
Tips to Help Prepare You For a Trip to Colorado – Altitude Sickness and First Aid

If you’ve ever been an outdoor enthusiast of any sort, you know the importance of planning. Failure to properly plan for your outing could cause an amazing trip to turn into a nightmare!

I kept this tidbit of knowledge in mind when planning our trip to Colorado. When it comes to road tripping (especially with children) you can never be quite sure what to expect. This is even more true when your destination is filled with plenty of hiking, exploring, and sight seeing, like ours.

Tips to Help Prepare You For a Trip to Colorado - Altitude Sickness and First Aid

One of the trickiest things about packing for Colorado was the fluctuations of temperature and altitude there. You really must plan for a wide variety of possible dangers, and many different environmental risk. CVS had everything I needed. Since they take such great pride in the quality of the items they provide, and do well at labeling them clearly… I didn’t have to worry much about having to deal with allergies or reactions while so far from home.  

Tips to Help Prepare You For a Trip to Colorado - Altitude Sickness and First Aid

Tips to Help Prepare You For a Trip to Colorado - Altitude Sickness and First Aid

The CVS Health First Aid Outdoor Prep-Pack is an easy on-the-go first aid kit to keep in your bag and includes the essentials to treat bug bites and stings, splinters, and more. It is also extremely compact, while still leaving enough room for me to throw in a thermometer, fun bandaids for the kids, and even some Dramamine for the car ride. With all of the ups, downs, winding and changing of altitudes, the Dramamine was so welcomed!

Tips to Help Prepare You For a Trip to Colorado - Altitude Sickness and First Aid

During our trip to Colorado, there were some very well appreciated items in our CVS First Aid kit. Here is what we used most and what we added to the kit:

  • Bandaids (Included in kit)
  • Dramamine for adults and kids (We added and it was used every day of the trip!)
  • Antiseptic Towelettes (Included in kit)
  • CVS Health Itch Relief Spray (We added this to the kit)

We have a few days left on our trip, plenty of time for more boo boos, possible ticks and uses of the first aid kit. When you’re hiking, camping or spending time outside you increase your risk of being bitten by a tick. It is important to remove a tick quickly and completely.

    • If you do find a tick bite, MinuteClinic is a convenient place to get the help you need. A nurse practitioner can examine your bite, make sure the tick is removed safely and, if needed, prescribe medication to protect against infection or Lyme disease.

Tips to Help Prepare You For a Trip to Colorado - Altitude Sickness and First Aid

Our afternoon at the Garden of the Gods was quite eventful! The kids were like little monkeys, climbing all over the rocks and making my heart skip a few beats. The CVS First Aid Kit, cuts and scrapes package, came in handy! It wasn’t long after this picture was taken when my girl slid down the hill, tearing a hole in her new pants and scraped her leg up. Every scrape is an emergency when it comes to a child, specially mine. 

Tips to Help Prepare You For a Trip to Colorado - Altitude Sickness and First Aid

If you find yourself stressing over what supplies to bring on your family’s next outdoor adventure; I’d recommend quality over quantity. Head to CVS’s well stocked healthcare and nutrition department and you’ll be able to pick up the best quality items that will make traveling more convenient, easily and affordably.

Disclosure: I’m proud to be working with CVS Pharmacy to help spread the word about #BetterHealthMadeEasy and how to #FindYourHealthy. All opinions expressed are my own, and all product claims or program details shared should be verified at CVS.com or with the appropriate manufacturers.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

12 thoughts on “Tips to Help Prepare You For a Trip to Colorado – Altitude Sickness and First Aid

  • You definitely have the right ideas. I think I’d like going on an outdoorsy trip like this. I’d definitely have to prepare for the high altitude.

  • I learned the importance of having a first aid kit in our truck on our last trip to the lake! Being prepared for anything is so smart. Love that CVS has the minute clinic available too.

  • I have not been to Colorado, but would love to. I had no idea there was such a fluctuation in temperatures.

  • I have always wanted to visit Colorado. These are some great tips that I never would have thought about.

  • We are planning a trip to Colorado this winter. I need to put together a kit like this for our trip. It is important to be prepared.

  • I have always wanted to go to Colorado. I will have to look into booking a trip for next summer.

  • I used to carry one of these in my diaper bag when my girls were younger! I haven’t in a while, but definitely need to add a small one to my purse and a larger one in my car. You never know when you’ll need it!

  • My hubby and I are think about taking a trip there for a long weekend get away! I have never had altitude sickness, but I don’t know if my hubby would since he has never been that high. These are great tips to help with that.

  • We love CVS. My wife and I shop there all the time. It has everything we need, and it’s all easy to find, so we can get in and get out quickly.

  • These are great tips. I didn’t take altitude sickness seriously when we took a trip to Colorado, and I paid for it. It’s the real deal!

  • With little ones anything is possible and I’m glad CVS offers the outdoor pack with the essentials. I hope your daughter is okay and didn’t get hurt too badly; glad you had the pack handy to help clean it up.

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