
Rembrandt Makes a Brighter Smile with Deeply White Collection


How Teeth Whitening Used To Be Done

The Egyptians mixed a paste of pumice stone and vinegar that used the abrasion of the pumice and acid of the vinegar to remove tooth stains. Europeans throughout the 17th and 18th centuries turned to their barbers, who ground down their teeth and then applied an acid solution to remove stains.
Source: Teethwhiteningreviews.com

Whitening Kit & Toothpaste

This past year I’ve really become a big fan of coffee. I bought my own coffee pot and sometimes have 3 or 4 cups a day. I’m sure some of you can relate! When I got the opportunity to whiten my smile with the Rembrandt Deeply White collection I was thrilled. I got my son down for his nap and started to read the directions. It’s pretty simple, mold the trays to your mouth, put in some of the magic gel and a couple of hours later, bam, pearly whites! Rembrandt claims to whiten your teeth by about 3 shades with one 2 hour treatment.

Time to get up-close, and personal…

Here is my before picture…

Before whitening

Here’s the awkward stage with the trays of gel in my mouth…

Whitening Trays

After the second application…

After teeth whitening

I read the tray molding directions a couple times because I wanted to make sure I was doing it right. I got the water pretty hot, dunked the trays and then popped them in my mouth to get the molds set. Maybe I did something wrong, but I felt like they didn’t really change or form much. I tried again, and the same result. The directions clearly say not to put them in boiling water, so I didn’t try that.  Maybe they did form and it’s just such a light mold than when forming a mouth guard for sports.

whitening kit

I love that the 2 Hour Whitening Kit includes enough gel ampules for two 2 hour sessions so if in a couple weeks or a month I want to touch up, or give it a boost, I can without having to buy a whole new kit.

I appreciate the fresh mint flavor of the whitening gel. I think it would be off-putting if it were any other flavor.


Rembrandt believes that it’s okay to love coffee. They’ve designed a toothpaste for those of us who enjoy food and drink that may stain teeth, like coffee and red wine. Rembrandt Intense Stain toothpaste is for daily use, which is great because coffee has also become a daily thing. This toothpaste "is expertly formulated to remove tough stains, prevent new stains from sticking and actively restore and strengthen tooth enamel. Formulated with a special blend of performing micro-polishers and a strong stain-fighting ingredient that helps fight tough stains."

whitening toothpaste

I think colored toothpastes are for kids. I’m pretty picky when it comes to toothpaste, I just want it white. I’d never tried Rembrandt brand before. Upon opening the tube of Intense Stain toothpaste I notice that there’s a little seal at the top of the tube. How great is that? You know for sure that you are the first person to open and use this product! The white paste has a wonderfully refreshing mint smell and taste, perfect for freshening up first thing in the morning, and right before bed.

Rembrandt Deeply White with Peroxide toothpaste comes in 2 different mint flavors. Some people prefer winter mint, while others like fresh mint. Personally, I like both of them, but I prefer the fresh mint flavor.

Immediately after my first round of 2 hour whitening with the Rembrandt kit I asked my husband if he noticed a difference. Sadly, he said he did not. I have been loyally using the Rembrandt Intense Stain since then, for a little over a week now. I’ve decided to try the two hour kit again just to give it another chance.

Success! He said he did notice a difference after the 2 hour treatment today! I will definitely continue to use the Intense Stain toothpaste.



The Rembrandt Deeply White Collection can be purchased from Amazon.com

Save money on Rembrandt Products with these special offers & coupons


One Mommy of Two Little Monkeys reader is going to win an Oral Care Package from Rembrandt


Rembrandt Toothpastes

Rembrandt 2 Hour Whitening Kit

REACH® Total Care + Whitening floss

REACH® by Design™ toothbrush

How To Enter:

Use the rafflecopter form below to enter! Good Luck!! :)


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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway Rules: Contest will end at 11:01pm CST on April 20th, 2012 when I will draw a winner at random using the Rafflecopter Random Selector.

Only 1 entry per household please. US Only please. 18 + . No purchase necessary to win.

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Please leave your email address along with your comment if it is not located within your profile. Your email address will only be used to notify you if you won the giveaway. I will notify the winner via email and on my blog of their winnings and they will have 48 hours to respond.

Disclosure of Material Connection:  The above mentioned product was received for free in hopes that I would mention it on Mommy of Two Little Monkeys. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own. Your experience with the product may differ from mine. The sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment and will be shipping the winner(s) their prize(s). For more information read my disclosure policy.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

124 thoughts on “Rembrandt Makes a Brighter Smile with Deeply White Collection

  • I’m a coffee and tea drinker

  • I’m a diet soda drinker, so I could definitely use this!

  • I recently gave up soda, but I still drink coffee!

  • big time coffee drinker here

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  • No but my husband drinks a ton of pop

  • i’m a soda drinker

  • I’m a tea drinker..

  • Soda drinker.

  • I drink coffee a lot and some soda

  • I drink a lot of coffee. Thanks for the giveaway.

  • soda drinker

  • I can not live without my coffee! LOL

  • I used to drink a 6 pack of diet soda a day, and gave up all soda. Now I drink tea and lemon drink! thanks!

  • Yes, I’m a coffee drinker and would love to lighten my teeth! :)

  • both but mostly soda

  • i drink coffee

  • Dr. Pepper is my favorite.

  • I am a major coffee drinker.

  • Yes Im a coffee drinker!!

    ptavernie at yahoo dot com

  • Yes, I am both.

