
Sensory Bin with Shaving Cream Project

cute baby

I find myself trying to find new and daring ways to entertain B these days. I know our precious “one on one” time is going to be limited very soon. I found this great little blog with a fun shaving activity while cruising on Pinterest and of course my inner child wanted in on the action!

Now, I sort of changed things to fit our situation. I found some super cheap shaving cream at the dollar store (for sensitive skin, just in case) and I thought maybe keeping it simple would be best for our first time.

happy baby

I started out by laying down an old table cloth and a plastic storage bin. I usually spread out this table cloth when we do finger painting so B was excited to see it. I put a little shaving cream in a dish with dividers, added some food coloring and B was very intrigued. I set it on the floor and gave him a spoon to see what he’d do. He pushed the colored cream around a little bit and then looked on as I put a whole lot of shaving cream in the plastic bin. He squealed with delight and  lifted his leg to get in the bin! I told him to hold off a minute as I wanted him to have the chance to squeeze it in his little hands or mix up the colors.

toddler crafts

He took the spoon and painted with the colored cream in the bin and it was so pretty!
I then let him get in the bin and he couldn’t stop playing, laughing, and squealing with delight. He had almost an hour of fun before he tried to stand up and slip a bit.

The pictures and pure fun we both had was well worth the bit of mess and a bath.

messy baby

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

27 thoughts on “Sensory Bin with Shaving Cream Project

  • Pingback: Summer Activity List for Kids {FREE Printable!} -

  • I love this idea for kids who don’t still put things in their mouths (read: my kid). Hope to do this eventually. I also love the blanket that is clearly your project blanket underneath! Yay for no messes!

  • I wonder if they make tubs big enough for me, this looks like a blast! I wouldn’t mind doing it with buttercream frosting!

  • Awesome idea !! thanks

  • Oh how cute! I use to work delivering lunches for the Head Start Program and they would take shaving cream and place it on the table and the kids could rub it until it disappeared. They all loved it, playing in it, etc. I tried it with my grandson but he just doesn’t like his hands dirty so he really didn’t enjoy it at all but I’ll bet if it was in a tub like this, he’d love it.

  • Adorable! I should try this with my grandbaby ;)

  • OMG my son would soooo love this! Thanks for the idea!

  • Aww that is such an adorable face. You’re a cool mom! I’m a neat freak so I can honestly say I’ve skipped over that pin quite a few times! Love Pinterest though. It’s addicting!

  • What adorable pictures and this looks absolutely too fun. This is definitely something we will be trying in our house. just hope my little one doesn’t like the taste of shaving cream.

  • Such a cutie pie. Looks like he’s having fun playing in the shaving cream and growing a beard too.
    Kids love to explore and feel the difference in things like sand and water etc. In daycare we have numerous things for the kids to just play in with shovels and buckets . Fun way to occupy the kids
    thanks for the idea too.

  • Wow! These are really great photos! This is a wonderfully fun idea. I’m going to have to jot it down. :)

  • Very cute idea, I will have to tell my son, he is always looking for things for his identical twin son’s to do. Thank s for the post

  • This is such a great idea. I am always looking for indoor fun for my two kids. We will definitely try this over the holidays!

  • such a cute idea, I might try it with my kids

  • Wow, I have never seen that before. Looks like pure fun, for any little one.

  • That looks ridiculously fun!! Your photos are hysterical! Yes, thank you for the inspiration…we may just have to give it a try.

  • What a great fun idea. I would love to do this for my grandson. He would have so much fun.

  • my son would have LOVED this when he was younger

  • Wow, you are a talented photographer! I love this idea

  • The young girl I take care of had to do something like this in occupational therapy. I think it is a neat idea though, thank you for sharing.

  • Oh my goodness that looks like it was fun. A little messy, but fun. I am sure that my boys would BOTH love it! Thanks for the idea :)

  • This is such a fun idea! I put shaving cream in an ice cube tray, with different food coloring, and a few paint brushes, and give it to my daughter in the bath tub. She loves it and paints the tiles, tub, and my arms, lol. I can also rinse her off with the shower and it’s not very messy :). Red, pink, and dark blue may stain and require a good scrubbing……I learned that the hard way.

  • Thanks for the idea. I think my 2 yr old would love this as well! You son has the most gorgeous eyes btw!!

  • He’s 2 and over the whole putting stuff in his mouth stage so that’s why I felt comfortable doing it.
    And that particular CD I don’t care about. It’s an AIO that’s lost its absorbancy and the snaps don’t work well. =)

  • Love it! I want to do this with My DD – How old is your LO? Did he try to eat it at all?(My DD is only 15m – and exploring everything with her mouth!)
    Ack! I’d be scared about my cloth diapers and shaving cream!

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