
Summer Bucket List & Printable Activity Sheet – Fun With Kids!

Are you looking for inspiration for Summer fun? My kids are about to be released from the walls of school and they are looking forward to the Summer months. I’m looking forward to having them home, but there is a little anxiety about how they will stay entertained.

Working on your summer bucket list of things to do with the kids? Grab this free printable of 75 fun things to do on a budget!

Sometimes the best way to conquer boredom is to squash it before it starts. My kids and I thought a Summer activity checklist would be the perfect idea.

Here is a Summer Activity List for Kids that was made to squash boredom, make memories and leave them feeling like this was the best summer ever!

Working on your summer bucket list of things to do with the kids? Grab this free printable of 75 fun things to do on a budget!

Download the free printable here!

  1. Play in the Sprinkler
  2. Write letters to our friends and family, then mail them!
  3. Have a garage sale and set up a lemonade stand
  4. Nature walks – make a scavenger hunt out of it
  5. Go to the library
  6. Catch fireflies at night
  7. Go to the pool, again and again and again
  8. Go to the zoo
  9. Ride Bikes – this can even be with the whole family
  10. Visit the park and have a picnic
  11. Go camping in the backyard
  12. Bakecupcakes with mom!
  13. Cook smores over a firepit
  14. Attend a free kid’s workshop at Home Depot
  15. Go on a road trip
  16. Take a vacation
  17. Visit a theme park
  18. Plant a garden
  19. Go fishing
  20. Play in a sensory bin with shaving cream
  21. Build a waterpark in your backyard with PVC pipe
  22. Have a popsicle party with all of your neighbors
  23. Wash the car outside in the driveway
  24. Blow bubbles outside
  25. Visit the beach
  26. Play on a Springfree Trampoline!
  27. Make homemade ice cream in a bag
  28. Have BBQ get togethers with friends and family
  29. Play Frisbee
  30. Run through the sprinkler
  31. Have sleep overs with friends
  32. Make popsicle stick art
  33. Pick flowers and put them in a vase
  34. Make crafts with alphabet cereal
  35. Water balloon fights
  36. Make sock puppets
  37. Watch fireworks
  38. Go to the lake
  39. Make homemade play dough
  40. Make magazine collages of your favorite things
  41. Make an indoor sidewalk
  42. Create fairy jars and capture a fairy!
  43. DIY Sidewalk chalk and crayons
  44. Play on a slip and slide
  45. Go bowling or mini golfing
  46. Play hopscotch outside
  47. Attend a camp
  48. Join a little league sports team
  49. Take swim lessons
  50. Visit a children’s museum
  51. Jump at an indoor jungle gym when it’s too hot outside
  52. Work on grade appropriate workbooks
  53. Read a book
  54. Have Fun!
  55. Make pasta crafts and work on counting skills
  56. Play dress up
  57. Put together a puzzle
  58. Visit a farm
  59. Family movie night outside
  60. Eat watermelon
  61. Make milk carton boats and float them
  62. Go to a duck pond and feed the ducks
  63. Have a pillow sack race
  64. Have a splatter paint fight outside and then run in the sprinklers
  65. Put on a play
  66. Trace your shadow and decorate it
  67. Make homemade popsicles with the kids
  68. Play flashlight tag
  69. Ride paddle boats
  70. Visit an Aquarium
  71. Take pictures and create a photo album at the end of Summer
  72. Go garage sale shopping
  73. Plant sunflowers and watch them grow
  74. Fly a kite
  75. Have fun!

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

39 thoughts on “Summer Bucket List & Printable Activity Sheet – Fun With Kids!

  • Great list. I’m printing it out so we have some different ideas to spice up our summer.

  • Such a great list to keep kids busy! Thanks for sharing!

  • Pingback: 20 Summer Kids Crafts – Awesome Boredom Busters! -

  • Will be printing this out! Since my daughter is a little older this summer when can finally do a lot of them.

  • What a great list. The library, s’mores and water play is top on our list!

  • Love this list! What a great way to enjoy the summer!

  • What a fabulous list fro summer! Thanks for the printable!!

  • This is a wonderful list. So many fun ideas!

  • I am a total list person so I love seasonal lists of things to do with the kids. The more I can check off the better!

  • What a great list! That should keep the whole summer full and fun!

  • This is such a great list to do over the summer with kids.

  • These are really great ideas! I think we’ll try out quite a few of them with my son!

  • This is a great list. I think we are going to have to do the S’more thing soon!

  • I needed a new summer list! What a great round up

  • There are some great ideas here! Thanks for the list. I love the nature walks. My kids always seem to see things that I would have walked right by. Love that!

  • This is a great list! My boys get bored quickly after school lets out!

  • This is a great list. I need to buy some new ink :)

  • i might try to knock a few of these off myself. i’m always looking for new and interesting things to do

  • Such a great round up of summer activities! Thanks for the printable!

  • Now that is a list! My kids are really looking forward to summer. we always go to Jamaica, but maybe somewhere different this year

  • It’s hard to believe that my daughter will be out for summer break at the end of this month. Great ideas!! Love them all, and we will probably do them all.

  • I am going to need this list! I want summer to be fun and enjoyable for the kids. (and me)

  • Wow…this is an excellent list of summer activities! We’ll be doing lots of these and hopefully we’ll be able to take a small vacation too. That’d be awesome.

  • I love this! Printing it up and hanging on our fridge!

  • This would make a totally fun summer without boredom. Love your ideas!

  • I love your list! This is perfect for when kids come to mom saying “I’m bored!” Blowing bubbles is a favorite at our house!

  • Yours is the longest list I have seen on this subject. Way to go. I do a lot of the activities listed, but you have inspired me to try some different ones. The splatter paint fight, making milk carton boats and planting some sunflowers are ones that I will be surprising them with.

  • I would do the majority of this by myself, lol. Summer is a great time to just get all the fun out of your system before that next College semester begins.

  • The kids and I are working on planning our “Summer Bucket-List”. After reading your list, I have a few more awesome ideas to add to the list!

  • My preschoolers are home with me 24/7 so we can use this list now! Thanks for the printable!

  • Such great ideas for summer. I need to print this list and do it as the days go by!

  • s’mores on a firepit sounds like a nice relaxing night at home! can’t wait to try that one.

  • these are great, I love the idea of the popsicle crafts, they were so much fun when I was a kid.

  • I am totally saving this list for August when I Have run out of my own ideas and need things to do!! Love it.

  • This is a great list! My kids and I have been working on a list all winter long and we’re looking forward to tackling it soon!

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