
The Last First Birthday … Bittersweet moment

First Year Of Life Photo Collage

I’m about to celebrate the last, first birthday. Andrea is turning 1 and though I’m so happy to watch her grow up it is a bittersweet moment that never again will I have an infant.. a newborn. That first year of life has flown before my eyes.

On this night one year ago we received the news.. my fluids were low and Andrea wasn’t moving as much as she should be. It was time for my baby to come into this world.. a whole 3 weeks early.

My son was dropped off at my mother’s house, my husband and I had one last meal together (alone) and we made last minute preparations to bring home a baby. We still had nothing put together! The bassinet, swing etc.. I thought we had three more weeks to do all of this. At least we had one more night.

The day of delivery was a scheduled C Section as my previous delivery was a C Section so we knew what to expect. My husband and I went into the hospital, feels like just yesterday, I was prepped in my room and took last minute pictures..

Last Belly Picture! 37 Weeks Last Belly Picture! 37 Weeks
2 hours later I was greeted with my beautiful daughter…
The first look at your new baby

This day is really hard for me..seeing this picture is really hard for me.

So sad, yet so happy.

Happy first birthday sweet baby girl!

Love, Mommy

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

11 thoughts on “The Last First Birthday … Bittersweet moment

  • Oh that makes me tear up. My little one turns one in another month or so and I am dreading it. I mean I love watching him and his personality develop, but I miss that tiny little baby that I cuddled not so long ago. It makes me want to have a ton of babies :) But hubby wouldn’t be to happy with that I think :)

  • I will not experience this any more either my little one is 2

  • Oh, so precious! My youngest is *gasp* 8 now, and I can honestly say that every year has been so awesome! I was afraid that I wouldn’t enjoy the ‘older’ years as much as the baby years, but I really am enjoying it all. You have a beautiful family and so much to be thankful for.

  • You’re right ~ it’s bittersweet. Our (final) little darling turns 1 in Feb, 2012. I’ll miss those “baby” moments.

  • AWWWW! This was too sweet. You look so beautiful pregnant! I know what you’re feeling. My three kiddos are 4, 2, and 9 months (tear).

  • Happy Birthday, sweet princess cupcake baby girl! :) By the way, are those Sticky Bellies???

  • Birthdays are so bittersweet!

    Happy birthday, Andrea. =)

  • Happy birthday precious! I love how you have a cute little top with a number on it for each month. What a great idea! And happy BIRTH day to you!

  • That’s such a great idea – taking pics every month! Mine is six months old, but it’s never too late to start, right? Hugs, and congrats on your little one’s 1st birthday!

  • Awww, happy 1st birthday to Andrea!!! :)

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