
How to Turn a Step2 Wagon into Superman’s Telephone Booth – Halloween Prop

Halloween is around the corner, in about two weeks? For the last month, Andrew has been telling me how badly he wanted to be Superman this year for Halloween. So I went with it, and ended up getting a little creative.

To match the theme, Andrea (his 3 year old sister) is going to be dressed up as Super Woman. More to come on that later.. you won’t want to miss the cuteness!

Most people take their wagons out for trick or treating, at least in our neighborhood with tons of small children they do. Since Andrea is still pretty small, we knew this would be another year of trick or treating with the wagon.

It was time to get creative…

How to Turn a Step2 Wagon into Superman’s Telephone Booth – Halloween Prop

Superman props are so hard to come by! I had to Google and Pinterest for a long time to figure out how to pull this Halloween theme together. Then I found it!

Superman is known for his phone booth right? He goes into the phone booth as a normal human being and then comes out of the phone booth as Superman.

So what would be perfect then to decorate his Step2 Canopy Wagon as a phone booth!

How to Turn a Step2 Wagon into Superman’s Telephone Booth – Halloween Prop

I visited our local craft store and picked up 2 sheets of this 36” X 48” tri fold project poster board. Picked up a few pieces of long white paper (because it is Murphy’s law that I will mess it up if only one is purchased), some black adhesive letters and a bottle of E600 spray glue.

To make the top of our telephone booth, I basically just folded down the sides of the project board and wrapped it over the top canopy of our wagon. Couldn’t be easier. I glued the side pieces on with the E600 spray glue (this stuff is amazing!) and then we cut out a little opening for the kids to easily get in and out.

I wanted to bring the sides down further to actually cover the wagon, but the kids didn’t want their view obstructed and because the wheels swivel around, there needed to be room for them to move.

So this is how I made a telephone booth for Superman out of a Step2 Canopy Wagon. Now I just need to tape or string an old phone to the side of the wagon…

Will you be decorating your wagon for Halloween?

How to Turn a Step2 Wagon into Superman’s Telephone Booth – Halloween Prop


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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

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