
Remove the Stink & Hard Water Spots with Citrus Magic & Lemi Shine

4.2012 (1 of 1)

I just wanted to share with you a couple of products that I happened upon this past week.

I’ve been trying air fresheners for most of my life. Sometimes it was a success, other times a flop. Dogs and an active lifestyle makes for some stink all around.

Life with a baby, and now a toddler just got a whole lot less stinky. Citrus Magic is the perfect name for this air freshener. I love the smell of oranges- so bright, fresh, and uplifting. This is like orange concentrate in a spray can. It’s made with all-natural citrus essential oils so it possesses true natural power!

I spray a little here and there, because a little goes a long way. A little puff of Citrus Magic lasts four times longer than ordinary air fresheners. I sprayed some in my car, some in the laundry area, around the trash can in the kitchen, and in the dirty diaper pail in my son’s room. With every press of the button I can’t help but smile and smell! This little canister packs a lot of orange punch!

lemi (10 of 2)We have hard water and over the years I’d just come to accept that my dishes would never sparkle like new, never look like clean dishes do on those detergent commercials. I sent my husband to the grocery store to pick up a few things, one of which was dishwasher detergent. He picked up our usual kind, but for some reason also picked up Lemi Shine. When he got home I said, "what’s this?" he replied, "I don’t know, it says it’s for hard water so I figured we could try it."

The directions say to pour some in and run an empty load. I did that and noticed the bottom of the dishwasher didn’t look as orange as it had previously. I loaded up the dishwasher and put a little Lemi Shine in with our regular detergent. My husband opened the dishwasher when it was done and said, "Chantal, come look at this!" We both couldn’t believe it. We could see THROUGH our glasses! I gave him a high-five. We are definitely impressed with the shine that Lemi Shine gave our dishes, pots and pans!


Buy It

Lemi Shine can be found at local retailers or from Amazon.com

Citrus Magic can also be found on Amazon.com


*Disclosure: This was not a compensated review and no product was received. Just wanted to share some new products that we tried. Opinions may vary.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

12 thoughts on “Remove the Stink & Hard Water Spots with Citrus Magic & Lemi Shine

  • I’ll have to email this review to my sister. She lives in the country and they have hard stinky water (maybe the first product will help her too)! Well water just has it’s downfalls.
    Gladys P

  • We have hard water and I am going to look for the Lemi Shine. It would be nice to see through the glasses again.

  • I would like to try the air freshner! I can relate to toddler and baby stink! lol

  • Christina that is funny! You probably smelled pretty fruity and yummy :) I haven’t tried either of these products but will look into them. Thanks Chay for the review!

  • Thanks for the tips and giveaway offer Dustin!

    We will be in touch with you :)


  • I will definitely have to try these products! Thanks for bringing these to my attention!

  • Hi Chantal,

    Thank you for writing about Lemi Shine! I am the marketing director for the company that makes Lemi Shine and we absolutely love (and value) bloggers who talk about our products. Anywhoo, I wanted to see if you would like to offer your readers some samples or we could do a fun giveaway or something? Oh and I also wanted to let them know that they can get much better pricing online at http://lemishine.alice.com.

    Lastly, we are made in Midland, Texas so we have the whole Texas thing in common too!

    Have a blessed day,

  • Citrus Magic works great! You are going to laugh, but I used to see a holistic Dr. and he suggested spraying it on the bottom of my feet to absorb the oils for extra vit c. I guess you use the bottom of your feet because the skin is tougher and won’t be irritated. I had some pretty smelling feet for a while. :)

  • Gonna try Lemi Shine right away…I’ve had the same problem forever!! Thanks for the review and the product introduction!!

  • I defintely have hard water. I have to try this! Thanks for the info.

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