
Wordless Wednesday | Engineer in the Making

hot wheels city

This is my little engineer in the making.

Loves to build cities of hot wheels on his bed and isn’t ashamed to do it in his Santa pajamas :)

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Hi! I’m Amanda, a Kansas City Lifestyle Blogger and proud mom of two little ones. I’m passionate about sharing my love for travel, fitness, and baking, all while navigating life’s adventures. When I’m not exploring new places or trying out a recipe, you’ll likely find me geeking out on social media trends or finding inspiration in the everyday.

20 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday | Engineer in the Making

  • how cute

  • To cute! Looks like he’s ready to crash. Engineering is a great career field, isn’t it? Over the past few years I’m not sure which are good and which are not. Haha
    Gladys P
    sps1113 at yahoo dot com

  • I thought my daughter was the only kid that likes to do this! She organizes EVERYTHING toy related! This goes here and that goes there and “you better not move it”! Please note that this does NOT apply to shoes, clothes, blankets or anything non-toy related.

  • LOL – My brother used to line up all his Matchbox cars in exactly the same way. We shared a duplex years later while in our 20s, and he STILL had all the cars, lined up along a shelf so perfectly — but covered in a thick layer of dust! (Sister came to the rescue with a vacuuum.) He is very mechanical and orderly, but obviously not much of a housekeeper! :)

  • Oh my goodness, this picture brings back memories of my son when he was 4 years old. He lined vehicles up in this manner and then everytime/everyday he wanted to take a picture of what he called his “collection”. Cute story : when he was 3 1/2 yrs old – while we were travelling in our van – he said “OMG I can’t believe my eyes”. My husband and I said what is it Evan ? He countered there are two hummers on the road. My little CAR FAN. lol

    eva urban

  • I love this picture! It reminds me of my son. They sure do love those cars. What a cutie

  • Oh I love it! What a very organized little guy you have.

  • My grandson will make the longest line of little cars, trucks, etc and will place them from large to small… and he’s only 2. Should I be worried? LOL He likes to organize. I guess that’s a good thing?!

  • awwww that would be so great if he became an engineer! you can show him this pic when he’s older!

  • He will make an amazing engineer!

  • Love your kids, they are so cute! I could use some of his organization at my house. :)

  • Our boys would get along well! I always say that my son is going to be an engineer. And hey…he actually wore his Halloween jammies last night! ;-)

  • how cute! my little guy is only 14 months but i can already see him doing that-he LOVES cars and organizing things!

    annae07 at aol dot com

  • So cute! My son loves arranging his cars. It’s so great to see the things they like to do at that age:)

  • the pictures are cute and adorable!. he’s perfect to be a engineer someday

  • He is sweet :) My 2.5 year old is meticulous and enjoys lining up her little toys too! Oh and my father and father-in-law are both engineers, it’s a very good profession for him to go into ;)

  • I think he will make a great engineer when he grows up. He has a great future ahead of him.

  • The kid looks sad while arranging the cars in place, wondering was he sad or just serious?

  • Cute picture! My little guy likes linking up his cars too :)

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