
Think Your Having a Bad Day? Family Home Destroyed… by Flour!

I came across this video this morning and about died laughing! Just when you think you are having a bad day… remember what this mom just dealt with LOL

On the other hand the kids looked like they had a blast!

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

22 thoughts on “Think Your Having a Bad Day? Family Home Destroyed… by Flour!

  • Pingback: What’s the Matter, Mommy?

  • I don’t know that I would have had the “cool” to walk around and record it, my kids would be in their room and I probably would have been steaming mad lol

  • Doesn’t it? I remembered this tonight when my son spilled his drink on the floor, almost got mad. Poor mom had her work cut out!

  • WOW I don’t think they missed a spot. It puts some of the messes I have cleaned up in perspective!

  • Oh my gosh that’s hilarious! We have quite a few photos of my little brother making huge messes,not quite *that* bad though.It’s funny when you’re not the one having to deal with the clean up.lol. They looked plenty old enough to know better,especially the oldest one,so I’m surprised she didn’t sound more angry..I certainly would have been.

  • “Oh My Gosh!” I’ll think of this next time I have a bad day :)

  • I dunno, I think it was staged. JHMO

  • LOVE this video! Wouldn’t you just DIE? I would be screaming :)

  • Where’s an Oreck when you need one. OMG!

  • OMG i’m such a clean freak, i would die!

  • Wow that is crazy I wonder how long it took to clean up.

  • Oh wow that is crazy!! Lol I am so glad I don’t have to clean that up! :)

  • Been there done that, but with 3 little girls. My mess thankfully wasn’t quite as huge, and was contained mostly to the couch and children. I so feel what this mom went through!

  • ROFL @ “Uh oh… What’s the matter, Mommy?” :)

  • It makes good memories. Not at the current moment, but later down the road. He He.

  • I saw this video yesterday. I wonder how long it took to get it cleaned up! When I was a kid I spilled a full bottle of syrup down the stairs by accident. My mom had to get the professionals to clean it up.

  • OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I can’t beleive how calm she was! It was too funny since one of the kiddos was dressed like a jailbird…LOL!!!

  • oh lord! i cant imagine cleaning that up…i’ve had pretty bad moments when they cracked two whole carton of eggs all over my kitchen floor, and antiqued(baby powdered) my entire room….and i thought that was bad

  • I remember letting my kids play in flour once, and it was all over the kitchen floor. That wasn’t awful, but looking at her furniture, that kind of fabric is awful to clean flour out of, I love the “It looks like a snowman threw up all over my living room” comment. LOL

  • Poor Mom! I had something similar when my children were little. They threw coffee all over my living room, and as I was cleaning it up my mother-in-law dropped by with her mother – unannounced!

  • Oh my. I can’t even IMAGINE trying to clean that up! lol

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