happen.

Did you know that nearly half of teens say that their parents know very little or nothing at all about their online activity?

Think about this…

  • 71% of teen girls and 67% of teen boys have shared a sexual message or picture with a boyfriend/girlfriend.
  • 32% of teenagers say they have been the target of cyber bullying.
  • 34% of 8 to 18 year olds have at least one Facebook friend they’ve never met
  • 46% of the 8 to 18 year olds have provided personal information to someone online.
  • 71% say they have received messages from someone they don’t know.
  • 40% say they will usually reply and chat with that stranger.
  • 30% have considered meeting someone they’ve only talked to online…and 14% have actually met face-to-face.
  • 4 out of 5 teenagers sleep with their cell phones under their pillow to catch late night texts and Facebook posts.

SociallyKnow is a great way to keep your children safe without invading their privacy. Facebook isn’t as friendly and safe as many children think it is and I hope that products like SociallyKnow are around when my two little ones are ready to dive into the Cyber world.

Sign up for SociallyKnow’s free 30 day trial and sleep better knowing that you know.

Connect with SociallyKnow


This post brought to you by SociallyKnow.com

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

9 thoughts on “Protect Your Children from Cyber Bullying with SociallyKnow

  • Pingback: Giveaways Ending Soon & Newly Listed | Little Tikes Cottage | $100 Amazon GC

  • This is a great idea for kids these days. Everything listed above is a HUGE problem now.

  • Oh Traci, so sorry to hear you are going through this! This is a very real subject for many people. I hope that everything works out for you and your niece.

  • Thanks for the information. In today’s world, you often hear about all of the bad things that can result from online interactions. Children will learn about these awful things early enough from TV, movies, their peers, etc. I want to keep them innocent for as long as I can! Thanks for sharing this article and expressing your concern on a very real, but sad, subject matter.

  • I love this idea. I don’t like seeing or hearing rotten things myself, and I don’t want my kids to have to. This is such a great idea.

  • It’s a serious problem and every parent should be concerned about it. Thanks for sharing!

  • i am a aunt to a young lady who is going thru bullying, my sister and her boyfriend have done everything they can with no luck, they have talked to the school, the principal , the board, the police and now have thier daughter in therapy , they pulled her out of school for a year , which only depressed my niece, she enjoys friends , dances, loves her music class, so they re installed in school, hoping things have settled down, but first day back it started again, told them if it was me and i went thru all this i would show up at the parents jobs asking to speak to them, maybe then the parents would do something, since other workers would wonder what is going on since i wanted to speak to them about a bulling issue with thier kids, grrrlll , what i really wanna do would get me in trouble so this would be the nicest way i can think of to get something done, cops and school principal claim to have spoken with the parents with no results!! thanks for this, maybe it will be able to help them out a little more

  • This is all such a huge issue! I am living something similar to what you write about firsthand and am closing up my blog this week once I expose the offenders.

    I acknowledge your vigilance in writing this post and second your concerns.

    We’re living proof that it’s serious. Everyone should read what you wrote.

  • My kids are too young for this! But I would definitely use this when they get to the age that they are using computers! :)

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