
Free Summer Reading Challenge From Scholastic – Sign Up Today!

This post is part of a sponsored collaboration with Scholastic. All thoughts and opinions expressed are honest and my own.

Free Summer Reading Challenge From Scholastic - A great reading program geared towards kids of all ages

Earlier, in the spring, I shared a post about the Scholastic Reading Challenge. Now in it’s 9th year, the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge is a free online reading program dedicated to stopping the “summer slide”.

A completely free program!!

It started on May 4th and my kids started to log their reading minutes the day after school got out. Each day, we set aside time for reading and make sure it’s done before any electronic time. It seems to be going well!

Want to join in? It’s not too late!

Free Summer Reading Challenge From Scholastic - A great reading program geared towards kids of all ages

Last year, the world record was 304,749,861 minutes and this year we hope to break it! 

If you haven’t gotten your child set up with a reading program for the summer, now is the time to do it. The “Summer Slide” is real, yal!

Research shows Teachers spend four to six weeks re-teaching materials to students because of the “summer slide”—the learning losses which can occur when school is not in session. No one wants their kid to fall behind.

So how can you say no to a free reading program that will little minds sharp this summer?

Free Summer Reading Challenge From Scholastic - A great reading program geared towards kids of all ages

Get Started Now!

The Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge has started and it runs through September 4th, 2015. 

Kids can enter monthly sweepstakes to win prizes, and earn digital rewards when they complete weekly reading challenges. Parents can enter weekly sweepstakes to win a “Power Up & Read Kit” and watch videos about summer reading activities to keep you “innovative” all summer long.

The prize pack includes:

Scholastic tote bag, water bottle, a copy of Reading Unbound by Jeffrey Wilhelm and Michael Smith, $10 gift certificate to Scholastic Store Online, Energizer® brand batteries, Scholastic books, and more.

So there are lots of things in the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge to keep both kids and parents motivated to keep going.

Free Summer Reading Challenge From Scholastic - A great reading program geared towards kids of all ages

What’s New in 2015?

Kids can unlock 12 original short stories (exclusively for this year’s challenge) from favorite children’s authors and access never-before-seen videos from the authors! Each of the authors has written a unique short story using the same opening sentence, which is, “I glanced over my shoulder to make sure that no one had followed me into the shadowy library, then took a deep breath and opened the glowing book…”

All Ages Can Join!

Each story has a “read along” audio component, inviting kids of all ages and reading levels to enjoy these highly engaging stories.

Parents can download free resources, including printables and booklists for kids of all ages.

My 7 year old and 4 year old are both enjoying the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge and I feel great knowing that we are doing things for them that will help prevent the “Summer Slide”. I hope that you will join me! Sign up for the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge

More Information!

Find more Scholastic Resources to keep your kids reading all summer long!

Learn more about the Energizer® Instant Win Game

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

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