#ShareTheLove Twitter Party with Guest Hilary Duff! Join us Today 10/30
Join us today for the #Sharethelove Twitter Party from 3-4 PM EST to celebrate the relationship humans share with their pups as well as support those dogs who make it their mission to assist others!
Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Time: 3 – 4 PM EST
Assistant Moderators: @StacyDeBroff, @DadCentral, @MomCentralChat
Guest: @CesarCuisine, @HilaryDuff, @AmericanHumane, @ITAorg, and @GoodDogTherapy
Hashtag: #Sharethelove?
Prizes: 2 pre-party winners will receive a $50 Amazon gift code
Questions: Contact Jen at jcollins@momcentral.com
TweetGrid: bit.ly/V0jQKS
Pre-Tweet to Win:
Anyone who tweets this from now until the #Sharethelove Twitter Party will be eligible to win one of two $50 Amazon gift codes
About the Party:
For many of us, our four-legged friends hold a unique place in the family dynamic. As they play the role of a family member, we seek out ways to love them back. Day in and day out we care for our pooches with treats, long walks and playtime with toys to celebrate their companionship and unconditional love.
Cesar Cuisine strives to help dog owners celebrate the relationship with their pups as well as support those dogs who make it their mission to assist others. Therapy dogs play a large role in our communities serving as integral members in both mental and physical treatment plans. The American Humane Association specially trains therapy dogs to help others. Under the guidance of a certified clinician, therapy dogs help to heal people physically, emotionally, cognitively, and socially. That’s why Cesar proudly supports the work of therapy dogs – special dogs that go above and beyond to help people in need. You can love them back and support these dogs too. Through the Share a Story and Share the Love campaign it’s easy to get involved. Visit cesar.com/therapydogs and share the real-life stories of therapy dogs spreading their love.
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