
Share Your Heart with CaringBridge iPad Mini Contest #ShareYourHeart

This February, CaringBridge is inviting you to share some the fun and unique ways that you have shown love and support to your friends and family for a chance to win two iPad Minis.

How do you share your heart?

There is no right or wrong way to share your heart. It could be a simple hug to show you care, a care package that you sent, an act of kindness towards another person or even a letter to show someone you are thinking about them.

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Win Two iPad Minis!

The Sharing Your Heart contest began on February 11th and will run through March 1st.

To enter for your chance to win Two iPad Minis, visit the Share Your Heart website and upload a photo, a video or up to a 50 word description of how you share your heart with those that you love and support.

Entry Phase of the Share Your Heart Contest – February 11 – March 1

Voting Phase of the Share Your Heart Contest – February 11 – March 6

Share Your Heart Homepage: http://caringb.org/mtm

Once your submission is received, ask your friends and ME to vote for you! The submission that has received the most votes by March 6th will receive the two iPad Minis.

Two iPad Minis?

CaringBridge is about sharing your heart with friends and family, one lucky winner will receive two iPad Minis – one for you and another for the loved one who helped inspire your submission.

Additionally, every submission into the contest will also be entered into a random drawing to win one of (10) $20 Gift Certificates from Pear Tree Greetings

What is CaringBridge?

Many people like to write or blog during hard times and difficult health events. Writing is not only therapeutic, it’s a great way to keep all of your friends and family updated without having to make a lot of phone calls or go over the details of each event with every person. CaringBridge is a free patient website where you can set up a personalized page and post health updates to share with your friends and family. In addition, your friends and family can share their support by leaving messages in the guest book for the patient.

CaringBridge is a nonprofit organization that relies on individual donors to fund it’s operations. User information is not sold, there are no ads on the CaringBridge website and they use this approach to stay true to their mission while protecting user’s personal data.

How CaringBridge has impacted me

I was introduced to the CaringBridge website during the Summer of 2012. A dear family friend was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. As you can imagine, friends and family were all worried. We all wanted to be connected to her, know every update, how it was discovered and stay connected with her in a way to show our support.

While it’s unfortunate to learn about such wonderful companies like CaringBridge at such a hard time, it was truly inspiring to have everyone come together and offer their support for our dear friend during her treatments. It’s moments like those that help difficult health journeys become a little easier.

Connect with your loved ones and create a free website at CaringBridge

Submit your Entry into the Share Your Heart Contest here : http://caringb.org/mtm

Connect with CaringBridge on Facebook


*Disclosure | This post was brought to you by our friends at CaringBridge. All thoughts are my own.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

8 thoughts on “Share Your Heart with CaringBridge iPad Mini Contest #ShareYourHeart

  • What if you’re still going through the phases of accepting…. What if you’re not sure you want to tell friends or family…don’t want to worry them ? What if you’re not sure you want the extra attention…. yet you get so upset because you found out during a time of great decision making, (middle of packing your house, kids and furry family.. to move andddd whether to fix a car that you have had for 11 yrs or let it junk to get new one) but all I seem to get from friends is that I’m taking too long… ahhhh guess this would be a good first blog! LOL

  • I have used Caring Bridge before for updates on a special little boy. This is such a wonderful way to help families communicate with others in difficult times.

  • I love the idea of this, it just warms my heart. With a parent that is getting up there in years the concept of this is wonderful.

  • I think this is a great idea. Writing about these things will surely help someone in this situation and family who wants to stay connected and in the know.

  • this is a wonderful concept – I’ll have to keep it in mind – so often it’s so much easier to express feelings remotely

  • Sounds wonderful, I’ll tell my aunt who’s an RN about this! I’m sure she’ll be interested in passing the word around.

  • I like CaringBridge – I’ve gotten updates on several people who I know well enough to be concerned about but not well enough to be involved with their family communications – it’s perfect for that situation!

  • I am happy to hear there are sites like caring bridge to help people through their difficult times. I would definitely use it and recommend to others. Thanks so much for sharing this.

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