
What Does Your Baby Monitor Do For You? Baby Safety Month

baby monitor

After baby clothes, baby monitors were ranked as the most important baby product from a recent Baby Safety Month survey by VTech.

I was such a worry wort about SIDS and the baby monitor for me, was a non negotiable baby purchase.

When I was pregnant with both of my children, we purchased a baby monitor for their nursery. It was the basic run of the mill color baby monitor and allowed us to peek in on our children.

There were things that my old baby monitor didn’t do and wished that it did:

  • I always worried about how hot or cold it was in my baby’s room and wanted to see what the temperature was.
  • Often there were times that I wanted to speak into the monitor and reassure baby without stimulating them with my presence.
  • My biggest draw back was the loud “White Noise” that the monitor gave through the parent’s receiver. baby monitor camera

Recently, I teamed up with VTech as a brand ambassador and received the VTech Safe & Sound baby monitor for review. Though Andrea is 24 months, she is still in a crib and I still seek the sense of security knowing that she is okay while the door is closed.

Here are some the great features that I found to be helpful for my family:

  • Temperature Sensor : From the display, I can see the temperature of my baby’s room. Alarms can also be set to notify you if the room gets too hot or too cold.
  • Talk Back Intercom System : When Andrea is playing around or needs something, I can remotely talk to her through the parent’s unit and it will play from the camera in her room.
  • Zoom : From the Parent’s unit, I can push the zoom button to get a little closer view.


color baby monitor

When Andrea was little we lived with the baby monitor in our room during the night. One of our biggest complaints was having to listen to the monitor and the white noise that it gave off during the night. The VTech Safe & Sound Baby Monitor has awesome sound alert features and the best part for me is silence during the night, and not hearing anything from the baby monitor unless there is sound coming from your baby. 


Last year, our furnace went out and when we woke up in the morning, our house was in the low 60’s. In the baby’s room I’m sure it was even colder with the doors being shut. We were so lucky that Andrea was dressed warmly and she was unaffected by the situation. Since that event, I have been very paranoid about the temperature in her room. I absolutely love the temperature sensor feature on the VTech Safe & Sound baby monitor, it allows me to program the temperatures for her room so in the case that our furnace goes out again we will be alerted when the monitor reaches the low temperature that I set.

I really enjoy the features that are included with the VTech Safe & Sound Baby Monitor and for the price of $129, this is a great value. For the peace of mind of what is going on behind your baby’s closed door, this is one purchase I would recommend to all of my mommy friends.

Check out what other mommies had to say in the Baby Safety Month Survey from VTech!

Shop the VTech Safe & Sound Baby Monitor Website

I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by MomCentral Consulting on behalf of VTech and received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

5 thoughts on “What Does Your Baby Monitor Do For You? Baby Safety Month

  • The technology these days is just crazy, I wonder what my Grandma would think! We just had one for sound when our kids were growing up but I don’t think I even needed it. I slept so lightly that I heard everything. My wife on the other hand slept like a rock, probably from the fact that our sons would hang on her all day long in one form or another.

  • i didn’t understand how awesome video monitors were until i had one. we never had one with our first just the second two. its a must have in my experience!

  • We have this monitor and LOVE LOVE LOVE it! One of my favorite features for OLDER children is the ability to TALK TO THEM through the monitor. Scares the beejeepers out of them when they are caught doing something wrong. It’s nice to watch them playing and make sure they are being safe and not jumping off loft beds or something dumb like that :).

  • Wow I love that monitor! I had no idea there was one out there that kept track of the temp, that is so awesome! I’d love the intercom too, that would be a great feature to have. Thanks for the review.

  • I’ve definitely been considering a video monitor since we’ve moved to a bigger house. It just seems like a great investment, and I love that this one even has a temperature sensor! Thanks so much for sharing your review …I won’t buy one unless I hear good things, so VTech is on my list now for sure! :)

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