
Buy.com Is Your Back To School Headquarters


From Elementary School, Middle School, High School to College, Buy.com has everything you need to make your school supply shopping easy and painless as possible.

Buy.com Makes School Supply Shopping Easy and Painless!

Many parents have already begun their school supply shopping and many are waiting until the last minute.. there are those who are excited and those who dread the coming weeks.

When Andrew starts school next year I’m sure I will be one who is excited!

Buy.com has designed a Back To School store for all parents, teachers and students, making the school supply shopping process as painless and easy as possible. You will be able to find everything on your list for all grade levels, Elementary up to College. Why go driving around from store to store looking for specific brands that either the school is requiring or your child is begging for?

And Teachers! Buy.com hasn’t forgotten about you! Stop by and shop for everything you need in the classroom, maps bookshelves, dry erase markers and more!

Shopping online is easy to do, but in my mind the hardest thing about shopping online is dealing with the shipping and return policies. For additional Back To School savings Buy.com is offering free shipping on over 2.6 million products! Other products will ship for free on orders over $25.. then for the kicker and peace of mind.

Buy.com will offer 45 days for product returns, no restocking fees.. can’t beat that when you compare it to the standard 30 day return policy in the stores.

Buy It:

Check out their Back To School Selection and get what you need for your school bound kiddos


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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

213 thoughts on “Buy.com Is Your Back To School Headquarters

  • no kids, so no pressure.
    Thanks for the contest.

  • I am an eager beaver. I love to shop!

  • I’m an Eager Beaver.

  • I’ve got pretty much everything already.

  • Yes, but only because money was tight this year.

  • Probably a little of both, there is always something else to buy!

  • My kids are already back in school. I was very eager to get my school shopping done.

  • Am not looking forward to back to school shopping. Dragging my feet.

  • I totally drag my feet….don’t want summer to be over!

  • I’m all set on the school shopping!

  • Those feet are dragging so hard they’re leaving a ditch in my wake.

  • I need all the help I can get. I’d love to win this!!!

  • I’m dragging my feet!

  • I am a eager beaver mine is done :) thanks

  • I shop as the budget allows. So that means it’s an ongoing process. I just can’t afford to get everything at once.

  • I am a eager beaver!

  • Our school started 2 weeks ago, so we had to be ready early. :) I try to get stuff ahead of time. I love school shopping for the kids.

  • great giveaway . just wanna thank bloggers like you for doing nice things like this

  • Definitely dragging my feet. I always do.

  • We have already completed all our school shopping

  • I just got my back to school shopping done today. So I did procrastinate some.

  • I admit I am an Eager Beaver, I love buying things for my kids! New clothes, shoes and school supplies, SO much fun!

  • We were done by the first week of August.

  • I love buy.com great giveaway thank you

  • It’s done, but I wouldn’t call myself an Eager Beaver. It was more last minute but made the deadline.


  • I got it done really early and fast.


  • I loathe back to school shopping so I tend to do it early, pay more and avoid the crowds!

  • I WAS an eager beaver but now I’m dragging my feet on the rest of the shopping.

  • Dragging my feet and running out of time

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  • I always start back to school shopping early but I also go when it is a tax free holiday so I can save tons of money!

  • I have it all done, only because the kiddos were driving me crazy until it was done

  • Am finished with back to school shopping for my family but would still like to donate to some of the groups providing for more needy kids.

  • Back to school shopping is the best! Love new supplies and such.

  • I hate back to school shopping, I like back to school though! lol


  • Not so much dragging is we just ran out of time and money before school started this year.

  • thanks for the chance to win!

  • We homeschool. So, we don’t have any back-to-school shopping.

  • Hate the thoughts of ‘back to school’

  • I really need some modivation to get moving, not only kids back to school mommy is too

  • I love getting all the school supplies so we’ve been doing lots of shopping already


  • I buy supplies early when I catch things really on sale. I stock up so they don’t run out!

  • I love back to school shopping. It gives my daughter ways to express herself.

  • I am an eager beaver. Well with my school stuff, I haven’t gotten my son a backpack yet.

  • Can’t wait for school to start!

  • i want to get it done soon i only got a week.

  • I would love to get some new supplies for work :)
    Loving this!

  • Would love to win, thanks!

  • I always drag my feat, but manage to get everything I or my daughters need before the last moment.

  • dragging my feet….will do it eventually.

  • I like to try and get it done as soon as possible!!

  • I have definitely been dragging my feet. I need to get in gear!!

  • I look for sales early on back to school.

  • being a grandma, doesnt effect me…but my grandkids started school last week and my daughter was running around for new clothes for the kids

  • I like back to school shopping, I visited all the 2nd hand shops that carry name brands and we have a blast matching up outfits

  • i always drag my feet when i comes to shopping soyeppers i am procrastinating.

  • I always start back to school shopping early so I won’t have to be around the crowd trying to get what they need for their kids.

  • Definitely dragging my feet!

  • Im so excited for my little boy to go to prek!

  • not ready for school to start!

  • I hate back to school shopping.

  • I am dragging my feet for back to school shopping.

  • Finished up today. Ready for Monday!

