
The Secret to Perfectly Popped Popcorn – Burned Popcorn No More! #PerfectPop

The Secret to Perfectly Popped Popcorn - Burned Popcorn No More!

Thanks to Pop Secret for sponsoring today’s discussion. As always all thoughts are my own.

We eat a lot of popcorn at our house, it’s the perfect snack for movie nights, a fun treat for the kids and really, who doesn’t love the smell of yummy popped popcorn lingering in the air?

There is a trick to popping popcorn in the microwave. I’ve learned to not rely on the popcorn button, no body likes to smell burnt popcorn in the house. The last time my husband and I tried to have a movie night my mind became occupied with the kids, the microwave was ignored and we totally forgot about the bag of popcorn. It was our last bag of popcorn in the house, the house now stunk like no one’s business and I couldn’t even fathem eating the mass of black grossness in the bag. So I knew that next time it would come down to a trained ear or the science of the new Pop Secret Popcorn App.

I’d rather use the Pop Secret Popcorn app.. Why? Because it’s cool, the kids think it’s awesome to be able to help out and I personally love a perfectly popped bag of popcorn.


Everyone can relate to the frustration of burning popcorn, so Pop Secret decided to solve the problem once and for all, so you can spend more time enjoying movies and less time worrying about burned popcorn!

With your iPhone 5+ on iOS 7+, download Perfect Pop (“Perfect Popcorn”) for free on the App Store.

1. Put a bag of Pop Secret in the microwave and enter suggested cooking time from the packaging. Note: Perfect Pop is optimized for the deliciousness of Pop Secret popcorn only.

2. Turn up the volume on your iPhone. Point the phone’s speaker towards the microwave and keep within 3 feet.

3. Start the microwave, and then start the app.

No more relying on the popcorn button or guessing how many seconds in between pops. Pop Secret is serious about perfect popcorn, so the less you have to worry about, the more time you can spend enjoying movie night with your friends & family. Perfect Pop listens to the pops, waiting for the precise moment to let you know when your popcorn is perfect.


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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

30 thoughts on “The Secret to Perfectly Popped Popcorn – Burned Popcorn No More! #PerfectPop

  • The smell of burned popcorn can ruin an appetite and just one kernel can ruin the whole bag. This app is a great idea.

  • I would love to have an app to help with popcorn. Great app for those who burn popcorn.

  • I love popcorn but I am someone that always burns it! Thanks for sharing about this app! I am going to try it out.

  • This app looks adorable for my kids. I could use some popcorn!

  • We use an air popper these days but when we used the microwave I would get so mad when the popcorn would burn! Yucky!

  • I love popcorn. It is such an easy snack. It’s perfect for movie night like you said!

  • Popcorn is fun to eat! Pop secret makes it even more fun

  • Nothing smells worse than burnt popcorn. And this is a fun app to use too. :)

  • This is such a fun app. What will they think of next?

  • I seriously love this popcorn. I’m going to get that app because I hate the burned popcorn smell.

  • This app sounds awesome. I could totally use it. Me and microwave popcorn don’t always work out!

  • It’s funny to me the apps there are nowadays. Gotta love not having burnt popcorn anymore, though!

  • I hate it when my family burns the popcorn. I need to get them this app so they can finally get a bag popped right!

  • I love popcorn – especially when watching a movie. I still have to try this app, I’ve heard a lot of good reviews about it.

  • This is such a great app, I always burn the popcorn.

  • I love popcorn – especially Pop Secret! I’m gonna have to check out this app!

  • How awesome is that app! I love pop secret, super yummy popcorn!

  • Such a fun all! We eat a LOT of popcorn!

  • I need to make my Hubs get this app. I am the one who always stands by the microwave listening for the last pop.

  • I think it is great that there is an app for this,then again there is an app for everything lol.

  • I had no idea there was an app for this! I am so getting this. The smell of burnt popcorn is so gross!

  • that burnt smell is horrible. this is a cute app

  • I need to try this app! There’s such a fine line between a bag of unpopped kernels and burnt popcorn!

  • This is so cool! I hate when i burn popcorn, i’ll definitely be downloading this app.

  • I have a REALLY good ear for popcorn in the microwave. I can get it down to just a few leftover kernels and no burnt pieces. This would be great for my mom, though!

  • That burnt popcorn smell is the WORST! This app sounds like the perfect solution!

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