
Weekly Weigh In | Week 10 | #NSNation


weeklyweighin_thumb34_thumb_thumb_thThis is the end of week 10 on Nutrisystem!

Hey everyone! Not a whole lot to report this week…

After my weigh in last week I made a goal to try and cut down my soda pop (diet of course) intake and increase my water intake. I have a little addiction with soda pop and shamefully I drink around 3-4 cans a day.

SO this week I have met a mini goal and cut myself down to 1-2 cans of soda pop a day and switched out the other two with glasses of water. This is big for me!

I have noticed specially with this week that when I cut down my soda pop intake and replace it with water I don’t crave other things such as sweets so much. Of course this could have just been a fluke, I’m willing to roll with it and see what continues to happen.


<— See This? This is the Chicken Fajita Melt from the frozen selection and my new favorite! I decided to give it a try this week and I’m so glad I did.. Super yum Smile

Okay, so I will be honest that I totally rocked it this week and I feel great about my choices.

Are you ready for what happened with my weigh in?

I weighed in Friday morning at 209.6 Lbs… This is a –0.6 Lbs loss this week. This is a journey, not a race (I keep telling myself and so does my awesome Nutrisystem support) so I’m not going to be upset over a tiny loss, I’m going to be happy that it was a loss  and not a gain!

Total Loss 3.8 Lbs. 9 Weeks
Day 1 -0.0 Lbs 214.0 Lbs
Week 1 -5.8 Lbs 208.2 Lbs
Week 2 -0.2 Lbs 208.0 Lbs
Week 3 -2.0 Lbs 206.0 Lbs
Week 4 +5.4 Lbs 211.4 Lbs
Week 5 -2.6 Lbs 208.8 Lbs
Week 6 208.8 Lbs
Week 7 -1.8 Lbs 207.0 Lbs
Week 8 +5.0 Lbs 212.0 Lbs
Week 9 -1.8 Lbs 210.2 Lbs
Week 10 -0.6 Lbs 209.6 Lbs

Friday is weigh in day for Nutrisystem buddies!!

Make sure to drop in and visit:

Brett at This Mama Loves Her Bargains

Xenia from Thanks Mail Carrier

Heather from OurKidsMom

and Carmen from Closer to Lucy

and cheer them on!

Would you like to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem, too? Visit Nutrisystem for news and special offers today or call 888-853-4689.

DISCLOSURE: This post was written by me and was not edited by anyone. The opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own and have not been influenced in any way. Nutrisystem is providing their food and program to me/us free of charge for my weekly updates. I was not compensated for writing this post. Your experiences with the product may differ. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

7 thoughts on “Weekly Weigh In | Week 10 | #NSNation

  • diet pop is my weakness but my problem is that i cant stop eating my husbands food, incredible cook.

  • Congrats on the weight loss.

  • Good way to think about it you still had a loss

  • I cut soda out of my diet a few years ago. We will still buy it maybe once every two months, but it is not something we get anymore. We are addicted to milk. We joke with the cashier at the store when we buy our “six-pack” every other day.

  • Congratulations on your success. Way to go on dropping some of the diet soda. When I started my diet, that was one of the best things I did. It was also the hardest. One of the things I did that you might want to try was switching from diet soda to home brewed iced tea. I added sweetleaf stevia drops to it, and it was amazing, and totally helped me get over the soda craving. I also made homemade lemonade and added vanilla sweetleaf stevia drops to that. Just a suggestion. :) You are doing a great job! You are on your way to a well-earned victory.

  • It’s a journey…and it’s a wise one to be on. I cannot say enough good things about Nutrisystem. I love the food and really find that I’m kinda stuffed if I eat everything I’m supposed to each day. Here’s to your continued success!!!

    Kristin :)

  • Cutting down on soda is HUGE! That is a whole lot of sodium that you are cutting out. Good for you!

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