
Rehabilitation After a Kneecap Dislocation

If you’ve been following my blog this summer, you likely know that it’s been a whirlwind of events for me. The summer started off quite promising with sun, fun, and lots of planned activities. Not only was I excited to be doing things with the kids, this Mama was getting her groove back too! I was doing a great job focusing on my physical fitness, staying healthy, and getting in shape.


Things took a turn for the worst.

In just one moment, my summer plans changed from enjoying my Zumba classes throughout the week, to pushing hard to build myself back up through physical therapy.  I injured my knee during my Zumba class, which ended up being the worst experience in my life.  My injury left me in a full leg immobilizer for weeks, and quickly put a cap on my family’s summer fun.

I was stuck on the couch for weeks.  I had to depend on my husband, kind friends, and neighbors to help me complete simple daily tasks, and take care of the children. I don’t want to sound like a Debbie downer, but there isn’t really any nice way of putting it…. it sucked!

In addition to my support group, I had another thing that helped me immensely and provided relief during this time…. ACE™ Brand Bandages.  So I was so excited when I was asked to try out the new ACE™ Brand Elastic Bandage with the improved ACE™ Brand Clip.  It was perfect timing!

I seriously don’t know what I would have done without them. The benefits of the new ACE™ Brand Elastic Bandage with ACE™ Brand Clip far surpassed what I would have imagined prior to the accident. They’ve helped me with so many parts of recovery.

When I needed to constantly keep ice packs on my injury for the swelling, the ACE™ Brand Elastic Bandage was there.  The ACE™ Brand Clip easily snaps in place, and was able to hold my ice pack securely.

When I began the rehabilitation process and needed to keep my knee firmly wrapped…. You guessed it: the ACE™ Brand Elastic Bandage with the new ACE™ Brand Clip was there.

Rehabilitation After a Kneecap Dislocation

So while I’m much more mobile these days than I was immediately following the accident, I still have a long road ahead of me in terms of rehabilitation.  I’m so thankful for partnering with 3M during this journey! 

Check out this series of videos featuring “Arthur, ACE™ Brand Motivational Sportsgent” talking about how ACE™ Brand has “Fixed the Clip!”

Video #1: We Fixed the Clip with Motivational Sportsgent, Arthur: “Unleash The Lions”


Video #2: We Fixed the Clip with Motivational Sportsgent, Arthur: “To the Sport”


Video #3: We Fixed the Clip with Motivational Sportsgent, Arthur: “Did he Mean Lost”


Have you tried the new ACE™ Brand Elastic Bandage with the new and improved ACE™ Brand Clip?

This post is brought to you through our partnership with 3M. Product and compensation were received. Opinions are my own.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

35 thoughts on “Rehabilitation After a Kneecap Dislocation

  • Ooh the thought of that makes my knee hurt. :O I hope that it heals very soon.

  • That sounds like a painful injury. I instantly grabbed my knee while reading this! Great tips!

  • My husband dislocated both kneecaps just a few years ago. I should pick these up for him to use on days he needs them.

  • How cool are these! Never tried them or seen them. Good to know for that next injury!

  • Wow, I hadn’t heard about your dislocation, but that is rough! I’m glad you found something to help aid you in your recovery.

  • Sorry you had such a horrible accident :-( I’m glad Ace is aiding you in recovery. Best of luck to you!

  • BOO for summer injuries! I would have been so upset to be stuck on the couch!

  • Pingback: Benefits of Ace Brand Bandages During Physical Therapy -

  • i’m loving the new design. my kids will never know the pain of little stab marks on their finger tips lol

  • Ouch! I hope your doing better now. I will have to tell my husband about this wrap. He often has to wear something when running because he has deteriorating cartilage in his knees but he still has to run because he is in the military. Well he could get a profile but that isn’t really in his nature unless he is just pure in pain.

  • i am LOVING the new clip. no snags, no pokes of fingers or skin around bandages!

  • I haven’t tried this but will probably grab one or two for my husband, just in case.

  • I have not tried the new Ace with the new clip. But since I am sure I will have an upcoming surgery on my should, I may have to check this out.

  • Wow, I’m so sorry to hear about your injury! I’m glad the bandages helped some, but knee problems can last a lifetime. I hope yours heal well, and you don’t have to go through surgery like my husband has. :(

  • I am so glad that they are redoing the clip! I remember using ACE in HS and stabbing my fingers without even getting the silly thing to stay in place!

  • That sounds painful! I’m sorry you were laid for so long. I’m glad you had your friends and family for help though.

  • Love Ace. I rolled my ankle a few weeks ago and wrapped mine for support.

  • I haven’t tried this particular type of Ace bandage, as I haven’t had any recent injuries, but I have had my fair share and Ace has been there as part of the rehab for all!

  • I was born with knee problems and sometimes have difficulties. Depending on what we’re doing in class at the Y, I need to wear a knee brace (or two). I don’t recall the brand I’m using but it could use a good replacement since it’s gotten stretched out. (Technically, I lost weight so I stretched in. LOL) I’ll have to check Ace products out.

  • My dad has a bad knee and uses an Ace bandage, but it’s such a pain to put on and get off. I am going to go and find one of these new ones and get one for him!

  • Ace bandages are great. They’re really come a long way. I love that they don’t use those little metal teethy things anymore.

  • Thanks for sharing this info! I haven’t needed an ace bandage in a while.

  • I haven’t tried the new ACE™ Brand Elastic Bandage. I’m sure I could use one though! I have a bad ankle that like to take over my summer activities.

  • I really like how they have redone the clip! It looks like it is a lot easier to use and more likely to stay on!

  • Ooooouch. Sorry you were injured all summer. :( Here’s to a full recovery!

  • I’m sorry about your injury! ACE bandages have come a LONG way since I used them religiously in high school.

  • I feel so badly for you that you’ve been going through this! I’m glad this bandage could help hold your knee in place while you’ve been recovering.

  • Oh Amanda, I’ve been where you’ve been. A dislocated knee is horrible. I wore that stupid immobilizer octopus brace one summer for six weeks! What a genius idea to put a clasp like that on an Ace bandage, will have to check that out.

  • I haven’t gotten a chance to try this but I know someone who could use one! I will pass along the info to them they will be very appreciative!

  • I haven’t tried this yet. As much as my hubby gets injured playing basketball, I’m sure we will be soon!

  • Ouchie! I always use Ace bandages when I am injured! Nothing but the best!

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