
The Original Pink Box Tools from Sears | Gift Idea For Her!

Being a homeowner and mother of two small boys means that life is full of adventures. Needless to say, my floors are often covered in legos, hot wheels, and superheroes! There is not much “girly” at my house these days. As a mother, I find that there is always a bike that needs training wheels, projects need to be completed for school, yard work does not magically get done on its own, and dinner never seems to cook itself.

I have recently discovered the Original Pink Box product line that is available exclusively at Sears and was offered an opportunity to review it. This line of tools is both practical, yet clearly marks with its pink color that all boys in the house should step back and leave these tools alone! A Mom has got to have her “bag of tricks” to make it through the day, and this line from Sears allows any Mom the versatility to make this set her own!

the original pink box tools

The Original Pink Box 20-inch steel tool box can allow any mother to store and organize whatever in her life needs organizing. From tools, make-up, jewelry, hair accessories, craft supplies, or gardening tools, this box can be customized by any mother to fit her need.

the original pink box tools

In addition, every woman loves a good power tool, and how could anyone say no to The Original Pink Box 18-volt cordless drill with rechargeable lithium-ion battery. This power drill could help any woman take on a Pinterest DIY project, hang pictures, or assemble bookshelves. To go with the drill is The Original Pink Box 22-piece drill and screwdriver bit set.

the original pink box tools

Along with any power tool, every woman could benefit from The Original Pink Box 30 piece Tool Set with 12-inch tool bag. It includes:

  • 12-ounce hammer
  • 16-ft. self-locking tape measure
  • 6-inch needle nose pliers
  • 6-inch slip joint pliers
  • Eight piece hex key wrench set in holder
  • Bit driver
  • 19-piece 1-inch bit set
  • 1-inch extension bar
  • Four-piece Precision Screwdrivers

the original pink box tools

The Original Pink Box line has a two-piece flash light set, utility knife, and multipurpose gloves that are especially designed for women’s hands with extra padding in the palm. These gloves can be worn around the house or would also be great for gardening.

the original pink box tools

As mothers we are often expected to make “all things better”. Why not be prepared for whatever might come up with The Original Pink Box line from Sears. What I love most about this set is that it clearly marks that these tools are mine! Often my flash light gets lost in a bedroom closet, screw drivers end up being swords, and work gloves become gloves with special super powers. This line from Sears allows any Mom to clearly mark her tools and store and keep them organized and ready to help in a time of need. There is nothing worse than searching for that one tool for 30 minutes for that 3 minute project. As mothers, we are constantly on the go, and this set from Sears could allow any mother to organize her life and be able to fix and take on any project around the home.

Check out the Original Pink Box Tool Line from Sears



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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

178 thoughts on “The Original Pink Box Tools from Sears | Gift Idea For Her!

  • Thanks for the review! I’ve been wanting to buy a pink tool set, and many of them had bad reviews. They often said that the tools were of poor quality, and like “toys” or “must have been created as a joke!”. I found this set, and set out in search of reviews. Thank you!

  • …would go to my sister who just bought a house !

  • My daughter and I would use these tools

  • I’d keep them.

  • I would keep these tools for myself

  • If I win I would love to keep this for myself. Thanks for the awesome giveaway :)

    fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

  • I would get them if I won.I do 90% of the work on our vans and 50% of the household repairs.

  • I would use them.

  • I love the pink tools and would definitely keep them. All I have now is a hammer and a screwdriver. Thanks for having this contest!

  • I’d give this to my mom!

  • I will use them!

  • I could really use some good tools!

  • i want this so bad i cant stand it, there is no way i could affort to buy it but i would love to have it, my kids are grown now and i need those tools for things areound my house that tear up

  • I would be using them and I’d let my daughter borrow them too.

  • i would use these tools if i was the lucky winner!

  • I would LOVE this set, pink is my favorite color, and I do alot of projects around the house!!!

  • I would use them.

  • My wife would use them in a heartbeat.

  • My sister is looking to buy a house this summer, this would be a great house warming gift.

  • I would use them.

  • Me and my sister would use them. The guys wont touch them! lol

  • It would be me.

  • This would be great for my house, I know they’d always be in my box as hubby wouldn’t take pink tools to work with the guys!

  • I would probably be using them because I do not currently own a tool set

  • I would use them as I love fixing things when they are broken.

  • I’d keep

  • I’d keep them because I need some tools!

  • Me! lol

  • my sister

  • If I was the lucky winner I would keep them for myself! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
    fairyfractal at gmail dot com

  • I so want this for myself.

  • My sisters and I!

