
Receive Free Email Notifications about Package Deliveries from UPS My Choice

 scvngr_hrt5Have you ever ordered a package and sat there day by day anticipating when your delivery would be coming?

Maybe you have plans to go do something and they get interrupted because you want to be at your house for a delivery.

There is a new service from called UPS My Choice, anytime a package is scheduled to be delivered to your house you will receive 1-2 day notification of when it will arrive.

As you can imagine, a lot of packages are delivered to my house. I signed up for the UPS My Choice service a few months ago and absolutely love it!

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How it works:

Sign up for a free account to receive delivery notifications from UPS My Choice.

When a package is coming your way, UPS will send you an email notification like the one I received here. You will clearly see the scheduled date of delivery, around what time of day it will come and who the shipper is.

This service is so convenient that I really wish all shipping services would provide this!

 Sign up for your free account to receive delivery notifications from UPS My Choice

*This post was sponsored by UPS My Choice


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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

5 thoughts on “Receive Free Email Notifications about Package Deliveries from UPS My Choice

  • Awesome…I just signed up!

    But I had to google it to sign up because your link didn’t work.

  • Good information, already signed up!

  • We already do this and absolutely love it. It notifies us typically about a day before delivery and it is nice to know so we can either let our neighbor know to pick it up or to be expecting a package. Love it

  • So awesome! I’m definitely signing up for it!!!! Thanks a ton.

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