  • im a huge coffee drinker

  • coffee and tea

  • I don’t drink much coffee or soda, mainly tea

  • I am an occasional coffee drinker and most definitely a soda drinker

  • I’m a tea & soda person

  • not a coffee or soda drinker but my teeth have always been not so white

  • No coffee, no smoking, no soda, but plenty of candy :o

  • yep i drink both

  • I drink both coffee and tea!

  • I am a coffee and soda drinker.

  • big soda drinker

  • I’m a soda drinker. I’m trying to cut down, I’ve only had 1- 12 oz can today.

  • I am a coffee and tea drinker.

  • Been getting my red raspberry leaf tea on to push this kid out. LoL

  • I drink my share of Coke!

  • Tea/lemonade mixture is my favorite and does stain a lot

  • I am a habitual soda drinker!

  • Thanks for the giveway! I am a tea and coffee drinker..so I really want to try these products. I hope I win!

  • coffee and diet Pepsi

    jenhedger at hotmail dot com

  • I like my soda

  • I’m a soda drinker

  • not sure if it’s supposed to be a daily entry, but asking if drink soda or coffee. I drink tea and lemonade and also a powerade (blue) mixed with lemonade. All are pretty bad at staining. Esp. the blue Powerade…look like mama Smurf. LOL.

  • I am a coffee drinker, so I could definitely use this prize package!

  • I also am a tea drinker so I could all the help I can when it comes to whiten my teeth.

  • I’m a diet coke addict!

  • I am a soda drinker

  • I’m a soda & tea drinker.

  • i have a steady cup of coffee going all day

  • I am a BIG coffee drinker for sure.

  • Lots of soda (my biggest vice!) and coffee in the AM

  • both unfortunately :/

  • Crest Whitestrips are thin strips of plastic you use for two weeks, I believe.
    These are trays where you put a line of whitening gel in and you’re done in two hours.

  • Wow! you got a big result… I’m jealous.

    I drink some coffee, but lots of tea and red wine. My teeth are needing this!

  • Tea, not much soda and never coffee..ewwww

  • I am a soda drinker, trying to cut back!

  • I drink both soda and coffee mostly in moderation.

  • Cant drink much coffee as the hot liquids seems to crack my dental work, and I don’t drink soda anymore. but I do love the tea/lemonade combo drinks they have now and they are not kind to your teeth. OH how I need to try this! thanks!

  • Coffee and Soda! AND TEA!!! I could use the Rembrandt collection!

  • i drink alots of soda

  • I drink a lot of tea!

  • Yes, I drink a lot of coffee.

  • What’s the difference between this and Crest Whitening Strips?

  • Im a huge coffee drinker

  • I drink both, only 2 things I do drink actually

  • I am a coffee drinker :)

  • im a huge soda drinkers

  • Mc Donalds sweet tea & Pepsi

  • coffe drinker

  • I don’t drink coffee, but I have an occasional pop

  • I quit smoking but my teeth are still a but yellow. Also drink sodas and wine.

  • coffee i could use it

  • I am a soda drinker : )

  • my one true addiction is tea, hot in the morning and iced for the rest of the day. It does not do good things to my teeth

  • I drink a couple cherry cokes and red bulls each week

  • Subscribed via RSS through google reader – stacey0711n at gmail dot com

  • Soda and coffee drinker

  • no coffee or pop for me =)

  • i am a soda drinker

  • I drink coffee, diet coke and occasionally tea

  • soda drinker

  • coffee drinker!

  • Coffee, soda (and ex-smoker)…

  • Heavy coffee drinker – until I got pregnant =)
    Now not so much! No pop eitherl

  • I am a tea drinker.

  • Yes, unfortunately I drink diet soda nearly every day!

  • I am both, coffee and soda drinker

  • Soda Drinker BIG time!!!!!!!! I NEED THIS!

  • I drink Irish Coffee. That is a mug of coffee with the addition of a couple of shots of whiskey.

    Hope to win!

  • im a soda drinker

  • I drink coffee occasionally or soda sometimes.

  • I get my caffeine from soda but I can’t stand coffee.

  • Yes I am a coffee drinker, only one cup a day though. And soda I drink here and there.

  • I am a coffee drinker! I can’t do without it.

  • Coffee and tea drinker here.

  • I drink both soda and coffee :-/

  • recently started drinking >half milk(fat free)/half coffee(decaf)with sugar substitute…..it’s helping with weight control

  • I am a coffee drinker and a diet Coke addict. I could use this so much!

  • I drink coffee all day long :(

  • I don’t drink coffee, but I love Sweet Tea.

  • Yes, I am a passionate coffee drinker and green tea drinker. I often find that my teeth illustrate that clearly. Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

  • I’m a coffee drink, tea drinker, and soda drink. :) Thanks Amanda!

  • I drink tea almost every day. I drink soda occasionally, but I try to avoid having a lot of it.

  • i drink coffee all day long..really would love a whitening kit

  • i drink alots of diet coke

  • I drink coffee and tea

  • I’m a major soda drinker.

  • Are you a coffee drinker? Soda Drinker? Leave me a comment on this post letting me know :)

    coffe drinker..help me

  • I love your toothpaste!

  • I drink soda! I know, I know…I shouldn’t! I drink through a straw to cut down on staining, but it doesn’t help! My dentist said I was just born to have bad teeth–nice. Lol!

  • What an awesome giveaway! With all the coffee I drink these days just to function. My teeth need it! Yikes! Lol

  • coffee, not really soda!

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