
My Secret Weapon to Clean the Bathroom


After the purchase of my home, I used to think that the bathroom would be the easiest room in the house to keep clean. I mean, it’s small and there isn’t a lot to keep clean.

Did you know that when the toilet is flushed with the seat up, toilet bacteria sprays out and covers everything in a fine layer of filth? According the Scrubbing Bubbles® Dirty Work Index, over 60 percent of people don’t know this! So don’t feel bad if this is news to you.

My Secret Weapon to Clean the Bathroom

I never grew up around boys, so the last seven years have been a learning experience for me. I’ve learned about the mess that happens down the side of the toilet, the spray marks on the floor and all of those good things that happen when boys are little.

My little girl makes a mess too. Between the two kids, my sink has seen its share of toothpaste art.

My Secret Weapon to Clean the Bathroom

Exhibit A.

We have one main bathroom that is shared with the kids and I can always be promised to a surprise when walking in there. I took this picture today and found purple fingerprints all over the counter top (not sure where the purple came from) and toothpaste blobs all over the sink. It’s like they sit over the sink with their mouth wide open for all to fall out.

How do you battle these kinds of messes?

My main weapon of choice has always been Scrubbing Bubbles® Multi Surface Bathroom Cleaner. Its fast acting formula works to penetrate and lift dirt and kills 99.9 percent of viruses and bacteria.

You know why I choose Scrubbing Bubbles®?

With the holiday season recently, family coming and going, it was challenging to keep the bathroom clean. But, with tips from friends and Scrubbing Bubbles®, I’ve been able to achieve a spotless bathroom.

My Secret Weapon to Clean the Bathroom

Here’s how:

I like to keep Scrubbing Bubbles® Multi Surface Bathroom Cleaner underneath the bathroom sink. It cleans everything!

When it’s my turn to use the bathroom, I grab a quick towel and wipe down the sink after washing my hands.

Once every couple of days, I like to use it, and spray the bathtub to kill any germs in there. A quick spray, wipe and my bathtub is free from bacteria, soap scum and leaves it shiny.

Once a month, I take an opportunity to do a deep clean in the bathroom. When times get busy, it’s easy to forget about cleaning the bathroom, so it’s important to get a complete clean.

If you haven’t checked out Scrubbing Bubbles® Multi Surface Bathroom Cleaner, grab some for under your sink. It’s formulated to clean soap scum, hard water stains, dirt and more. Seriously, it cleans everything, and it smells good too!

For more information on Scrubbing Bubbles® products, visit http://www.scrubbingbubbles.com/

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

One thought on “My Secret Weapon to Clean the Bathroom

  • I have two little boys, too! My secret weapon for keeping things smelling fresh on a day to day basis is Rockin’ Green Stinky Gear spray. It’s designed for workout gear but it’s also perfect for taking care of stink! It has tea tree oil in it which means it actually takes care of the root of the smell and doesn’t just cover it up. I love it! http://www.rockingreensoap.com

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