
VTech Innotab 2 Learning App Tablet for Kids

Innotab 2 tablet for kids

Since starting speech therapy with my two children, there is one thing I have learned. Children don’t need toys with batteries to be entertained. In fact, some of the most engaging toys are simple toys that are made with items around your house.

But even with simple toys, there comes a time when an electronic toy can be beneficial. Such as the Innotab 2 from VTech. Our children are surrounded by technology and there just isn’t a way around it, unless you lock your child in a room until they are 18.

Andrew is about to turn 5 years old and he is very much in tune with mommy’s tablet. Not so good news for mommy…

So thankfully, VTech has released the Innotab 2 as the latest and greatest of tablets made just for kids!

kid playing video games

Some of the cool features of the Innotab 2:

  • Comes with a 5” touch screen, that has a tilt sensor and even swipe technology!
  • A rotatable camera, because you know how hard it is to take pictures of yourself.
  • Video recorder to capture those memories of playing with their friends.
  • Personalization: Including their own user name, avatar, voice greetings and even photo wallpaper for the background
  • MP3 Player to jam out while playing house with their friends
  • E-Reader to catch up with their favorite books in the car
  • Art Studio to color their creativity

And the list goes on!

digital camera for kids

The VTech Innotab 2 is the perfect solution to car ride entertainment, doctor’s office entertainment, waiting for mommy to finish with Andrea entertainment, and whenever I need to unglue his fingers from my tablet.

I’m really impressed with the technology that is built into the Innotab 2, it’s come a long way from the original version released last year. The casing is durable so if my 5 year old drops it, my stomach no longer drops into my mouth.

When Andrew plays with his Innotab 2, the most popular feature seems to be the camera. He loves taking digital pictures of himself, and his friends. It’s great that he can capture his own memories and I don’t have to worry about my tablet filling up with pictures of the ceiling!

Andrew has been very engaged with the Innotab 2 and what’s exciting for me is that he hasn’t even gotten into the extra apps, there are over 200 of them available! With the 2GB onboard memory and the expandable SD card slot, we can keep adding new apps to the Innotab 2 and Andrew will have new enjoyment anytime.

Check out the available apps, e-books, and accessories for the Innotab 2 at the VTech Website

Buy It!

The Innotab 2 can be purchased at Amazon.com or a store near you

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for VTech. I received product samples to facilitate my review.



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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

4 thoughts on “VTech Innotab 2 Learning App Tablet for Kids

  • This is really interesting. I like that it is so durable. I think the camera would be my son’s favorite feature too.

  • I’m always so amazed how young the kids are who can handle the latest technology better then me. lol I love that this has a decent sized screen and it’s so durable.Great review.
    Carol L.

  • Nice features, V-Tech puts together some nice products. When my kids were a bit younger they had the play system for the TV and the little handheld game. I like it because most of the games we had were educational. Now they play the Wii….not so educational!

  • The kids always want to play with my iPad, so I know they’d love to have a tablet of their own. I think that it’s really neat the VTech comes with a camera and video recorder. Thanks for the review.

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