  • I’d get them for myself seeing as the guys in my household use the few tools I do have. They can never seem to return them.

  • They would be for me

  • i have been wanting to enclose my back porch

  • Myself. I could really use these. Thanks.

  • I would give them to myself!

  • I’d keep them for myself to use. Thanks.

  • I love these tools and that they are in pink are so cute!! I would be the one using this.. keeping it all to myself :)

  • My mom she is always needing a tool
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  • i would, being the only female in my house, i’d use them!

  • I would use them!

  • I would love these for myself. Every time I need a hammer or screwdriver, I find mine in my husband’s stuff or my son’s. Now mine are all missing.

  • My daughter would get these if I won!

  • I’d share them with my sister who shares my interest in DIY projects.

  • I want them, they would be for me!

  • I would give the to my Daughter, Ashley. PERFECT!

  • I would give them to my daughter. She is moving out and still in need of a lot of things!

  • My mom and I would use them

  • I would keep these for my own use.

  • I would actually love to use these around the house, the pink lets my husband know they are mine! :)

  • If I won, this would be a gift for my mom :)

  • I would keep them

  • I would be the one using them :)

  • I would because my husband always has his hidden somewhere :)

  • I would love to use these! (the fact that it is pink will keep my husbands and sons fingers off of them.)

  • although the color is unusual, certainly my husband is going to use those tools

  • I would get the tools if I won, because I soooo need them, my hubby is working most of the time or deployed, so I NEED them around the house…the pink would actually make me feel like they were mine and not like I was borrowing or ruining his, lol.

  • I will use them

  • I would keep them for the house tools

  • I would keep them for myself. I’m recently divorced and I’ve become quite the carpenter!!

  • I’d keep them for myself. I am a handy momma LOL

  • All the tools are pretty for any girl but Sears tuff for any job. mommyoftwolittlemonkeys FYI it posted the tweet to my kindle4 twitter, but the rest of my twitter stuff went to kellys91709 :) happy Mother’s Day !

  • It gives you 10 entries and asks u to post 3x, so, I am breaking up my posts… I am excited at the possibility of owning these tools. Right now this household, of my mom, my 13 yr old son and I don’t have any real tools. We have a screw driver w/ multiple heads, but we could really use this! Yay! Go Sears! Thanks Mommy of Two Little Monkeys, this is a great find.

  • I’m so excited at the possibility of winning!

  • I would use these tools! Today my mom said that her and my son would be using them too! NO WAY!

  • I would keep them for myself. Then I wouldn’t have to hunt down my husbands tools.

  • I would get these tools. I would not have to worry about any one borrowing them and not returning them because they are pink!

  • I would keep these for myself! So cool!

  • Me! They’re mine!!

  • This is awesome!! I would love to use it for myself. I would love my very own little organized world of tools. Thanks so much for the chance : )

  • I want these! so me

  • I would keep this for myself. I do a lot of work around the house. This would be wonderful.

  • Sorry family…this ones all mine!!! I might let them hold them if there nice!

  • I am currently doing several renovation projects at home. I would definitely keep these tools for myself.

  • I would give the tool kit to my mom because both her and my sister are always coming up with a new project in the house…diy hard wood floors, deck cover, cupboards…etc.

  • I love anything pink and could sure use this!

  • I would keep these for myself, as a single woman I do all my own home repairs.

  • Me of course!

  • I’m a one-woman show around here – they would definately be for me

  • I would keep these for myself. Awesome!

  • I’d share this with my 4 daughters…we are diy’ers and we would all appreciate this to pass around when doing home projects


  • I would use them.

  • I would use these tools for myself :)

  • This would be for me of course!

  • I would give the tools to my daughter.

  • I would keep these..and hide them from my husband! My hubby loses his tools all the time so any time I need something its more than a 45 minute hunt in the various places he may have left them so this would be perfect for me! Thank You!

  • My mom would love these

  • I would use them of course!!!

  • I would give them to my daughter. She has many DIY projects around her new home.

  • If I won I’d be using these tools

  • These would be for me as my husband always takes my tools, I know he wouldn’t take these pink ones.

  • My mom and I would share these tools if I won

  • They would be for me to use then they guys can keep their own in the garage and I wont have to borrow them all the time

  • i would love these for myself!

  • myself would get the tools

  • so cute and useful. I really could use this! My daughter and I would share. My current ‘toolbox’ is an old tackle box from about 35 years ago.

  • they would be mine, but the family can share as long as each tool is returned

  • My boys and I.

  • my hubby would get these

  • I would use them! No more hunting for my husbands tools.

