
This is Why Sunscreen is a MUST! #BBBestSummer #MC

I participated in an Ambassador Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Banana Boat® Sun Care. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.

My family was excited! We woke up super early to begin our outdoor adventure. The kids were so excited and wound up I knew that getting them AWAY from the house and any breakables and to the great outdoors as soon as possible was a must. This would be an entire day of fun filled outdoor events, and it was bound to be a blast!

Being that I’m no stranger to outdoor activities, I had everything all planned out perfectly and packed the night before. Once the children were fed and dressed, I was sure to lather everyone up in sunscreen. This day would be perfect, and go off with out a hitch.

This is Why Sunscreen is a MUST! #BBBestSummer #MC

Or so I thought.

That night, however, when we came home; everyone was no longer in good spirits. We were pretty miserable and in pain, actually.


We’d all got hit pretty bad. I was shocked since I had taken so much care to protect everyone. What had I done wrong?

Let’s backtrack:

Timing: I applied sunscreen to everyone in the morning, but neglected to RE-APPLY throughout the day. This is very important as sunscreen wears off after time.

Reapply After Water Activities: Another thing I neglected to do was RE-APPLY my family’s sunscreen after swimming and other water activities. Important as the initial protection is weekend after water activities or excessive sweating.

One sunscreen doesn’t fit all: I simply grabbed one sunscreen and lathered it on everyone. Completely disregarding the fact that it may not be tailored for all of the physical activities we were engaging in. In the future, we’ll use BananaBoat® Sport Performance® Clear UltraMist® Sunscreen with Powerstay TechnologyTM.

This is Why Sunscreen is a MUST! #BBBestSummer #MC

This sunscreen is built to be strong through outdoor activities, which is a plus for each and every member of my family. I also love that it comes in a variety of different SPF strengths (another thing that you should pay careful attention to when you are purchasing sunscreen). If you’re a fan of Banana Boat like me, you probably know that their sports performance product isn’t anything new.  This new formula, however, has some very important changes. It’s been re-designed to provide better application, and to feel lightweight in comparison to the original formula. This means it will feel great on your skin, while protecting it.

We’ll know for next time!





Does your family enjoy summer activities? Join the Best Summer Ever sweepstakes by Banana Boat and you’ll have a chance to win summer fun prizes, including a grand prize trip to a Treehouse Resort! There you’ll be able to put these tips to good use!

Visit and like the Banana Boat Facebook Page in order to learn more!


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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

44 thoughts on “This is Why Sunscreen is a MUST! #BBBestSummer #MC

  • Sunscreen helps to keep some rays that are dangerous off, but you can still get burned, sadly. I do love the brand banana boat, they have some great options!

  • What a great play area! I love spray sunscreen, so much simpler to apply and you can get those hard to reach areas without the assistance of someone else.

  • Aww, that sucks!! I have such a hard time remembering to re-apply the sunscreen once we get to a park or pool. It just slips my mind.

  • That darn reapplication is the thing, isn’t it?? I’ve gotten burned (lol, couldn’t resist) more often than not.

  • That water park looks like so much fun! We always use facial sunscreen and body sunscreen when we go outdoors, just in case.

  • Looks like they were having a lot of fun in all that water. It’s a good thing the sunscreen stays on well.

  • Good tips for good sunscreen practices. May I ask where that water park is? Since I live in Kansas City, I would love to visit it. Thanks!!

  • We also love banana boat and all the coverage they provide to my household. Especially during the summer .

  • We love Banana Boat in this house! It’s quick and easy and I know my kids’ skin is protected!

  • My daughter learned this hard lesson a few months ago. We went to Wet ‘N Wild and she used sunscreen two times (we were there the ENTIRE day). We went out to eat after leaving, and you could see her getting redder and redder. She ended up getting blisters on her back and shoulders, and looked like a lobster! It was pitiful!

  • We went to a water park a few years back, and even though we thought we were doing good keeping the sunblock on, we all got toasted. I was so bad, my face was icky swollen. I looked like the weird guy from The Goonies lol.

  • Sunscreen is so very important. Not only to save yourself from sunburn but to keep your skin healthy and cancer free.

  • Sunscreen is a must! My little guy has sensitive skin and we are always reapplying. You can tell when we forget for even just a bit. :(

  • We have sunscreen everywhere this summer! We’ve gone to about 10 water parks already!

  • I love that water park area! We always have sunscreen on hand living in Florida :)

  • My husband was down there this past weekend and got burned from just an hour out in the sun. Florida sun is brutal!

  • We go through a lot too, but I’m not sure that it’s been 5 bottles. Wow!

  • The spray is the best! Specially with wiggly kiddos :)

  • Sunscreen is a pain but is so important. I am always aware of my time in the sun and make sure to wear a hat and sunglasses as well.

  • I love the spray. It’s convenient, effective, and not at all messy!

  • I’m an advocate of using sunscreen when outside. It is no fun dealing with a sunburn. Great reminder to protect your skin before going out.

  • I could never get through summer without sunscreen! I’m a Banana Boat ambassador too and I have already gone through 5 bottles of sunscreen this summer – and it’s not even over yet!

  • Took me forever to figure out how to defeat the sunburn, the secret is using the right kind of sunscreen like water resistant if you are going to the pool and drying your self and replying when needed

  • I always make sure we have the correct sunscreen and plenty of it.I also do remember to re-apply it.Luckily non of us have ever been sunburnt.

  • Sunscreen can be a pain. We do slather it on though. I’ve never been sunburned. Thank goodness.

  • Ouch! Sunburn can be a pain…literally! When I get sunburned it does not hurt. Ever since I was a child. The colour of my skin prevents it I think. I need to make a more conscious effort to apply sunscreen more often because it is not only sunburn I am protecting myself from.

  • I’m terrible at reapplying when it comes to myself. The kids, I’ll remember. But I end up frying.

  • Sunscreen is definitely a must for my family. I have a hard time remembering, too, to reapply throughout the day, though.

  • I always forget to reapply sunscreen and wind up with a nasty burn. It’s so important.

  • Thanks for the reminder. We will be in Florida for almost half of August, we will really get burned without this applied daily, or even 2x a day!

  • I have to really watch Davey and make sure he is completely covered in sunscreen – he burns fast! I love the spray sunscreen it covers great. Banana Boat is a good quality sunscreen :)

  • It’s so important to be diligent about sunscreen. Getting burned not only sucks, it’s terrible for your health!

  • I use sunscreen on myself and my kids all the time. Skin cancer runs in my family and I have to protect my family. Sunscreen is a MUST. I totally agree with you.

  • Sunburns are the WORST! Last time we were at the pool I was VERY adamant about reapplying it to myself and forgot myself! Oh I was miserable for days! Guarantee you next time I will NOT forget myself LOL

  • Ouch! I got sunburned where I missed a spot a few weeks ago – not fun at all!

  • Also check your sunscreen and bug sprays for expiration dates. Sunscreen is usually about 2 years, and bug spray is one year… it’s totally ineffective!

  • I didn’t start wearing sunscreen til last year. I dont know why I just never used it routinely!

  • I’ve had that kind of burn in the past (and never made the same mistake again!) I’m pretty adamant about sunscreen whenever we’re going to be in the sun – no matter how long!

  • I don’t wear sunscreen at all, but my kids sure do. I always make sure they have it on.

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