
Staying Fit While Pregnant in the Summer Heat | Wii FitPlus Review

wii games and consoleExercising in the summer heat can be brutal. It’s already been well into the 90*’s here in Texas and it’s only the 1st of June! Exercising in your own home can be more comfortable, but chances are you’re not going to go buy some big expensive piece of machinery that takes up valuable room space. The Nintendo Wii and WiiFit with the Balance Board is the perfect answer! It’s so much fun to get the whole family involved, or just a half hour by yourself while the kids are napping.

My husband set up the Wii, because he enjoys that sort of thing more than I do. The setup didn’t look hard, plug in a couple of cords, and the Wii was up and running. Syncing the remote, also known as a “Wiimote”, was easy to do, the directions walk you through the process step by step. You can also set up your own “Mii” which is your character in the Wii.

baby standing on wii balance boardThe Wii comes with a game to start you off, WiiSports, which is pretty fun and quite a work out on it’s own. You don’t need the Balance Board for these games, which is nice, if you just buy the Wii on its own. You can play baseball, golf, boxing, and tennis with up to four players with WiiSports.

balance board feetSetting up the Balance Board to use with the WiiFit game was a little trickier for some reason, but we got it! Make sure to use the extra foot pieces on the board if you play on carpet. We took turns going through a bunch of the games on the WiiFit, laughing at each other and at ourselves. Even B wanted to join in on the activity! There are SO many exercises offered. Everything from Yoga, to balance training, and even aerobics! The game keeps track of all your stats- weight, calories burned, activities you’ve done and your scores. It’s so intuitive, and each day when you first boot up, WiiFit will give you a new test to see if your balance or WiiFit age has improved. You can even set it up to keep track of weight loss and time that you’ve spent exercising. I really like this feature, with a toddler and another on the way I have a hard time remembering what I wore yesterday, let alone calories burned or when the last time I exercised was!

your wii fit age

Keeping my weight in check during pregnancy is important to me. I take my vitamins, drink lots of water, and even give into those cravings. Exercise has to be in my routine in order to be healthy for my family and myself. The Balance Board sits nicely next to the TV stand and sort of taunts me to bring it out when I sit my tush on the couch. No gym membership, no babysitters (you can sneak in a fun workout during the kiddos nap time or during the day if your kiddos go to school), and no strangers gawking! I think the Wii and WiiFit with the balance board will be a nice way to exercise this summer in the privacy of our own home while outside it’s a sweltering 100 degrees.

Connect with Nintendo Wii for the latest product updates & promotions!


For more information about the Wii and WiiFit Plus, visit the Nintendo website


Disclosure of Material Connection:  The above mentioned product was received for free in hopes that I would mention it on Mommy of Two Little Monkeys. I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own. Your experience with the product may differ from mine. For more information read my disclosure policy.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

22 thoughts on “Staying Fit While Pregnant in the Summer Heat | Wii FitPlus Review

  • We love our Wii Fit Plus! All of the family loves joining in on exercising together, yet there can be the joyous children squabbles as we still only have 2 controllers and as to who is going first! Oh the joys!!!

  • Oh yay! I’ve really been getting into the Wii Fit with my son. It’s fun to watch him try to Hula Hoop :)

  • I just got Wii Fit this week, and I love it so far. I like how you can go at your own pace and when it’s convenient for you. Then after you exercise you can reward yourself with a game of Mario Kart. :)

  • I have so been wanting this since I tried it out at a friends house. Such a great way to work out!

  • This is a great way for those upcoming moms to stay fit! I am a little partial to Pilates though ;-)

  • I know a couple of people who own this and they really enjoy it. One is my mother in law and when my kids go over her house they play on it. I am not sure if it is something for me but I would like to try it some day. It seems to me as more of a winter activity since there is just too much more to do when it’s nice out. Great post!

  • Thanks for the review….this will remind me to get in shape with my wii this summer too!

  • I’ve always wanted the Wii fit plus. It seems to be a fun way to keep fit with the family.

  • I have the original wii fit and had a lot of fun with it. Currently it’s dusting away in the corner of the game room but after seeing this post, I think I might go and wake it up again tomorrow ;)

  • Exercising in my jammies is something I do often. It really is nice to not feel like you have to go brush your hair or look cute to go work out :)

  • Christina I have not tried that one but it sounds hard!! My kids love the snowball fights, I like the obstacle course, and I love watching my husband flap his arms like a bird on the flying one! I will check out the ski jump one tonight

  • I have one and never use it. But the kids that come over love it. Have you tried the ski jump one? That’s HARD! lol

  • we love our wii fit! :) really helps us work out when we dont wanna go to the gym :)

  • What a great item and I really like that it keeps track of the calories burned and your weight. That is great! Kind of a reminder of just needs to be done to stay fit. Thanks for the great review. I don’t own a wii but my daughter does and want to mention this to her.

  • I haven’t gotten this for our Wii yet….looks like lots of fun!!!!! And I like the health benefit too!

  • I love working out at home too, you can do it anytime, no excuse that you don’t have a babysitter etc. Plus you can even exercise in your PJs :)

  • We have a wii and I have been interested in getting a wii fit. This is a great idea. I like that it would be so convenient and I could exercise whenever I had time. I get bored with exercise easily so it is great that it has so many options to get your exercise. Thank you for the great review!

  • What a fun way to stay in shape… we need to get this for our wii! :) I think i would exercise more this way thank I do now.

  • I enjoy walking, but you’re right, sometimes the summer heat does not allow you to comfortably exercise outside pregnant or not for that matter. I have tried the wiifit before and it looks like a lot of fun. I don’t own a wii yet, but it seems like a good investment to help keep in shape.

  • Wow!!!!! its a great exercise tool of Nitendo. Really exercising in this summer is very hard so, i am interested about Wii FitPlus to exerciser easily at my home. Thanks for sharing this important post with us.

  • That sounds pretty cool! We had a Wii but as the children moved out I moved it out lol Probably psycologicaly knowing I may find exercises on it. Never a good thing when in front of my computer is where I vow to be. Seriously that could inspire some chair exercises that even I could do. I enjoyed bowling with the kids, well teens, young adults.
    Gladys P

  • I have been wanting to try this out for awhile and now may be a good time when its too hot to go walking

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