
Refreshing Summer Clothes for Back To School with OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for OxiClean. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Kids are kids, and kids play hard. As back to school time approaches, I’ve been spending my preplanning time sifting through the kid’s closets to see what shirts could be saved from the Summer time abuse.

White isn’t a color that I often buy, for obvious reasons. But sometimes, white still makes it’s way into our closets. As I dug through my kid’s closets, several shirts were found with old, set in stains and discoloration.

If I could save these shirts and refresh them for back to school, it would be a win win for my kids and my pocket book. We brought in the OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover to work it’s magic, could it really remove tough stains and freshen up whites?

OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover

Subject 1 – The Mickey Mouse shirt

  • Set in stains – Ice Cream, ketchup, grass and the unknown

Subject 2 – Kitty Shirt

  • Set in stains – Chocolate Milk and spaghetti

Subject 3 – Kite Shirt

  • Set in stain – Chocolate Milk


I don’t normally let stains set in like this, these shirts were kind of “let go” over the Summer. But if OxiClean could possible renew them, I was all for it!

OxiClean is a 2-in-1 laundry stain figher that is chlorine free and color safe. With an Oxygen base, this stain fighter is designed to be a maximum strength stain removal product to use in your laundry or around your home.

Detergent alone sometimes ersatile Stain Remover to every load of laundry can help prolong the life of your clothes by keeping them looking their best.

  • Boosts detergent for better overall cleaning and whitening
  • Gets out stains that detergent alone can leave behind ome dryer set
  • Helps prevent colors from fading due to chlorine in municipal water.
  • For extra stubborn stains, pre-treating with or soaking in a concentrated solution of OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover can provide amazing results.

OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover


I followed the instructions for tough stains, which included a soaking process of 1-6 hours depending on the strength of the stain. After the first round of a 6 hour soaking, I noticed a notable difference in the appearance of our whites – however, the stains were not fully removed.

I ran our whites through with a second – 6 hour soaking and then washed the load as normal. After the second time, I did notice even more of a difference.

OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover

Subject – Kitty

Most of the set in stains were removed from the kitty shirt, with just a few minor spots still left on the sleeve.

OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover

Subject – Mickey Mouse

I noticed a big difference in the overall brightening of this shirt. There are still a few stains left on the sleeve, which has been the napkin of my son after many meals. I really didn’t expect all of the stains to come out and was pleasantly surprised with the results.

OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover

Subject – Kite Shirt

This shirt had the best results and all chocolate milk was removed from the shirt. It needs to be noted that the stains were not as set in, compared to other two shirts.

I’m really impressed with the overall results of the OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover and plan to continue using it. This is a great way to keep white fresh all school year long and now I’m encouraged to remove the stains before letting them set in.

For more information about OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover, visit the OxiClean Website

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

23 thoughts on “Refreshing Summer Clothes for Back To School with OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover

  • This stain fighter looks very useful. Thanks for sharing!

  • i love oxiclean, i use their other products to clean my bathroom and other tough surfaces.

  • Definitely something I need to try out – with four boys, there are stains every day!

  • I love OxiClean. It gets out almost any stain!

  • I always wondering how this worked, it does such a great job especially on whites. I’ll be trying it out for sure. thank you for sharing.

  • This product was worked with some truly difficult stains.
    I’m going to give a try – thanks for the review.

  • This is a must have around the house!

  • I’m impressed even though all of the stains were taken out. I think another wash may do it. Never had Oxi and would love to try this on my clothes (to brighten it too)

  • i have the hardest time getting grass stains out! thanks for sharing – i need to try this

  • This is great I have been trying to find something that will work on my boys clothes brand new clothes look dingy after one wash so I will give this a try.

  • i love this stuff. it’s amazing! my husband is a paramedic and it takes out all sorts of other gross liquids

  • That’s kindof crazy how well it took, out the stains and kept all,the colors intact. Wonder if its okay to use on infant clothing. My sister is due October 1 and there will be plenty of loads of dirty laundry that need poop, milk and other stain removal

  • Thanks for the review! I knew oxiclean was good at getting out stains, but never thought it would do that great of a job on set in stains!

  • I am going to have to give this a try. My daughter always has ketchup stains. Your clothes looked so bright!

  • My kids get lots of stains!! I need to try oxiClean!!

  • I always try to treat stains right away so they have a chance of coming out cleaner. I use Oxiclean on clothes that getting dirter than normal wear. I especially like that it doesnt fade the colors

  • I use oxi cleaner – it does the best job getting out the random stains of life.

  • I. love. oxy.

    Seriously, your pictures are the story of my life!

  • I use OxiClean to treat dirt stain on my son’s clothes

  • What an amazing difference! I’ll have to get some of this for the stains on my grandson’s clothing!

  • My daughter works in a restaurant, lots of food stains. She refuses to do her laundry without this. It works that good.

  • I love using OxiClean, it really does get clothing cleaner. I add a bit to every load of wash I do.

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