
Teach Your Child When To Get Out Of Bed with Momo the Sleep Trainer



Meet Momo! Isn’t he cute?

Momo is a sleep trainer made by BabyZoo to help show your child when it is okay to get out of bed or if they need to go back to sleep.

My son is 4 years old and he has horrible sleeping habits! Every morning at 6am we would hear a little voice outside of our door telling us “I have to go pee!!”. This had become an every day thing and we knew he didn’t really have to go pee, this is his beckon to us that he was ready to come out of his room.

This morning ritual of his was wearing thin on mommy and daddy, specially on the weekends.. who wants to wake up at 6am on the weekends!?

We were invited to review Momo the sleep trainer and I couldn’t tell you how excited I was to say YES!


How Momo Works:

To set Momo you will need to untwist his back to remove the cover, switch the mode to alarm, set the time of when you would like Momo’s eyes to open up and then push the “alarm set” button.

When the alarm has been set Momo will then shut his eyes, this will tell your child that it is time to be in bed.

The alarm features both a silent function and a bell function so if your child is young enough that you do not need a real alarm or if you would like your child to sleep in on the weekends you can turn the volume off.

Come morning Momo will open his eyes up when the clock has reached the time that you have set, this will tell your child that it is okay to get out of bed.

How Well Does It Work?

We have been using Momo for a couple of weeks now and our experience has been close to perfect! We have taught my son that he needs to stay in his room so long as Momo has his eyes closed. For a child who can’t tell time this is a great visual to let them know when it is time to come out of their room. Occasionally we will hear him ask to come out early, however I would say 95% of the time he stays in his room without a peep until Momo has opened his eyes.

My son has grown a slight fear of Momo and is sometimes scared to go in his room when Momo is awake. I think the opening of his eyes made things a little too real for him. However, this has not effected how Momo works for us as a family. We now place Momo on a high shelf and make sure his eyes are closed before my son goes to bed. He is happy with this arrangement and I’m happy to finally have my sleep.

Perfect for parents of both young and older children. Not only does Momo help show your child when it is time to get up, it also teaches them how to tell time with both an analog and digital clock.

Momo the sleep trainer would make an awesome gift for the holidays!

Buy It!

Momo The Sleep Trainer can be purchased for $39.99 from BabyZoo

Other Great Baby Zoo Products

Coco the MP3 player : Coming in January 2012, Coco is a new innovative music player for your child’s room! Load your MP3’s onto Coco and help your baby soothe themselves to sleep.

Gus the Turtle Night Light : Gus the Turtle is the world’s first timer based night light! With a huggable turtle shape, your child can fall asleep with Gus and turn him on when waking up at night. No need to turn Gus off! The automatic timer will keep Gus safe and easy to use.

coco-iso-02_large 1557.

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Disclosure | Product was received in hopes that I would mention it on my blog. All thoughts are my own. I only recommend products that I feel would benefit my readers. Your opinions may vary.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

28 thoughts on “Teach Your Child When To Get Out Of Bed with Momo the Sleep Trainer

  • this is amazing we need one!!! my son who is 5 wakes up every morning at 5 and i pretty much make him get in bed with me i’ve tried the whole we have to sleep until the sun is ATLEAST up but not working i think this would work wonders though if he could actually have something in his room to tell him if its time or not!

  • How Cool! My daughter would love this, she would get to sleep in. Oops the kids would luv it!
    A cute idea.
    Gladys P
    sps1113 at yahoo dot com

  • Baby Zoo made cute stuff for children! thank you for the review!

  • This is wonderful! I just had a conversation with my daughter yesterday about my grandchildren getting themselves up in the morning. They are 2 & 4 and wake with the sun. My daughter was just saying yesterday she’s going to get them an alarm clock with a radio & set it so they can get up when the music plays. This is such a cuter idea & I plan to send her this post. Thanks.

  • I need this for ME lol! Maybe my sleeping habits are so bad because I never had one of these as a child. ;-)

  • This is TOO stinkin’ cute!

  • This is a fantastic idea. I would love one of these clocks

  • My 3.5 year old nephew would love this!

  • Your site is so adorable! I call my two year old my little monkey all the time, he’d so love this clock! Can’t wait to explore your website, it’s wonderful!

  • This is a wonderful idea! Where was this with my 3 kids!!! lol they would get up and get into stuff and be loud! lol I will pass this along!

  • I know a mom who would like to know about this. Thanks for the info.

  • That sounds like such a great idea! And it’s so cute too.

  • Too cute! Now I want one just for me

    Santa, how about adding one more thing to my list?

  • Too cute, another creative gadget!

  • This is too cute! I really think I’m gonna go buy one!

  • Those are adorable! The question is does the clock make your kids actually stay in bed even when it says it is time to be in bed? I have a feeling a little someone would still be climbing in bed with us anyway :)

  • oh my gosh i love this eventhough my kids dont need help waking up more like mommy does ;) this is a must have i’ll surely pick it up!

  • Thanks for this review! Our son is 2 1/2 & if you think 6am is early, get ready for this…. 5:30 LATEST is when our son will get up & start yelling for Mommy or Daddy that he is “Ready to get up!”. Sometime it’s as early as 5am & once in a blue moon we will get to sleep until 6:00-6:30am. It’s hard to try to keep a 2 1/2 yr old in his room when he’s ready to roll for the morning. Our little guy is such a pistol. I’ve been researching different sleep timers for the last 2 months or so & am having such a hard time deciding. I like that this one is more child friendly looking than the red/yellow/red light-up versions. I’m going to look into this one some more.
    Thanks :)

  • So great! Just added Momo to my Christmas list!

  • what a great idea!:) thanks for sharing! super cute too

  • That is so cute. I like how there is a digital clock too. Thanks for the review!

  • Cute little gadget! I love that you can teach your child to tell time on both an analog and digital clock. Thanks for the great review!!

  • How stinkin’ cute is this clock? I’m half-tempted to buy one for myself!

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