  • Dragging my feet not even sure what is needed yet.

  • back 2 school rocks!

  • summer flew by …

  • Im dragging my feet, with a full time job and lousy finacial aid even buying a backpack is becoming a pain.

  • Dragging my feet!! This summer has gone by way too quickly. I need a few more days of relaxing by the pool.

  • I can’t wait for school to start! I am excited to see how my son reacts to his very first day!

  • I always drag my feet.

  • Eager Beaver. Got back to school shopping done weeks ago!

  • Eager Beaver! I love school!

  • shop early for the sales

  • I love back-to-school shopping!

  • awesome this would be very handy!

  • i pick and choose as we go, we don;t usually go in one big trip

  • i hate back to school shopping. havent even started yet

  • This gift card will come in handy for school next term!

  • I know my nephews are dragging their feet. Oh well! It’s got to be done.

  • i”ve been picking up stuff here and there

  • yes my we moved and my son started school last week and i still haven’t got his school supples goodthing the little ones don’t need anything

  • I run a in home child care center from my house and I love to give back to school suplies to those kids that can’t afford it!

  • I hate school shopping so I drag my feet. The lists are so big that I leave spending more than I thought I would.

  • I am totally on top of it this year, with three kiddos going to school this year, at 3 different schools mind you….I have to be!

  • Eager beaver, here. I like to get it out of the way before the rush :)

  • Gotta love back to school shopping!!

  • I’m an Eager Beaver. …I’ve got almost all of it done.

  • shopping almost done! yay me!

  • I am sooooo dragging my feet with back-to-school shopping for myself. I should be excited, since this is my final year of college, but shopping for school supplies is expensive and overwhelming (as I shop, I think about how crazy this semester will be)!

  • I am definitely dragging my feet! The cost of school supplies is so high. I wish I had started in May.

  • It’s getting to the point that I can’t afford all the things my kids need, prices sure aren’t what they used to be.

  • I got shopping done early when I saw a great sale.

  • I’m dragging my feet, no real reason behind it though, just a procrastinator, thanks

  • I am dragging my feet!

  • I LOVE school shopping but this year I have yet to go. Usually I am right up to date with it but I am so behind this year :P

  • Stores are so crazy right now with all of the back to school madness. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • love back to school shopping!

  • My kids need school supplies so badly! Glue, folders, and my son really needs a new backpack.

  • I’ve tried to stay on top of all the back to school shopping. There are still a few more things that my son needs though.

  • This is a really helpfull giveaway!!! It will really help out parents! I have five kids and every little bit helps!

  • The kids don’t live with my husband and I, but visit us during the summer. We bought them some new clothes for school, but would love to send them some supplies to help them out!

  • I have no kids at home, but grandkids elsewhere. They are done with their back to school!!!

  • I can’t wait for school to start!

  • I am dragging my feet….is summer really over? Already?

  • With my older two I rushed to finish the back to school shopping. My little one though I am falling behind, so sad to see the last to go to school :(

  • I love buy. com!

  • Love back to school

  • I’m an Eager Beaver. I love Back to School shopping!

    supaflychikenpi2 AT gmail DOT com

  • The more painless, the better! Back-to-school shopping is stressful enough the way it is!

  • I am a Eager Beaver when it comes to school shopping, just seems less stress when you get it done as soon as you can.

    ericka082 AT gmail DOT com

  • I can’t wait for school to start – although my child isn’t old enough it will be great to get the bigger kids off the playground!

  • I think I am concidered an eager beaver. Trying to get ahead of the game!!

  • Entering to help a needy family in our community

    I guess you could say dragging feet because they do not have the money to get all of the supplies for all their children.

  • dragging my feet and in denial. class starts later today. :: twitches ::

  • I’m super excited, I love school!

  • no one in school so neither dragging nor eager.
    Thanks for the contest.

  • I was an eager beaver and started before school was out last year

  • Actually I am done shopping for school!

  • Back to school shopping is my absolute FAV! esp. school supplies. There is nothing like a new pack of pencils :)

  • I’m so excited for school to start!!!1

  • im really dragging cause i was waiting for the school to call for when we get to go in an meet the teacher and get a supply list of what they want them to have…

  • I like to back to school shop for my classroom.

  • i teach at my sons’ elementary school and im ready!

  • As a teacher who is already back to school before the students come back, I had to be an eager beaver.

    ashaldridge (at) gmail (dot) com

  • eager for school!

  • I am so not ready..dragging along

  • Eager Beaver – love all the good deals!

  • always love to shop!

  • Back to school shopping is always crazy!!!

  • I’m an eager beaver when it comes to my school supplies! Lol


  • I am so dragging my feet with Back To School Shopping! blahk

  • BACK TO SCHOOL SHOPPING? Who wouldn’t want that?! BACK TO SCHOOL? Er.. Never mind :D

  • dragging feet for sure

  • dragging my feet, still some time left

  • i liked on facebook- alyssa weatherford

    Right now because times are tough i am dragging to go shopping but i have seen some pretty good deals

  • I am totally dragging my feet. We usually wait til the last minute to get the best deals and then buy in bulk so we dont have to pick up anything during the school year.

