
UFO Sighting : Missouri : 4th July 2011

UFO Kansas City

Photo Courtesy of http://thetruthbehindthescenes.wordpress.com

On the 4th of July my family and I were sitting outside shooting off fireworks when we saw an orange ball like the one pictured to the left. We saw it on the horizon to our south traveling the speed of an airplane. The object did not flicker or change colors, it was a constant orange glow until it disappeared into the clouds.

The light was unlike any helicopter or airplane that we have seen at night.

Since May 25th this same orange glow has been reported around the area from many many people. You can see from this website http://thetruthbehindthescenes.wordpress.com/2011/07/04/ufo-in-the-sky-over-kansas-city-mo-july-3-2011/ the posts from other spectators that they saw the same thing. The flying object was flying low enough to the ground that you would expect to hear something from it.. nadda.. nothing was heard and we couldn’t explain this phenomenon.

This was my first experience with an unidentified flying object and though I’m still not sure what I saw I can say that this was definitely a neat thing to witness. I really wish I had thought to take a picture….

Here is a video that someone in the area was able to capture of the same object that we had witnessed:





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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

14 thoughts on “UFO Sighting : Missouri : 4th July 2011

  • Cool! I live in Kansas City but you know, I didn’t hear a word about this! It’s humbling to think there are other beings out there besides us humans.

  • Hi, new follower and just signed up for Monkey Hop Monday! What a weird object! I can’t say I’ve ever seen much in the category of unidentified flying objects, but I have been lucky enough to see a couple shooting stars :)

  • Hi there!
    I’m already following your blog but wanted to stop in and say HI and thanks for linking up in my Friendly Wednesday Blog hop. Stop over tomorrow and link up in our Alexa Blog Ranking hop if you have time!

    Love your spot and I’m off to look around and see what is new!

    Have a super week! xoxo SusieQTpies

  • I saw the UFO being launched from my neighbors yard lol. They are a new type of firework being sold this year works kind of like a hot air balloon. Thought they were UFO’s too until I saw the neighbor launch some.

  • Found you from a hop! SO glad I did. Your family is darling and your blog is fun! Best wishes!

  • Hi! I’m following you back! I hope that’s not a UFO! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  • Now that is super cool! I’m going to show it to my kids!

  • Newest followere from the Monkey Hop Monday!
    What a neat experience!

  • Thanks for co-hosting this bloghop! Bocci’s Beefs is a long-time Follower of your blog, but just followed you on newtworked blogs and FB.
    Hop over to Bocci’s Beefs when you get a chance-we love to have you as an official follower of our blog, Newtorked blogs, FB and Twitter! Thanks!

  • How creepy yet cool! We get alot of strange lights around here that flicker and stay in the same spot, then all the sudden disappear. You got such a good video of it!

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