
Win a Joovy Bicyoo Balance Bike! Ended



Spring has Sprung and many little ones will be learning to ride a bike!

Which is the way to go? A tricycle or balance bike?

Many people have never heard of a balance bike before..

Balance bikes, quite simply put, introduce the idea of balance before anything else.  The concept is easy: children master balance first, build confidence and then they make the transition to the ‘big kid bike’ because all they need to learn is to pedal! 

Here is a chance for your child to learn with a Joovy Bicycoo!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

138 thoughts on “Win a Joovy Bicyoo Balance Bike! Ended

  • Pingback: Winner Announcement | Booty Buns, Joovy Bicyoo & Peter Cottontail - Mommy of Two Little Monkeys

  • I’d like the pink BicycooBMX Balance Bike

  • Yes, my daughter would love a balance bike!

  • For my grandchild

  • I def need some balance in my life! This would be the sweetest bithday gift and would help
    me get back in shape

  • I just discovered these bikes a couple of weeks ago and think they are fantastic! I would definitely use them.

  • If I had kids I would use a balance bike.

  • Yes, without a doubt!

  • This would be perfect for my son who was a preemie.

  • My youngest is in need of a bike so this would be perfect for her.

  • Yes, I would. I’d love to try it out with my son.

  • I would love to try it/

  • I actually fall into the category of never having heard of a balance bike before your post! And i have to say, i’d absolutely give this a try, i think it’s great!

  • Yes they would love this!

    ptavernie at yahoo dot com

  • Yes, I would use it for my grandson.
    Thanks for the great contest

  • absolutely. Think it is a great way to teach them how to ride a bike

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  • I would use this for my 4 year old.He is scared of falling on his big boy bike and will not try it even though he cries to be lke hs older siblings.Thanks!

  • yes i would

  • Yes, I’d use one. Looks fun!

  • I would use it for my grandson Coleman!

  • I would actually send this to my Godson, since I dont have any children of my own as of yet

  • My nephew will love this!

  • Yes. I would use this for my child.

  • id use this for my niece

  • another great promotion!

  • I love this and would great for my daughter learning to ride this yr. Thanks!

  • I would love to use one for my daughter. =)

  • I would love to use a balance bike for my child!

    -Ashley Marie Morrissey

  • Yes I would

  • YES! Now if only i could convince my husband that our son needs one more ride-on… though he knows a balance bike is on my short wish list.

  • yes i had never even heard about a balance bike i like the idea of it

  • Yes! This would be perfect for my little one! Thanks for the chance. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  • I would do it!!! I think the green BMX would be cool!!!

  • Yes, I would.

  • I would love to have this. Thanks!!

  • My son got a bike for christmas and gets frustrated because he cant ride it yet. This would help him alot.

  • Yes I would.

  • I think that sounds like a great idea! I’d try it for sure!

  • Yes I would use one for my daughter. I think it would help.

  • Yes I would :)

  • I would most definitely use a balance bike for my granddaughter

  • How neat!! Too cool!!

  • Yes!!!!!!!!!!!

  • of course, i think my daughter would love it!

  • Yes! My little boy is ready to learn to ride a bike but not quite ready to pedal yet.

  • Yes!

  • Yes! I would love it for my son!

  • Yes, I will definitely go the ‘balance bike’ route with my 2 year old!

  • I am looking to get on for my 2.5 year old son! I think they are a great way for kids to learn to ride a bike!

  • Id definitely try it out, especially if it will help my daughter learn to balance on a bike.

  • I sure would! He would love it too!

  • My dad introduced me to these types of things a few years ago. I would totally love to teach my kids on this, instead of training wheels! So absolutely, I would use one for my kids.

  • YES!!!! We have one for our son and would love one for our litle girl!

  • Definitely!

  • Of course I would use one for my daughter.

  • Yeah, this sounds like a great product!

  • I would definitely use

  • yes for my daughter

  • Absolutely! I think it’s a great idea. Much better than training wheels.

  • I would use a balance bike. It is a smart idea!

  • yes

  • Definitely!

  • I would give this to our son.

  • Yes, I would use the bike for my little one. She’s been quite scared of the little bike she has. Maybe this would help her out.


  • I think it would be a great pre-bike for my little grandson.

  • Definately! Let me tell you first hand that they’re wonderful! My little 3 year old nephew has one and loves it! He will spend hours riding this given the chance and I would love to have my son to have the same opportunity!

  • yes i think my son would love it

  • Definitely! My grandson would love this!!!

  • We would definitley use the balance bike for my daughter
    luckyseattlemom at gmail dot com

  • I would definitely use this bike, thanks for the chance

  • yes

  • yes think this is a great idea
    vmkids3 at msn dot com


  • This would be great for my 2 year old daughter to learn to ride!

  • What a cool concept!! I have never seen these before so neat

  • yes, of course :)

  • Sure, this looks like it could be a good idea.

  • sure looks great!

  • I sure would! I wish they existed when I was younger… I remember being terrified.

  • I would use this for my grandson. We are working on my bike riding now and this would help.

  • love this for my nephew and yes he would use it

  • Oh I would love to use it for Carter!

  • My two year old would love this!

  • I would!

  • Yes, I would use a balance bike

  • Yes, I’d use a balance bike for my child.

  • i would give it to a family friend. Thank you

  • I would love to use a balance bike with my son!

  • This would be beneficial… second daughter would use it…

  • I sure would use one.

  • My daughter would love this!

  • I certainly would use one! I have used one before actually. :)

  • I would definitely use for my grandkids

  • Yes I would

  • Yes I would use a balance bike

  • absolutely I think he’ll love it

  • Yes, I would use it. I think it’s a great learning tool. Thanks!


  • Yes, my nephew is so ready for this!

  • I plan to get my daughter a balance bike this year!

  • I would!


  • i accidentally didn’t answer the last question on the form-i’d like the joovy black bike

  • i’d have my little guy use one

  • Would you use a balance bike for your child?

    no choldren..probably for a gift

  • of course i would!

  • Yes I would use one.

  • I’ve been looking for one of these for my son’s 3rd bday. Would love this!

  • I would definitely use one. I have actually been looking for one for my almost 3 year old son. I love this one!

  • I would love this for my daughter. ngiraldi at gmail dot com

  • I would definitely use this! I had never heard of it before, but now I think it is the way to go!

  • I have five little ones who would love this!

  • What a wonderful way for a child to learn to ride a bike. I would love for my daughter.

  • Yes, my grandson would love it!

  • I would love this for my nephew. He has some learning disabilities and I believe this would help him tremendously :)

  • My daughter cld def use it

  • my grandson would adore it seeing as his balance is not so good

  • Most definitely !

  • my son would love this@

  • YES!!! Been wanting to buy one for my 3 year old.

  • I would love a balance bike for my son. We visited a friend with one and he was too little to really use it but still was in love with it. I had to help him ride it the entire time we were there. Now that his legs are a little longer he would love this!

  • Yes, yes, YES!!! I was just looking into getting one of these for my little guy this spring.

  • I think this is a great idea for teaching kids how to ride a bike! I would definetly use one!

  • I would definitely use this bike for my kids!

  • I certainly would use one! I know she’s too little right now but as crazy daredevil as she is I’m sure as soon as her legs are long enough she’d be up for it.

  • My 6 year old is terrified to learn to ride a bike so I would love to try this for her

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