  • I am an Eager Beaver back to school shopper :)

  • i started to do some of the shopping last week and then i suppose we will finish the rest during the beginning of next week :)

  • I am totally dragging my feet with the back to school shopping!!!! I will be one of those last minute moms running around like crazy!!

  • I’m an Eager Beaver!

  • i’ve already finished most of the school shopping
    brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

  • I know I normally drag my feet – so this year I got it all done throughout the summer – now I can enjoy the last few days without having to go crazy shopping!

    e-mail: lucky02130 (at) gmail (dot) com

  • Dragging my feet.. I like to wait for the best sales!

  • I love any excuse to shop, and back to school is one of the best! I’m an eager beaver! Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  • I like to get it all done early. Thanks for the giveaway.

  • I like shopping but hate spending the money
    jlafount at hotmail dot com

  • I love to go school shopping, something about the new supplies and new clothes makes me happy.

  • I started buying things here and there when I see a good deal

  • I am usually an eager beaver, but the shortage of money is making me drag my feet.

  • Oh no, my daughter, sister, and I are such huge nerds when it comes to books and school/office supply type stuff. Lol. We are all over back to school supply shopping.

  • I’m a procrastination pro so one day I’ll get to shopping for back to school stuff but not today (or tomorrow)

  • We’re dragging our heels for back to school shopping!! This gift card would hopefully help motivate us! :)

  • I am an eager beaver when it comes to back to school supplies. I LOVE shopping in the back to school aisles and buying new crayons and pencils and pens and…..!

  • I’m eager for school to start again

  • I’m dragging my feet because I want to stay in summer mode for as long as possible.
    gfc follower

  • I am so dragging my feet about back to school shopping

  • Of course I’m dragging my feet with back to school….doesn’t everybody? ;-)

  • I am an eager beaver!

  • I am an eager beaver!!!

  • I have been dragging my feet. School starts here Tuesday, and I haven’t bought the first thing. Guess I know what I will be doing this weekend.

  • As someone who stays home all day long and is childfree, I am totally ready for back to school! LOL I am ready to have my quiet days return! LOL

  • I am not even thinking about back to school shopping yet, it is still vacation.

  • Nifty! I love buying back to school stuff!

  • We are watching all the sales and buying a little at a time…so I am kindof dragging my feet, but the kids are eager beavers and can’t wait for school to start. Great giveaway, thanks.

  • Draggin my feet…my little guy starts Kindergarten so I’m not used to this whole back to school thing!

  • dragging my feet – hoping to see some deals to come

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  • We homeschool, so we don’t have any back-to-school shopping to do.

  • I Love to back to school shop and get the kids ready, I am an eager beaver!!!

  • Dragging my feet a little.

  • I am an eager beaver. I love taking my daughter on our back to school day.
    Thanks for the chance.

  • Back to school has always made me an Eager Beaver! Hey I am not June Cleavr :)

  • dragging my feet

  • I am dragging my feet on back to school.

  • I am dragging…………………………………

  • Definitely “dragging my feet”

    amybrown16 (at) insightbb (dot) com

  • I am an eager beaver :) I shop for school supplies year round

    larajarrette at gmail dot com

  • I am all done. I have nothing let to buy.

  • haven’t done much shopping yet, but would like to take advantage of some of the deals

  • Dragging my feet; not looking forward to it!

  • I am dragging my feet

  • i am getting it done early since I am expecting a baby in a few weeks

  • btw, I’m dragging my feet!

  • Thanks for the chance!

  • I adore Back to School time. I’m a sucker for all those fresh clean notebooks and new crayons. carriethegood(at)gmail

  • Dragging my feet and looking out for sales!

  • I’ve already started back to school shopping. I really can’t wait for the kids to go back to school, I want my alone time! So I guess that makes me an eager beaver lol.

  • I’m definitely dragging my feet!

  • I am an eager beaver

  • oh i am sooooo dragging my feet! school starts the 11th, and we havent bought anything except socks and underwear!!! LOL!

  • I am an eager beaver

  • I’m so eager to start my Back To School shopping it’s not even funny. I can’t wait to start up at my new university.

    I’m a junior in college this year. :D

  • I’ve got a really good start. I’ve accumulated the basics, crayons, glue, markers, paper, and backpacks but I’m still working on the back to school clothes!

  • I usually wait for the sales, so in that respect I am a “Feet Dragger”! LOL!

  • i’m a teacher so i jump at all the sales as soon as they happen

  • Can I be a Dragging Beaver? LOL I am slowly getting there, but only about 1/2 done.

  • I’m an eager beaver when it comes to back to school shopping because I like to beat the rush.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  • Dragging my feet!

  • Always drag my feet!

  • I adore BTS shopping!

  • Unfortunately I drag my feet lol

  • Dragging my feet.

  • Definitely an eager beaver – have been scouring the clearance shelves and sales since the last school year ended, so I’m nearly finished with my shopping this time around. Thanks!

  • dragging my feet– hoping for better sales as we closer to the first day!

  • Eager Beaver, back to school shopping for my classroom for the start of the school year is finished. But I will end up buying all year long.

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