
Rollercoasters | Mall of America | Wordfull Wednesday

kid waiting in line

My husband is ADDICTED to rollercoasters and recently came back from an 11 day trip over to Europe. No he wasn’t there to site see like most people, my husband went there to hop around theme parks in Europe and ride roller coasters.


This European rollercoaster trip was a little too expensive to take the whole family, so my friend and I packed up the kiddos and traveled to the Mall of America. Inside of the Mall of America you will find the Nickelodeon Theme Park; rides, rollercoasters, games, and more.

spongebob roller coaster

My son is just a little bit like his daddy and has taken on a liking for rollercoasters too. Most of the rollercoasters at the Mall of America had height restrictions that prevented Andrew from riding.

kid riding rollercoaster

Fortunately, there were two rollercoasters at the Nickelodeon Theme Park that Andrew could ride, The Pepsi Orange Streak and the Back at the Barnyard Hayride. He had a blast! And at the young age of 4 years old, I’ve lost count of how many rollercoasters he has been on.

I think we have a little adventurist on our hands Smile

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

3 thoughts on “Rollercoasters | Mall of America | Wordfull Wednesday

  • Your husband is quite lucky, hopefully he did sightsee a bit. My kids love coasters also, they are 8 and 5. We take them to Cedar Point every year and they have a blast.

  • I love rollercoasters too! I can’t wait until my son is a little bit taller to take him to Six Flags Magic Mountain!

  • This sounds like so much fun. Maybe I will have to add this to our list of places to go once we can save up enough money and our children get older. I also was a huge American Girl Doll fan as a child.

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