
The Toys”R”Us Geoffrey’s Birthday Club Just Got Even Better!

There’s nothing better than seeing the look of excitement on my children’s face on their birthday. While all holidays are special, there’s something that makes it even more special and personal when it’s time for their birthday. Once special day that’s all about celebrating them! Andrea is turning 6, and she’s more excited than any other year! The list of gifts that she wants ranges from an iPad, Barbies, a Barbie Car, all things Crayola, and any and every girly think she sets eyes on! I felt overwhelmed just looking at it! Then, I remembered Geoffrey’s Birthday Club, and I knew I needn’t worry.

The Toys 'R' Us Geoffrey’s Birthday Club Just Got Even Better!

What’s Geoffrey’s Birthday Club?

This is the special club and Toys”R’Us, that allows parents to register their children’s birthdays and receive special birthday-month offers… in a big way! What’s even more exciting is that Toys”R”Us has recently gave the program a major refresh. Children can now enjoy the book “The Legend Of Geoffrey” which tells how Geoffrey the Giraffe arrived at Toys”R”Us, how he got his stars, and why he loves birthdays so much!

Not only does Andrea absolutely love reading about Geoffrey, it’s helped her get even more excited about her special day! What’s even more awesome is that Toys”R”Us has begun hosting monthly in store events for Geoffrey’s Birthday Club members who are celebrating their birthday! At these events, children will receive a complimentary “The Legend of Geoffrey” book, crown, balloon, and Geoffrey plush PLUS they’ll dance to Geoffrey’s brand-new birthday song in a conga line around the store! On their birthday, Geoffrey’s Birthday Club members receive a personalized birthday card, a phone call from Geoffrey, and a special gift!

The Toys 'R' Us Geoffrey’s Birthday Club Just Got Even Better!

Thanks to Geoffrey’s Birthday Club, I was able to purchase Andrea the gifts she wants at great deals AND give her an experience she’ll never forget!

Get Involved!

You can join Geoffrey’s Birthday Club by signing up at Toysrus.com/Birthday! Sign up is quick and easy. There you will also find information about upcoming Geoffrey’s Birthday Club events at your local Toys”R”Us store. The next event is scheduled for Saturday, August 20th from 3-4pm.

Want to up the level of excitement for your child’s next birthday, and give them an incredible experience they’ll always remember?! Head over to Toys”R”US Website and get them signed up today!

Disclosure : This post was sponsored by Toys”R”US. All thoughts are my own.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

24 thoughts on “The Toys”R”Us Geoffrey’s Birthday Club Just Got Even Better!

  • Did you get a call, card and gift from Geoffrey the giraffe? What was the gift?

  • I’m disappointed, my great granddaughter Delilah Christine never got a call, card or gift from Geoffrey the giraffe and Toys r us

  • Love their birthday club. I will never be too old to shop at Toys “R” Us!

  • My daughter will be 19 tomorrow and she is still obsessed Toys “r” Us. I will definitely need to check this out!

  • One of my kids is signed up with the birthday club. I need to sign up the other two as well.

  • This sounds like something that would be a fun idea for kids. I need to share this with my friends who have young children.

  • Wow! The perks have gotten better since my kids were little. I wish they were still young enough to join!

  • How fun! I need to sign up both of my kids.

  • My son is too old but I am going to check with my SIL to make sure her kids are signed up! Thank you for sharing it!

  • I will have to check out Geoffrey’s Birthday Club. My kids love to go to Toy’s R Us to pick out a new toy and see what is new.

  • Geoffrey’s Birthday Club sounds great. I will have to share this with my friends with kids. It is going to be a great event.

  • We love the TRU birthday club! I’m loving all the great additions they have to it that make our kid’s special days even better!

  • I will have to head over and sign up right now. Geoffrey’s Birthday Club sounds perfect for my kids. We love to shop at Toy’s R Us.

  • Our kids are too old but I am going to check with my sister to make sure my nephew is signed up,

  • I am going to sign up my son for this, he will be 2 next month! Thank you for sharing this!!

  • Toys R Us is such a great toy store. I have never had a bad experience there and find some good deals and savings.

  • This looks like a great birthday club. I will have to sign up my niece.

  • I am not sure if my boys have outgrown this program or not, but I will be sharing with friends that have younger kids. They will definitely enjoy this.

  • I have always meant to sign my kids up for this. Now I have even more reasons to do it!

  • I knew that there was a birthday club but I had no idea that there were perks like this. I need to look into this some more.

  • When my daughter was younger I loved shopping at Toys”R”Us. It’s great that they have the birthday club.

  • Man the more I look the more I find so many stores getting involved with and for the kids! So awesome

  • My son would love this. His birthday is coming up I’ll have to sign up for this!

  • You know, I need to go see if we are still signed up for that. We signed up my Little Man years ago and I can’t remember if I ever signed the girls up

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