  • They would be for me since I don’t have any tools for myself.

  • I would use them…and everyone in my house would benefit – hubby and daughter-helper! :)

  • I would give them to my sister!

  • I would use these tools if I won! Hubby always says I don’t put “his” tools back where he had them so he can’t find them when he wants them lol. I’d love my own tools since I’ve been building things for our garden (trellises, etc)

  • If I win this I am definitely keeping it!!

  • I would love this for myself…but would think about my mother-in-law too.

  • I would keep the tools for myself.

  • I would use them!

  • i would give it to my sister, she’s really a handyman.

  • All for me!!

  • I would give them to my daughter. She’s always needing a tool for something at her apartment.

  • I would probably give the tools to my mom for all of her house projects. :-)

  • This would be for me i’m always fixing things around the house

  • I would use them

  • they would be for ME!!! :) thanks!!

  • I would keep them : ) I have a lot of house projects that these would come in handy for!!

  • I think they would be for……ME!

  • ME!!!!!!… *cough* THIS would be all MINE… (Bonnie would have LOVED it…)

  • My sister that loves to build and fix things.

  • They would be mine! Since they’re pink, maybe my son won’t pilfer them. :)

  • I would use these tools because I love to build things myself. I get to use my creativity and it’s fun working with power tools.

  • I would use them! =)

  • My mom or my sister.

  • these would be my personal tools!

  • I would use the tools.

  • I’d keep them as I need some tools.

  • I would keep this for myself and use it. Hubby isn’t very handy, so got to do it myself sometimes! :)

  • Have to say I would keep this!

  • If I won, I would use these awesome tools for small repair jobs around the house

  • I would give these to my daughter she likes to think she is a handy girl

  • Sorry, I am gonna hog them for me. I would have much more use out of this than my mom who would just hire someone :P

  • My mom.

  • I would use these!

  • My husband and I both. Our garage was broken into Christmas night and his rollaway toolbox was stolen. It’s a very slow road replacing everything!

  • I would give them to my mom

  • I would use them for sure

  • As a single mama of 2 little ones, I’d be the one to use this for sure!! And pink is my favorite color!

  • My 12 year old daughter and I would use these tools! How fun is this?

  • Me!! I would love to have my own tool set!

  • We just bought our first house! I would use these to help fix it up! =-D

  • I would use them. My husband has ” misplaced” my previous tool set and doesn’t like me to use his.

  • Fun! Thanks for the chance!

  • My hubby works with tools as a profession, so I am not ALLOWED to touch his tools. It’s like being married to a plummer and being the one with the leaky pipes. With this set I won’t have to nag him to do it. I can take care of it myself. :)

  • I’d either use it myself, or give it to one of my sisters!

  • I would be using these tools, my husband hates when i asked to use his and i know he wouldn’t use these :)

  • I would love to win these!

  • I would use them..beats using the hubby’s..all greasy and nasty..and i would be able to find it quick..seeing im more organized then him..LOL Thanks for the opportunity!

  • I would definately use these!

  • I would use them.

  • I would keep these tools for myself so that I don’t have to dig through my husband’s whenever I need to fix something!

  • I would be using them myself! I wouldn’t have to search the entire house, garage, and shed just to find a tool cuz I’d always have them in the entry way closet and since they are pink, I know that nobody else would even think about using them

  • I would use them.

  • Oh my!!! Theses are soooo cute!!!! I love pink box!!!!!

  • I would probably keep them for myself because I’m kinda the “handi-woman” around the house.

  • I would use these myself! And I would always know where they are because my husband wont want to use them. :)

  • If I won, these would definitely be my tools! :) I do most of the household stuff anyways, so I would lay claim to all the pink goodness!!

  • I used to have my own tools until my husband found them, lol! I would keep this for myself!! Thank you for the opportunity : )

  • I would use it if I won…I envy this set every time I go to sears! They also have a giant tool box for the garage that is in this color. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  • We don’t have any tool sets. I think it would be awesome if our only one was PINK!

  • Well I would use them! The hubby works most of the time and I like to be pretty handy.

  • These would come in handy for remodeling our house!

  • Always constructing original pieces of artwork and fixing household accidents and as the “woman” of the house these would be handy as heck

  • i would totally use it! my husbands deploying soon so all the mommy plus daddy work will be on me

  • If I won I’d give to my daughter to use

  • My sister would! She is all about the pink and just bought a house with n the last year!

  • very cool:)

  • I would use these tools if I won. There are many things I want to do/redo in my house. This would help out a lot.

  • I would use these. We are remodeling our house and they would come in handy!

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