
How to Shop Your Back to School Supplies List With Ease

The kids are dreading the day their summer ends. I am dreading the headache of a task, school supplies shopping. Finding the school supplies list for each of my children is enough to make me want to pull my hair out. Next to Black Friday shopping, it’s probably one of the most difficult times to shop. 

How to Shop Your Back to School Supplies List With Ease

Last week, my kids and I walked into Target to get some of our school supplies. I pulled up our children’s school website and fumbled to find the school supplies list. Scrolling, swiping, I could barely find what was needed. So what happened? I grabbed half of the list, mainly the things that they need every year, then went home and realized that half of the list was forgotten.

How to Shop Your Back to School Supplies List With Ease

I knew there was an easier way, and there is. This is when I learned about TeacherLists.com

TeacherLists.com was launched to help give parents the convenience needed during back to school time. Back to school shopping is now easy as searching for your child’s list, buying it and receiving it. No more having to wade through the stores, through the crowds and finding that the one thing you need is sold out.

How to Shop Your Back to School Supplies List With Ease

What’s cool about TeacherLists.com are the options that it gives you. Search your school supply list, traditionally print it or view it at the store in a browser friendly window. Some people prefer that!

Or, you can now use the option to search your school supply list, choose your preferred retailer, have it all added to your cart with a click, check out and receive it at home.

How to Shop Your Back to School Supplies List With Ease

Since our shopping was only half done, I pulled up my child’s school supply list, choose Target, edited the things out that were no longer needed and bam. This headache is done! We choose Target’s in store pickup, Walmart offers it too, and went up to get the rest without the stress. That was a very welcomed moment for me.

Want to give TeacherLists.com a try? Visit TeacherLists.com for a quick and convenient way to shop for your child’s school supplies.

This post is brought to you by TeacherLists.com and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

16 thoughts on “How to Shop Your Back to School Supplies List With Ease

  • I learn something new daily sounds like a great website I need to share yoir post very informative.

  • This time of year can get hectic for everyone, this is a great resource that can help ease the chaos. :)

  • Oh, I know how you feel Amanda. I’ve started shopping for back to school stuff, so hopefully, that will help with the last-minute anxiety and craziness that happens during this season! Thanks for sharing your tips!

  • Teacherlists.com sounds like a great resource for back to school shopping! I have always dreaded this more than Christmas shopping so I need something to make it go more smoothly.

  • With two kids in college, my school supplies are so expensive! I remember when it used to be less expensive, and the lists from teachers made it so convenient. It looks like it’s even easier now!

  • This looks amazing! We have so many things to get for school. I never realized how much supplies they ask for as they get older.

  • That is so helpful! I was in Walmart this week and a couple forgot their list. They had no idea what to buy.

  • I love these lists so much! They are mega helpful to see what my school needs usually already printed at my Target.

  • This is such a great service. I would love to be able to buy back to school supplies without having to enter a store.

  • This is a really nice way to make sure you’re all set for the new school year. There’s a lot of supplies to pick up!

  • TeacherLists.com is going to help me save a lot of time this year. I need to look and get the lists I need for my kids and finish my back to school shopping soon. I can’t believe it’s almost time for the kids to go back.

  • It’s great to have a list to go off of. When you get to a local stores like Staples or Office Depot they have so many lists for so many different classrooms, that it can feel overwhelming. It’s nice to always have a basic list as a starting point.

  • I can’t believe that it is that time of year again! My kiddo starts school in three weeks and I have yet to get any supplies LOL! I will have to check this out and see if I can make it easier on me! :)

  • This couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m just now gearing up to do all my back to school shopping, and it’s A LOT!

  • I’m going to make full use of this. My kids are a little older, but I still have to do A LOT of shopping for supplies.

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