
Tips For Taking Family Pictures at JcPenney Portrait Studios

mom and sonI love photography and I’m always thinking about our family photos. A family picture doesn’t happen often unless it’s one of those snapshots where me or my husband reach our arm way out in front of us. We end up taking at least 20 shots before we decide one must be "good enough."

I plan to take my family to JcPenney’s Portraits Studio for a professional photo session that’s longer than my husband’s arm. Our son is going to be 2 in a couple months and I want to remember how we were in this special time in our lives.

I can remember a few times as a kid, dressing up to go to the photo studio for professional photos, for some reason it felt much like getting ready for a wedding. It shouldn’t be so worrying! I’m sure many families out there can relate- there seems to be a little pressure the morning you decide to go to a professional for a session.

Here are some tips for taking a bit of that pressure off:

  • For littler kids, try to schedule the photos after a good nap. No one wants to be in bright lights when they’re tired and cranky!
  • Bring along a "prop" something familiar to them to make them more comfortable. This makes for a little personal touch to the photos.

Outfit Coordination Tips:

  •  When deciding what everyone should wear for your family photos, remember the goal is to have everyone complement each other, but not be too "matchy-matchy."
  • In group shots, try to coordinate colors. They don’t have to all match in style or shade, but work together as to bring the attention to the facial expressions, where it belongs.
  • Layers also allow you to add dynamics, color, and depth to your photos. Don’t be afraid to wear a fun scarf, necklace, neck tie or hat! Accessories are always great.
  • JCPPortraits’ photographers may suggest a full-length pose. Make sure you coordinate portrait clothing from head to toe.

More ideas of what to wear..

  • Try to avoid wearing patterns, they can clash or be distracting. Solid tops and bottoms look best and bring the focus to your face(s)!
  • For children, it’s best to have them dress in timeless styles, rather than play clothes or shirts with writing or graphics. These photos will be ones you want to proudly display.
  • Wearing clothing that is close to the background color also brings more attention to faces and is more flattering.
  • Don’t mix casual and formal styles of clothing
  • Darker colors are more slimming than lighter ones
  • Simplicity is key

Most important- Have Fun! It’s noticeable when someone genuinely smiles, so try to relax and be genuine!

Through the month of April you can capture this time in your life with JC Penney Portrait Studio for a bargain. $20 gets you 6 traditional portrait sheets (mix and match size and images) as well as one free $9 sitting fee. Six sheets for $20, people.

That’s cheaper than a large pizza for the family and lasts a whole lot longer, too!

Head on over here to grab the coupons and get ready to smile! 

Find a JCPenney Portrait Studio near you!


I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of jcpenney Portrait Studio. I was asked to create a Pinterest Board and pin at least five (5) pins. I give jcpenney the right to repin any or all images/original content from this board. I received a promotional item as a thanks for my participation.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

23 thoughts on “Tips For Taking Family Pictures at JcPenney Portrait Studios

  • We usually take our kids to Portrait Innovations but it seems as though we get the same shots with the same backgrounds everytime we go. We are going to JcPenney this Holiday season for our pictures. Thanks for the tips!

  • this is a great article. we have had bad experiences with JCPenney photos

  • I love the tip about layering clothes and how not to be too matchy matchy. Thank you!

  • I’ve used JC Penney’s a few times for photos, had one bad experience and the rest were pretty good. I think these tips can be used when taking your kiddos for pictures at their studios. My biggest tip is make sure your child isn’t tired or hungry! lol

  • I was kind of hoping for tips specific to JC Penney’s studio, lol
    We went there for DS’s first pics, and I was skeptical, but it was free, and I was pleasantly surprised. Nothing INCREDIBLE, but definitely better than I hoped, and everyone was pleased to have an adorable photo :)

  • Great suggestions! I once had the cranky baby problem and sure enough it was 2: O’clock which meant 1: til 2: getting him ready and getting there interfering with nap time. The pattern or lack there of makes a lot of sense to with 4 kids I have a family picture that sticks out like a sore thumb. One dressed in a diamond print :(
    Gladys P

  • Thats a great deal – I hope they’ll do it again soon.


  • We don’t do professional photos but I’m starting to think about it. It would be really nice to have some really “good” photos of the family and not just the ones we take ourselves. Thanks for the tips!

  • Love this, Eileen! I, too, find I’m behind the camera 95% of the time!

  • These are such great tips! Thanks for sharing!

  • REALLY good pointers for ANY photo session! There are so many memories with raising kids, I am bummed I missed so many due to bad equipment and being so “proper” about pictures. Snapshots with low stress are really the BEST! Looking back at pictures, those unstaged ones are the ones that really tug at me! Thanks for the tips!

    Remember moms, get IN the picture sometimes. Moms are usually the ones capturing the photos and I speak from experience…you are like an invisible mom when it comes time to get pictures for you child’s school report ancestry, or your child’s grad party or even wedding video shots. My kids were disappointed when we had hardly any of mom because I was always behind the camera. Please ask others to take some shots of you and kids too!

  • Great tips! Thanks for sharing.

  • Thank you for the tips! Nap time is so essential!! All of us moms know that is not something you can comprise on :)

  • I like getting our family pics done @ jcp thanks for the outfit tips!
    jamie villari

  • Thanks for the tips! I am gearing up for my first professional photo session with my 20 month old.

  • Loved your tips for outfits. That’s great advice. And don’t pick backgrounds that are super trendy or really busy, keep it basic so the people are the focus!

  • These are some great tips. I’ve been thinking about getting pictures done at JC Penney. Thanks for posting this.

  • Great tips!

    When I took the kids to get holiday pictures I figured why try and force the kids to look like people they are not. So we themed our holiday shoot in pajamas (matching for boys & girls — love Carters!). Everyone at the mall thought that was just the greatest idea and my kids weren’t hot, miserable or itchy.

  • I always found that picture day was a lot of work, now I can’t get the family together to have a family picture.

  • We never get pictures professionally done. This post makes me realize I need to get my butt and gear and go do it..:/

  • Thanks for the good tips! We need to get family pictures done soon.

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